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PTI has become establishment party - PTI Hamid Khan

Will martial law be declared on Thanksgiving?

Yes if there are some people in martial institution at Indian establishments payroll
PTI supports Pakistani establishment not Indian so what's the problem?
THATS OK - BUT Pakistani establishment SUPPORT ?????????????????????

So even PTIs own aren't happy with tabdeeli and believe establishment has taken control of the party.

Of course, we will see damage control and character assassination of Hamid Khan by PTI soon.
If you are against army. If you bark against your own institute and give whatever kahsmir you have to India and live as their laptop only then can be you real pm?
Look at Imran he has zero problem with isi and general Bajwa accompanying . He trust his institutions and his institutions trusts him and this is how we develop.
This traitor was giving army movement news on Indian media channels and advising terrorists where to blow up bombs, he has no credibility. Just as you have utterly lost credibility on this forum so carry on posting this kind of garbage.

If he's a traitor and part of PTI then that makes PTI a traitor party, doesn't it? He's senior vice president of PTI so Imran Khan doesn't agree with your views.

This garbage is said by senior vice president of PTI, are you saying PTI is garbage now?

Oh noes
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So even PTIs own aren't happy with tabdeeli and believe establishment has taken control of the party.

Of course, we will see damage control and character assassination of Hamid Khan by PTI soon.
better than international establishment puppets
If he's a traitor and part of PTI then that makes PTI a traitor party, doesn't it? He's senior vice president of PTI so Imran Khan doesn't agree with your views.

This garage is said by senior vice president of PTI, are you saying PTI is garbage now?

Oh noes

Shameful turn of events.

one can only Sympathize with PTIs run of bad Voodoo.
So even PTIs own aren't happy with tabdeeli and believe establishment has taken control of the party.

So please explain to us why that would be such a bad thing to lament? At least Pakistan no longer has an internal struggle for control and the future path is clearly determined.
If you are against army. If you bark against your own institute and give whatever kahsmir you have to India and live as their laptop only then can be you real pm?
Look at Imran he has zero problem with isi and general Bajwa accompanying . He trust his institutions and his institutions trusts him and this is how we develop.

Why does there have to be two extremes? You either attack the establishment to the delight of enemy or you allow establishment to run the government?

How about a third which is practiced in developed world. The establishment minds its own business which is protecting the borders and serving their country. Military looks better at borders not in President and PM House.

They're skilled at killing people not economy and governmental issues.
Reis Erdo’an reached this stage of “Deep State + Deep Nation = We are the State” after 14 years surviving coups, assassination attempts, media blitzes, financial warfare, constant insurgencies etc!!! IK has reached at this level within the first year of being in the power!!!!!
If he's a traitor and part of PTI then that makes PTI a traitor party, doesn't it? He's senior vice president of PTI so Imran Khan doesn't agree with your views.

This garbage is said by senior vice president of PTI, are you saying PTI is garbage now?

Oh noes

Ooops, assumed it was that scum Hamid Mir.

Any video of him making this statement? We know the media houses spitting out a lot of fake news.
Ooops, assumed it was that scum Hamid Mir.

Any video of him making this statement? We know the media houses spitting out a lot of fake news.

Samaa took down the interview (not sure why)


Soon others will this is what media does. Spread fake news and then say sorry ghalti se mishtake hogaya.

If it was fake news then why did PTI had to give a statement.

And why didn't Hamid Khan scream fake news?
If it was fake news then why did PTI had to give a statement.

And why didn't Hamid Khan scream fake news?

nevertheless PEMRA can ban Samaa TV for publishing fake news.

just when trump praised pakistani media. this awful episode
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