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PTI Exposed and Owned


Nov 1, 2010
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United States
Marvi Memon on roll, Blasts PTI:

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Kudos to Marvi, extacly my view on PTI
no one should mess with Marvi, she is the most respected Politician in Pakistan, and she is capable of putting anyone in their place.
Kudos to Marvi, extacly my view on PTI
no one should mess with Marvi, she is the most respected Politician in Pakistan, and she is capable of putting anyone in their place.

Cant say for everyone but for sure she makes you put the lotion at the right place.
PTI talks about change. Zakat chor aka ilzam khan talks about a new leadership that will bring the change. PTI leadership contains rotten politicians and thugs from different political parties. Truth is they are not going to win the elections because a real voter only comes out on election day. All the PTI hype we see on facebook and internet comes from those cute little mummy daddy burger bachay that are excited to see their favorite cricketer in action. Ilzam khan needs to stop gambling the zakat money..
PTI talks about change. Zakat chor aka ilzam khan talks about a new leadership that will bring the change. PTI leadership contains rotten politicians and thugs from different political parties. Truth is they are not going to win the elections because a real voter only comes out on election day. All the PTI hype we see on facebook and internet comes from those cute little mummy daddy burger bachay that are excited to see their favorite cricketer in action. Ilzam khan needs to stop gambling the zakat money..

Give me one evidence for Zakat chori i will never support IK. And i will give u evidence against NS will u stop supporting PML-N ? and about hype on facebook bhai jan PML.N is using all sources of goverment to beat IK on sosial media. Copy cat league

and buy burnol since u ppl need it badly here is more burnol stuff for u. And look at jahil noora league supports who cant even respect a older women. THUGS

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