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PTI Azam Swati aggressive Media Talk in Lahore, Dil of Pakistan | Against General Bajwa, Agencies and Destruction of Lawyers by Agencies


Nov 1, 2010
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United States
PTI Azam Swati aggressive Conference in Lahore | Against General Bajwa, Agencies and Destruction of Lawyers by Agencies

The pimps in GHQ have taken an oath of not to let Pakistan to ever succeed,
they have broken Pakistan once and it loooks like they want to break Pakistan
When wasn't he? He just showed some restraint after the release.
Politically, it is just killer's instinct. Keep pressurizing estb while one can.
He has a right to be angry too. Although one can disagree with the timing and political ramifications etc but we are not in his position. The guy has been wronged so much, he is fighting his own fight more than Imran khan's now, I would say.
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This is our country and belongs to all of us. No sane person is against the Army /ISI other then the treacherous sold out with colourful character generals who think they are above the law. Their job specification is to uphold the constitution not to alter it to suit themselves, defend the country not to take the country hostage, keep stock of the equipment and ammunition not the accounts in their off shore accounts. The same people who pay taxes for these brat's wages and privileges are looked down by these ignorant few thinking they are somehow superior and above them. The same stick they are using on common people must be used to put them on line and once for all nailed them down to their oath.
He is a stupid moron.

What makes you say "stupid" & "moron" to an experienced politician, a 75 year old senator, a senior citizen / tax payer of the country when All he is saying is about his rights, law & constitution.
Whatever you may think of him, he is trillion times better then boot lickers and those who cross their constitutional limits and bulldoze the rights of pakistani citizens.

He is doing, what every Patriotic Pakistani must do. To raise voice for their rights. Its upto us, do we want to be grouped together with likes of Myanmar, few african banana republics or we finally are ready to discipline our military and put it at its place that is below law. Quad-e-azam had said that armed forces are servants of the citizens. People like you would have used same choice of words for him too ?
actually this was the image which made army veterans and public angry. Pakistanis are so happy making Army angry and humiliated.

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