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Featured PT Dirgantara Indonesia reveals its first MALE UAV prototype

From January 18, 2018

'High' Collaboration in UAVsJanuary 18, 2018

According to Indonesian newspaper The Jakarta Post, aircraft company PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) is collaborating with Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) to produce unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), which are capable of flying at a maximum height of 40,000 feet.

Arie Wibowo, director of production at PTDI, told Jane’s on 18 January that the development programme would be based on the design of TAI’s MALE Anka UAV.

The UAV project is expected to be completed within one to three years. PTDI and TAI also plan to develop PTDI’s CN-235 and N219 aircraft.

Short URL : http://c4news.me/e/uFfPS


According to the information given by HARZEMŞAH, one of the respected members of Turkish defense industry forums:
"TAI's first technology transfer to Indonesia has emerged . Indonesia introduced its ANKA-based UAV "Elang Hitam / Black Eagle". This will be followed soon by the ANKA-Aksungur-based twin engine UAV."
link: https://sadfor.savtera.org/index.php?topic=827.msg72609;topicseen#msg72609
From January 18, 2018

'High' Collaboration in UAVsJanuary 18, 2018

According to Indonesian newspaper The Jakarta Post, aircraft company PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) is collaborating with Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) to produce unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), which are capable of flying at a maximum height of 40,000 feet.

Arie Wibowo, director of production at PTDI, told Jane’s on 18 January that the development programme would be based on the design of TAI’s MALE Anka UAV.

The UAV project is expected to be completed within one to three years. PTDI and TAI also plan to develop PTDI’s CN-235 and N219 aircraft.

Short URL : http://c4news.me/e/uFfPS


According to the information given by HARZEMŞAH, one of the respected members of Turkish defense industry forums:
"TAI's first technology transfer to Indonesia has emerged . Indonesia introduced its ANKA-based UAV "Elang Hitam / Black Eagle". This will be followed soon by the ANKA-Aksungur-based twin engine UAV."
link: https://sadfor.savtera.org/index.php?topic=827.msg72609;topicseen#msg72609

That PTDI statement is talking about program that might happen in the future that maybe based on Turkish TAI proposal to PTDI. The truth is the program is not materialized and Indonesia has already developed their own MALE UAV far before that statement coming out. The preliminary design has been started in 2016. I will post and translate the program history right from BPPT official website after this post. It will be too long if I posted it in this particular post.

This MALE UAV program is also lead by BPPT (Government Research Agency), not PTDI although PTDI also contribute on the program.

According to the information given by HARZEMŞAH, one of the respected members of Turkish defense industry forums:
"TAI's first technology transfer to Indonesia has emerged . Indonesia introduced its ANKA-based UAV "Elang Hitam / Black Eagle". This will be followed soon by the ANKA-Aksungur-based twin engine UAV."https://sadfor.savtera.org/index.php?topic=827.msg72609;topicseen#msg72609

LOL man, how come you believe with Harsemsah statement who is just a Turkish fan boy and he give no prove on his claim. If any Turkish contribution ever happen of course BPPT and PTDI will talk about it during the rolling out ceremony or in any news talking about this program since 2016.

The fact is Anka MALE and your latest TAI MALE UAV use BPPT expertise in design testing since 2008 until 2018. It is clearly stated by TAI high ranking official in Turkish respected publication. https://www.aa.com.tr/id/dunia/tai-perkuat-kerja-sama-pengujian-uav-dengan-bppt/1279558


Google translate

TAI strengthens cooperation for UAV Testing with BPPT

The collaboration began during the development of ANKA's unmanned aircraft vehicle (UAV) in 2008
İqbal Musyaffa | 12.10.2018

Turkish aerospace company, Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) paid a visit to the Technology Assessment and Application Agency (BPPT) in Serpong, South Tangerang on Thursday, to strengthen cooperation.

The visit marked the 10th year of cooperation between the companies and institutions of the two countries.

TAI Vice President Corporate Marketing and Communication Tamer Ozmen told Anadolu Agency that the cooperation between the two parties has been ongoing since 2008.

"The collaboration began when the ANKA unmanned aircraft vehicle (UAV) was developed," Tamer said.

At that time, TAI conducted a wind tunnel test for ANKA UAV at the Indonesian Low Speed Tunnel (ILST) owned by the Center for Aerodynamic Technology, Aerospace, and Aerospace (BBTA3) BPPT.

ANKA is a medium altitude long endurance (MALE) unmanned aircraft (UAV) developed by TAI. The test is to obtain data on the aerodynamic characteristics of the UAV.

Then, Tamer explained the second test conducted by TAI at BBTA3 for other ANKA variants including SATCOM variants from April to May 2015.

This test is to obtain data related to the effects of deformation (deformation) of wings, SAR and SATCOM, cameras, winglets, and air inlet in ANKA aerodynamic characteristics.

Subsequently, in April and June 2015 a full scale test was carried out for the wings of the latest generation ANKA. And the fourth test was carried out in October 2017 for all the latest generation ANKA configurations.

"The four wind tunnel tests at ILST have contributed greatly to the development of the ANKA UAV system with superior flight performance and enhanced safety features," Tamer acknowledged.

Tamer asserted that the MALE-class UAV ANKA has a system of intelligence, reconnaissance, surveillance, and attacks for combat that has been tested for internal security in Turkey.

"In addition, ANKA has also been tested for surveillance operations used by various end users in Turkey," Tamer added.

Tamer also said that currently ANKA was ready to serve military missions with various payload configurations needed by the air forces of various countries.

"ANKA has had a mature experience and has flown in Turkey and other countries for anti-terrorism activities as well as land and sea surveillance," said Tamer.

Currently, TAI is also collaborating with BBTA3 for the fifth time in testing the UAV system's payload capacity in ILST to obtain aerodynamic characteristic data for the latest unmanned aircraft being developed by TAI

"We greatly appreciate BPPT's contribution through BBTA3 for the success of the development of our UAV product lineup and this is crucial to maintaining a useful collaboration for years to come," said Tamer.


BPPT of course get valuable information from those testing but Indonesian MALE UAV is 100% designed by Indonesian. And if you look on the design you clearly see significant different just like in the shape of the head and the wings. On ANKA design the wings is put on the upper of fuselage while Indonesian UAV put the wings on the below of fuselage. There may be some similarities since many MALE UAV design from many countries follow basic design of US Predator and Rapier UAV design.


Black Eagle
LOL man, how come you believe with Harsemsah statement who is just a Turkish fan boy and he give no prove on his claim.
The person I'm talking about isn't a fan boy, he's a professional at probably your father's age. He also worked in TAI for years. For nearly 20 years, he has been the intermediary in the leakage of some information about the Turkish defense industry to open sources. What he writes in a closed community usually falls to the press after 3-6 months. This time he provided information in a public forum. You can believe what you want. But I suggest you don't make ridiculous claims about people you don't know. We will soon know if what I wrote above is true. What I don't understand is why it bothers you so much.

The fact is Anka MALE and your latest TAI MALE UAV use BPPT expertise in design testing since 2008 until 2018

TAI used Indonesian institution in Low Speed Tunnel testing facilities, and the UK for high speed tunnel testing in different projects. The measurements provided here was evaluated by TAI ANKA project team and necessary engineering activities were provided by the same team. On this occasion, that can create the opportunity to see the current backlog of Turkey in this area. If Indonesian engineers were involved in the ANKA project, I would be happy to saw so. But as far as we know, such a work package was not given to any Indonesian team.

However, both plants installations (ILST and HSWT) about to complete around 2020 and 21, in TUSAŞ facilities.
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Here is about the drone written directly by BPPT public relation division with source coming from BPPT Director himself. BPPT is a consortium leader of the program.

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BPPT Launches MALE UAV Elang Hitam Prototype
December 30, 2019


BPPT, BANDUNG - Indonesia is now believed to be able to be independent in producing defense equipment, through the role of technology and innovation in the industrial revolution era 4.0.

The government is indeed trying to encourage the implementation of technology in all sectors, including defense.

As a government institution that focuses on the field of technology applied research, the Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT) also takes part in succeeding the ideals of the government.

This innovation in the field of defense was presented through the development of the Nir Awak Aircraft (PUNA) or Drone, the type of Medium Altitude Long Endurance (MALE) or PUNA MALE.

The vehicle which is believed to be able to fly nonstop for 24 hours has multiple UAV control simultaneously (simultaneous).

The concept of the MALE operation is certainly possible to conduct surveillance in maintaining the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia, both in land and sea areas through air monitoring.

This safeguard is also believed to be very efficient and able to minimize the risk of loss of life because it is operated without a pilot.

The Head of BPPT Hammam Riza said that PUNA MALE is an innovation of the nation's children. "MALE Unmanned Aircraft is the result of design, engineering and production of the nation's children," said Hammam, in Bandung, West Java, Monday


In the roll out event held at the PT Dirgantara Indonesia Hangar, Hammam also informed the participants in attendance that the Minister of Technology Research / Head of the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) Bambang PS Brodjonegoro named this PUNA MALE after the name Elang Hitam (Black Hawk) ).

"The Minister strongly supports the downstreaming of PUNA MALE's technology, even though he is very enthusiastic, he even gave the name Elang Hitam," Hammam explained.

The government continues to focus on overseeing state sovereignty but through efficient supervision efforts.

This is done in line with the increasing threats that occur in border areas, as well as other cases such as terrorism, smuggling, piracy, to theft of natural resources (SDA) including illegal logging and illegal fishing.

"The need for efficient air surveillance and greater payload capability and a long range of flying radius continues to be a necessity that must be anticipated," Hammam said.

Hammam then explained that the initiation of the development of PUNA MALE had been started since 2015 by the Balitbang of the Ministry of Defense (Kemhan).

This was marked by an agreement on the design, needs and objectives (DR&O) of PUNA MALE which would be operated by the TNI, specifically the Air Force (AU).

"The design process begins with preliminary design activities, basic design by making twice the wind tunnel model and its test results in 2016 and 2018," explained Hammam.

After that, Hammam said, it was continued with the making of engineering documents and drawings in 2017 through a budget from the Ministry of Defense Balbang and BPPT.

Then in 2017, a joint agreement was formed with the existence of the Unmanned Aircraft Consortium (PTTA MALE).

The members also consist of the Indonesian Ministry of Defense, namely the Directorate General of Pothan and Balitbang, BPPT, the Air Force (Dislitbangau), the Bandung Institute of Technology / ITB (FTMD), SOEs through PT Dirgantara Indonesia (DI) and PT Len Industri.

Then in 2019, the National Aeronautics and Space Agency (LAPAN) enters the consortium.

Hammam reiterated that in 2019 the manufacturing phase will begin through several stages.

"This step begins with the design structure process, the calculation of the Finite Element Method, the creation of 3D drawings and detailed 2D drawings done by BPPT engineers and supervised by PT Dirgantara Indonesia," said Hammam.

Then the process is continued through making tooling, molding, molding and fabrication with the pre-preg process with autoclave.

In addition, in 2019, a Flight Control System (FCS) will also be produced in Spain.

It is planned that the FCS will be integrated in early 2020, on the first PUNA MALE prototype (PM1) that has been made by BPPT engineers and PT Dirgantara Indonesia who have received training to integrate and operate the control system in the prototype made at PT Dirgantara Indonesia.

Hammam said, 2 prototype units will also be made in 2020 which is planned to be flown and test the strength of the structure at BPPT.

As for the process of certifying military products, it starts this year and is expected to have received a type certificate from the Indonesian Ministry of Defense Feasibility (IMAA) by the end of 2021.

The integration of weapons systems on the prototype PUNA MALE will also be carried out starting in 2020 and is expected to also get a certification of military product types in 2023.

Hammam further stressed his hope that the presence of PUNA MALE is able to answer challenges related to the supervision of the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia and able to encourage Indonesia to become a country that not only has superior Human Resources (HR), but also advanced, independent and competitive.

"It is hoped that with this independence PUNA MALE made in Indonesia can fill the needs of the Indonesian Air Force squadron to be able to oversee the territory of the Republic of Indonesia through air rides," concluded Hammam.

Please note, the development of the Drone or PUNA MALE type is indeed one hundred percent carried out by Indonesian children.

PUNA MALE type is planned to be armed with missiles and capable of flying for 24 hours nonstop with a cruising altitude of up to 23,000 ft.

To realize this, the government also formed a consortium consisting of BPPT, Kemhan and the Air Force as users, ITB as a university partner, PT Dirgantara Indonesia as an aircraft manufacturing industry partner, and PT LEN Persero which developed a control and cargo system.

The MALE Combatant flagship program is deliberately designed to strengthen the transfer of key technologies and revitalize the national industries supporting Tier 2, Tier 3 and so on.

The Combat MALE Program is synergized with the ongoing procurement process at the Ministry of Defense, of course, to be able to maximize the benefits of the process.

The estuary is the development of a new defense industry that will have an impact on increasing the movement of the national economy.

The important note in all these processes is related to the Domestic Content Level (TKDN) policy which must be positioned as a strategic policy.

Of course this policy must be carried out consistently to produce key MALE supporting technologies such as Flight Control System technologies capable of Auto Take-Off Auto Landing (ATOL), Mission System, Weapon-platform integration and Composite Technology, Radar SAR, Inertial Navigation System ( INS), Electro-Optics Targeting System (EOTS) and Guidance System.

The key technology was not provided by developed countries, so mastery in supporting industries would have to be pursued on their own.

If the key technology has been mastered, it will be able to Spin Off for application on strategic defense equipment and defense equipment (Alpalhankam).

Regarding Performance of PUNA MALE type:

Operational Radius: 250 km (LOS)

Ceiling: 7200 m

Endurance: up to 30 hours

Aircraft Dimension

Length: 8.30 m

Wing Span: 16 m

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Indonesia reveals armed reconnaissance UAV development programme
Kelvin Wong, Singapore - Jane's International Defence Review
06 January 2020


PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI), a state-owned Indonesian aerospace company, has unveiled the first prototype of an indigenously developed medium-altitude, long-endurance (MALE) unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) to the public at its Bandung headquarters on 30 December.

The strike-capable UAV has been designated Elang Hitam (Black Eagle) and is being developed by a local consortium led by PTDI, comprised of the Indonesian Ministry of Defence (MoD), the Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT), the Indonesian Air Force (TNI-AU), the National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN), as well as other state-owned firms including defence electronics prime PT Len.

According to specifications released by PTDI, the prototype Black Eagle UAV features a 16 m wingspan with an 8.65 m long and 2.6 m high fuselage. The air vehicle adopts a low-wing monoplane configuration that comprises mid-mounted wings and terminates in a V-shaped tail assembly and a rear-mounted engine that drives a two-bladed pusher propeller.

PTDI also stated that the Black Eagle has a maximum take-off weight (MTOW) of 1,300 kg and carry up to 420 kg of fuel. It will be equipped with a 4-stroke engine that produces up to 150 hp, which the company hopes will enable it to attain an operational ceiling of 23,622 ft (7,200 m) and cruise at altitudes between 9,842 and 16,404 ft. Desired cruise and maximum speeds have been stated as between 50 km/h and 180 km/h and up to 235 km/h, respectively.

PTDI also noted that the fully loaded air vehicle - carrying up to 300 kg of mission equipment and/or weapons - will feature a command radius of 250 km and will be capable of taking off from a 700 m-long runway and stay aloft for up to 30 hours when operating at cruise speeds.

Indonesia’s PT Len to develop UAV mission systems
Jon Grevatt, Bangkok - Jane's Defence Industry
03 February 2020

The Indonesian Ministry of Defence (MoD) has signed an agreement with local company PT Len Industri to support the production of mission systems for the country’s indigenously developed Elang Hitam (Black Eagle) medium-altitude, long-endurance (MALE) unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV).

The MoD said the contract, signed on 30 January, will see PT Len Industri develop, produce, and integrate key systems into the strike-capable Elang Hitam UAV by 2023.

The work under the deal, the value of which was not disclosed, includes the “detailed design engineering” of the UAV; “technology acquisition documents” that will outline the technologies needed for mass production; “hardware in the loop” reviews and testing; and production of the UAV’s ground control station.

Jokowi orders local military drone manufacturing to start by 2022
  • Marchio Irfan Gorbiano
    The Jakarta Post
Jakarta / Fri, February 7, 2020 / 09:55 am


A number of invited guests closely examine a full-scale demonstration model of an unmanned aircraft, a medium-altitude long-endurance (MALE) drone, developed by a consortium consisting of several Indonesian organizations. The MALE drone was recently unveiled at a hangar of PT Dirgantara Indonesia in Bandung, West Java. (JP/Arya Dipa)

President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo has expressed a desire to accelerate the local manufacturing of long-range military drones — the first of their kind in the country — to 2022.

The drone, technically known as an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), is to be the first medium-altitude long-endurance (MALE) UAV in the country. State-owned aircraft manufacturer PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) is to manufacture the vehicle's airframe, while state-owned PT Len is to build the military equipment, such as sensors, radar and weapon systems.

Vehicles in the MALE UAV category are designed to fly at altitudes of between 3,000 and 9,000 meters for extended lengths of time.

"Our original plan was to put the drone — we named it Elang Hitam [black eagle] and it will be specifically used for military purposes — into mass production by 2024," Research and Technology Minister Bambang Brodjonegoro said at the Presidential Office in Jakarta after a Cabinet meeting on Thursday.

Read also: Made in Indonesia: First long-range military drone unveiled in Bandung

“But considering the domestic demand, as well as the preparedness of its design and manufacturing process, the President had instructed that [the drone’s mass manufacturing] be moved forward to 2022.”

The drone was jointly designed by the Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology, the National Institute of Aeronautics and Space and the Defense Ministry’s research agency.

Bambang added that Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto and Indonesian Military commander Air Chief Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto had expressed interest for the long-range drones, particularly for operations to secure the country’s borders.

PTDI and PT Len were to originally manufacture five Elang Hitam drones by 2022 before beginning mass production. The first five drones would be prototypes to ensure that the vehicles were in line with the market's demands, Bambang said.

The accelerated development of the drone’s prototype would mean that an investment of Rp 1.1 trillion (US$ 80.51 million) was needed, up from the Rp 800 billion based on the original development plan, the minister said.

The drone is planned to undergo maiden flight at the end of this year. The consortium will try to finish the development before 2024. Three prototypes will be built this year.

Work shared between companies and institutions who are involved on the program.


Mission system being developed by PT LEN Industry.

It is from Ministry of Research twit, so at least it will be quite clear that the engine is Rotax from Austria. The UAV will also be weaponized with missile (rudal).

LOS: 250 km
Endurance: 30 hours
Altitude: 23.000 feets
Speed: 235 km/hour


Based on BPPT website, the drone will also have BLOS capability using satellite.

Look like the engine will be https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotax_915_iS Latest Rotax 4 stroke engine

Design and development
The Rotax 915 iS is a four-cylinder four-stroke, horizontally-opposed, turbocharged, air and liquid-cooled, gasoline engine design, with a mechanical gearbox reduction drive. The turbocharger has a compression ratio of 3.5:1 and the engine will have a critical altitude of 15,000 ft (4,572 m). It employs dual electronically controlled fuel injection, using dual channel Rockwell Collins ECUs, with dual ignition and produces 141 hp (105 kW) for take-off and 135 hp (101 kW) continuous. The engine can produce rated power up to 15,000 ft (4,572 m) and has a ceiling of 23,000 ft (7,010 m).[1][2][6]

The engine is based on the Rotax 912, but differs in that it has fuel injection, a reinforced crankshaft, new pistons, a new gearbox and a turbocharger. Time between overhauls was expected to eventually be raised to 2000 hours with operational experience, but started at 1200 hours.[2][6][7]

The design entered production in the second half of 2017. The European Aviation Safety Agency certified the Rotax 915 iSc3 A on 14 December 2017 and the Rotax 915 iSc3 B on 4 January 2018.[8]
Latest news about this drone is that the first flight will be conducted in January 2021. So it is a delay from previous plan for maiden flight in the end of 2020. We will see if there will be another delay or they really can make this drone fly in January next year, inshaAllah.

The news is in Indonesia which was published in 10 August and the statement is taken from Research Minister. Research Ministry is the one who own the project since most of the funding come from this ministry.


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