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Protestors warn of anarchy if blasphemy law changed

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So these people want to break laws in order to keep a law? Stupidity has just reached another level.

I highly doubt anyone would insult Islam in Pakistan, where you know you could end up paying for it with your life, at the hands of a some self proclaimed "protector" of the faith.

This law has been used by people who had gambling debts to settle, personal scores and a whole host of other things that have nothing to do with faith.
i have a question to those who are opposing it ::
what if western countries implement blasphemy law according to their majority religion which is christanity or other countries where majority is non muslim , how would the ummah feel than ? would it be justified members ?
It's really sad that people are actually protesting. Blasphemy law was made by Zia ***** ]

What do you mean made by Zia? I do not think he made the law. It's a Sharia and he may have implemented the law to safe guard Mohammad(s.a.a.s) from secularist. :undecided:
i have a question to those who are opposing it ::
what if western countries implement blasphemy law according to their majority religion which is christanity or other countries where majority is non muslim , how would the ummah feel than ? would it be justified members ?

I think some western country already got this law in place nevertheless I do not think that Ummah will mind if they have strong law to protect Isha(jesus christ)(s.a.s). At least I would love to see it. :)
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i have a question to those who are opposing it ::
what if western countries implement blasphemy law according to their majority religion which is christanity or other countries where majority is non muslim , how would the ummah feel than ? would it be justified members ?

muslims have no problem is keeping their on religion in respect and not attacking other religions, so no, muslims wont have problem with that,
also,muslims generally acknowledge jesus as a prophet of god

westerns though have some laws regarding jewish holocaust and their laws forbits anybody to speak against holocaust, holocaust criticism is a bad idea there!!
Western nations should implement the following laws.

1 A) All subjects of their nation should consider Jesus to be the last prophet and the son of God. Anyone not following this line of thought and preaching otherwise should be prosecuted under blasphemy and the person should be liable for death if proven guilty.

1 ) Anyone who does not follow the teachings of Christianity and considers Christian prophet Jesus to be one of their prophet is committing a sin (blasphemy) and is liable for death if proven. This is in contradiction with Christian teaching as the other religion does not consider Jesus to be Son of God, this can be a corruptive influence on Christianity.
Western nations should implement the following laws.

1 A) All subjects of their nation should consider Jesus to be the last prophet and the son of God. Anyone not following this line of thought and preaching otherwise should be prosecuted under blasphemy and the person should be liable for death if proven guilty.

1 ) Anyone who does not follow the teachings of Christianity and considers Christian prophet Jesus to be one of their prophet is committing a sin (blasphemy) and is liable for death if proven. This is in contradiction with Christian teaching as the other religion does not consider Jesus to be Son of God, this can be a corruptive influence on Christianity.

Give them some more ideas, but the fact remains the law will be there insha Allah and another law will be passed to prevent abusing this law.

Pakistan came into existence bcoz of islam and no one will get away by abusing our beloved Prophet (PBUH) unpunished doesnot matter how bad or good we normal muslims or our mullah's r. It can be used against me my brother or any other abuser regardless of his religion.

Well here is one lesson in history, the fanatics of India only migrated to Pakistan after the death of Jinnah. For a long period, they were dormant because of their known anti-Pakistan views and they were not very popular in the public arena. Pakistan was not polarized for a long period until Bhutto's regime came into power and when he started to loose support, he initiated a plan to gain the support of mullahs. Later Mard-e-Momin Mard-e-Haq Gen. Zia polarized the nation by ideas of an Islamic state by implementing laws that were detrimental to the nation.

Are you going to have us believe that fanatics from India came over to Pakistan and destroyed its social fabric? Seriously?

Your second comment is more pertinent. The fanaticism and polarization was there, but dormant. Do you believe that all the religious frenzy and emotion, of pictures of persecution and enslavement of muslims in a democratic India whipped up by Jinnah and associates to attain their objective of a nation for a religion, would have suddenly vanished on 14th August 1947. The polarization may have been a means to an end for Jinnah, unfortunately it went out of his control. It is hard to believe that a couple of leaders who were in not too popular could polarize a whole society they themselves grew in. That was Jinnah's undoing, he planted the idea, the tree grew too big.

After all we were the least corrupt and most progressive nation in Asia by the sixties, we had many religions living side by side and we had no polarization then. We were one, had one identity and a very high number of important posts were occupied from members of minorities or small Muslim sects.

Know which was the most industrialized country prior to WWII- Gemany. Point is, economic advancement may happen in a polarized society as well.

He carved a nation for Muslims of the upper north provinces of India, initially it was only meant to be an autonomous province within Federal India but when Ganhdi and Nehru could not offer the required rights to Muslims, Pakistan was made. It was made as a Muslim majority state, it was not an Islamic state, had it been one, it would have been called an Islamic state from day one.

Exactly he carved a nation for muslims, separate from the majority hindus, the muslims had a right to believe it was a homeland of Islam, and believe they do.

The people of Punjab, Afghania, Kashmir, Sindh and Balochistan were demanding a separate state long before Jinnah joined the Muslim league. Jinnah too rebuked Rehmat Ali when this idea was told to him. But the will was there and the one thing that could be used to bring us together was our Muslim identity. Even then some Hindus, Parsis and Christians threw their weight behind the idea of Pakistan because the idea was an attractive one and they enjoyed great years until our coward leaders destroyed our fabric.

Thats what the whole laws and protests are all about still, muslim identity isn't it. People want to believe that Pakistan was built up on muslim identity and so shall it remain, sharia and blasphemy laws are just a manifestation of trying to maintain that muslim identity.

Nonsense, had it been the case then from the very birth of Pakistan, this polarization would have occurred. Pakistan until the late 70's was a peaceful, calm and tolerant place where religion did not matter. You should understand the Pakistan was the nation that was on such an excellent path that nations like South Korea visited us to study our economic model.

Other Muslim nations saw Pakistan as the place where religious minorities were equally as responsible in driving the state forward.

As you said it was dormant, the idea that Paksitan is a nation created for muslims was always there.

These people you are referring to have unfortunately been through an intensive brainwashing campaign started by the late great Mard-e-Momin Mard-e-Haq Gen Zia who made slogans like 'Pakistan ka matlab Kya, La-Illaha-IllAllah' popular and made the populace think that Pakistan was supposed to be an Islamic state. He introduced public lashing, hudood ordinances and many other laws that has left the nation on the verge of social collapse because of the eventual collapse
Did you know that the majority of Pak Muslims were just Shrine visiting privately religious people who did not provoke religion at every step. But the bastardization of our nation led by some third rate leaders has overtime altered the course of our nation.

Though its not all lost, people question our Islamization, they realize that the nation which was on such a good path has been scarred by this Islamization and soon the right authorities too will wake up to this fact and change this nation for the better.

These people you so contemptously dismiss as being brainwashed are the ones that seem to be driving your policies and Pakistan. A law that is simply illogical and holds no place in a civilised society is applicable in Pakistan because the people support it, people obviously believe in the idea that Pakistan is an Islamic state and archaic laws need to be established there to prove it. Blaming it on a couple of leaders is futile, those leaders were supported by masses and their policies still are, its after all the masses that will decide which direction a nation takes. Its a case of existential crisis, Pakistan was promised as a land for muslims by Jinnah, now Pakistanis are out to prove it.
Western nations should implement the following laws.

1 A) All subjects of their nation should consider Jesus to be the last prophet and the son of God. Anyone not following this line of thought and preaching otherwise should be prosecuted under blasphemy and the person should be liable for death if proven guilty.

1 ) Anyone who does not follow the teachings of Christianity and considers Christian prophet Jesus to be one of their prophet is committing a sin (blasphemy) and is liable for death if proven. This is in contradiction with Christian teaching as the other religion does not consider Jesus to be Son of God, this can be a corruptive influence on Christianity.

i think dude u have grossly misunderstood the blasphemy laws...first understand the laws and then talk about it..
The original constitution of Pakistan, not the Zia radicalized version, provided for freedom of all religions in Pakistan. That original document dated from about 1950 or so.

Reading some youthful back and forth makes me sad as I see brainwashed kids who do not understand tolerance and respect for others faith and instead would impose, as in jam down the throat of others "their" version which is based on hate, not love, for mankind if they do not "agree" with their mistaken and ill founded views of religion.

Life is too short to try to control minds and hearts with hate and the excuse of religion...as Islam is not a hateful nor does it teach hate and harm to others. Only the ignorant or mislead folks who are lied to by fake mullahs who are self serving and sell fatwas for a living could say such things.

This is all against the purpose of Paksitan being a struggling democracy and about trying to have a radicalized religiously dictatorial state such as exists in Iran...where young students have been murdered and moderate leaders have been assassinated by the Ayatollah's henchmen and that feeble excuse of a card board president Amadinadjahd.
So these people want to break laws in order to keep a law? Stupidity has just reached another level.

I highly doubt anyone would insult Islam in Pakistan, where you know you could end up paying for it with your life, at the hands of a some self proclaimed "protector" of the faith.

This law has been used by people who had gambling debts to settle, personal scores and a whole host of other things that have nothing to do with faith.

do you knowthe wierd state laws of USA, for which you will think, they dont have no purpose, but yet they are laws and need to be respected, the government doesnt implement the law doesnt mean, the law needs to be removed.. there are other laws which are also misused in the name of power, but do the laws need to removed or to be implemented..???
The original constitution of Pakistan, not the Zia radicalized version, provided for freedom of all religions in Pakistan. That original document dated from about 1950 or so.

Reading some youthful back and forth makes me sad as I see brainwashed kids who do not understand tolerance and respect for others faith and instesad woulld impose, as in jam down the throat of others "their" version which is based on hate, not love, for mankind if they do not "agree" with their mistaken and ill founded views of religion.

This is all against the purpose of Paksitan being a struggling democracy and about trying to have a radicalized religiously dictatorial state such as exists in Iran...where young students have been murdered and moderate leaders have been assisanitated by the Ayatollah's henchmen and that feeble excuse of a card board president Amadinadjahd.

i think your export version hasnt worked in countries like iran, iraq, afghanistan, veitnam, now you have guts to preach yours to us and tell us, we are wrong???

things which are not acccording to US is radicalization,terrorism, exis of evil, blah blah
Yes secularism means separation of religion and state. But my question to you is does this secularism was practiced by, if iam not mistaking your Prophet (pbuh). Did he separated religion from state. If answer is no than DO HELL WITH SECULARISM.

interesting point did the prophet ever practice killing those who insulted him ? actually they tried to do much worse and he still forgave them so by your own logic if we are taking his example we should be saying TO HELL WITH THE BLASPHEMY LAW THEN.
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interesting point did the prophet ever practice killing those who insulted him ? actually they tried to do much worse and he still forgave them so by your own logic if we are taking his example we should be saying TO HELL WITH THE BLASPHEMY LAW THEN.

but its not upto the prophet to forgive this time, for example if somebody insults me i will have the power to forgive him, but if somebody insults my family, my parents, i would like to punish that guy!!
but its not upto the prophet to forgive this time, for example if somebody insults me i will have the power to forgive him, but if somebody insults my family, my parents, i would like to punish that guy!!

hardly any other muslim countries do this so pakistan made up it's own law and made it part of islam ? we never had this blasphemy law before zia and we did just fine why the hell do we need it now ? that in itself is blasphemous you know you can't add MAN MADE LAWS to islam and the holy koran which is considered WORD OF GOD and nowhere does it say you must kill people who are critical of islam.
I am not saying you should insult islam but heres an idea why don't you people try FOLLOWING THE EXAMPLE OF THE PROPHET AND BEING MERCIFUL.
This law has NEVER done any good and NEVER been used justly it's ONLY a tool for the mullahs and feudals-nothing but a weapon for personal disputes they play the blasphemy card whenever they want to hurt a rival esp when its a feud with a non-muslim it's sickening pakistanis are so ignorant and emotional that they are blind to this fact as soon as any hint of a positive change is mentioned with regard to unfair laws they start foaming at the mouth it's pathetic :hitwall:
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