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Protesters in Iran chant "Palestine, Syria, are the causes of our miseries"

To be honest I think the money spent on palestine can be spent somewhere else and get 10 time more result.

I thanked your post.

I should add to your post we need regional influence.
There is no doubt we need regional influence but I doubt we can get that influence by supporting Palestine . I rather we get that influence somewhere that matter for example Egypt ,Pakistan ,Oman ,Lebanon. Or KSA.
To be honest I think the money spent on palestine can be spent somewhere else and get 10 time more result.

There is no doubt we need regional influence but I doubt we can get that influence by supporting Palestine . I rather we get that influence somewhere that matter for example Egypt ,Pakistan ,Oman ,Lebanon. Or KSA.
دوست خودت را نزدیک خودت نگه کن و دشمنت را نزدیکتر .
Why not KSA ? What's wrong with having influence there . after all KSA is the reality of middle east.
By the way if Muhammad bin Salman programs go through then the KSA of tomorrow will be a complete different one from what you see of it today .
It's certain to be a dictatorship but sometimes a dictatorship is something you really need and a democracy is just waste of time. I believe for KSA his kind of dictatorship is actually positive while their current form of dictatorship just hold themselves and lots of other countries in region back.
دوست خودت را نزدیک خودت نگه کن و دشمنت را نزدیکتر .
Why not KSA ? What's wrong with having influence there . after all KSA is the reality of middle east.
By the way if Muhammad bin Salman programs go through then the KSA of tomorrow will be a complete different one from what you see of it today .
It's certain to be a dictatorship but sometimes a dictatorship is something you really need and a democracy is just waste of time. I believe for KSA his kind of dictatorship is actually positive while their current form of dictatorship just hold themselves and lots of other countries in region back.

Do you think Iran could have influence over KSA? If yes, how?
Do you think Iran could have influence over KSA? If yes, how?
Having Influence over some one is a lot different than having influence with someone .
Having influence over someone is just possible if that someone rely on you for its survival .but you have influence with someone when you guys look at the mutual benefit you can have .

By the way hope you were not thinking I was saying we must dictate Pakistan or turkey or Egypt or ... Policies :woot:
Having Influence over some one is a lot different than having influence with someone .
Having influence over someone is just possible if that someone rely on you for its survival .but you have influence with someone when you guys look at the mutual benefit you can have .

I am looking for examples where Iran could have influence over KSA (apart from any influence on KSA's Shia minority which is not what you meant I guess).
Moron dumbass that Palestinians pictures belong to 2012.
I already explained:
1) For 12 years Hamas was sucking billions dollars from the Iranian poor.
2) Then Assad got weak and they immediately betrayed Iran.
3) Then Assad position improved and Hamas came back to Iran to continue suck billions from the Iranian poor.

You can't deal with my arguments so all u can do is report me and cry. Alas I don't live under your regime so u can't jail me. I bet you are a basij informer there.
What Iran has done to Syrians is nothing in comparison to what Iranians have lost from their involvement in Syria.

Thousands of men and women raped by government controlled alawite shabiha and SAA (syrian army). Mass murder of civilians by SAA backed by Russia and Iran, hundreds of thousands of civilians dead. Thousands of orphans made, thousands of innocent children either dead or disabled due to air strikes. Thousands of shia militia recruited from afghanistan and even from Pakistan, sent to Syria by Iran to kill Syrians. The list goes on.

Although I do feel sorry for some of these Iranians. They didn't ask for this war but they'll be hated by the much of Muslim world anyway for the crimes of the Iranian stated committed under ayatollah khamenei's leadership.
Hamas hate Shias more than jews and believe Shias are kuffar
Stop exaggerating. If you are not exaggerating pls show evidence. Shia have helped Hamas succesfully fight Israel. Sunni brothers have never given them that. facts.

I already explained:
1) For 12 years Hamas was sucking billions dollars from the Iranian poor.
As an ISraeli Jew it is normal to expect you to call it "sucking out" but in reality you are conveniently ignoring the fact that the arab, Iranian and muslim masses see value in helping Hamas/Gaza Palestinians. Your trash, their treasure.

2) Then Assad got weak and they immediately betrayed Iran
Its not about Assad getting weak, its about huge popular opinion of Hamas' constituents not liking/supporting Assad, so Hamas did what was logical- adjust to ttheir population's expectations.
3) Then Assad position improved and Hamas came back to Iran to continue suck billions from the Iranian poor.
Iran didnt just allow Hamas return like a foolish useless gold digger. Iran and Hamas renegotiated their "agreement". Who needs who more in their relationship? exactly- Hamas needs Iran more. Iran is not stupid, and Iran made sure Hamas didnt betray Iran's expectations, and it took time for Hamas to accept that, but they finally did.
You can't deal with my arguments so all u can do is report me and cry. Alas I don't live under your regime so u can't jail me. I bet you are a basij informer there.
Have you met @Saif al-Arab ?You really should friend him. i swear to god, you guys are the same exact type of manipulative,fallacy-loving middle easterners. He's just arab and you're jewish. cheers!
Stop exaggerating. If you are not exaggerating pls show evidence. Shia have helped Hamas succesfully fight Israel. Sunni brothers have never given them that. facts.

As an ISraeli Jew it is normal to expect you to call it "sucking out" but in reality you are conveniently ignoring the fact that the arab, Iranian and muslim masses see value in helping Hamas/Gaza Palestinians. Your trash, their treasure.

Its not about Assad getting weak, its about huge popular opinion of Hamas' constituents not liking/supporting Assad, so Hamas did what was logical- adjust to ttheir population's expectations.

Iran didnt just allow Hamas return like a foolish useless gold digger. Iran and Hamas renegotiated their "agreement". Who needs who more in their relationship? exactly- Hamas needs Iran more. Iran is not stupid, and Iran made sure Hamas didnt betray Iran's expectations, and it took time for Hamas to accept that, but they finally did.

Have you met @Saif al-Arab ?You really should friend him. i swear to god, you guys are the same exact type of manipulative,fallacy-loving middle easterners. He's just arab and you're jewish. cheers!

Why is this mentally deranged and "intelligent looking" Nigerian Mullah apologist mentioning me? Did not read his nonsense nor do I care about this thread or topic. The Iranian Mullah regime is going to collapse not far from now anyway. 4 decades of daydreams abroad (100's of billions of dollars wasted) will end and maybe 4 decades of misery and neglect inside Iran as well.
Why is this mentally deranged and "intelligent looking" Nigerian mentioning me? Did not read his nonsense nor do I care about this thread or topic. The Iranian Mullah regime is going to collapse not far from now anyway. 4 decades of daydreams abroad will end and maybe 4 decades of misery and neglect inside Iran as well.
I mentioned you because i think you and @500 should be friends. you are both quite deranged, like 2 sides of the same coin. Offcourse you read my post, stop lying. YOu're just mad Iran, a minority shiite, poorer country than yours has stolen influence from you guys and you cant win 1 proxy war against them.
As an ISraeli Jew it is normal to expect you to call it "sucking out" but in reality you are conveniently ignoring the fact that the arab, Iranian and muslim masses see value in helping Hamas/Gaza Palestinians. Your trash, their treasure.
Really? There was ever a referendum or any free elections wether Iranians want to spend their money on Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis, Assad and other terrorists?

Its not about Assad getting weak, its about huge popular opinion of Hamas' constituents not liking/supporting Assad, so Hamas did what was logical- adjust to ttheir population's expectations.
Of course it is. Once Assad got stronger Hamas returned back to Iran to keep sucking more billions.

Iran didnt just allow Hamas return like a foolish useless gold digger. Iran and Hamas renegotiated their "agreement". Who needs who more in their relationship? exactly- Hamas needs Iran more. Iran is not stupid, and Iran made sure Hamas didnt betray Iran's expectations, and it took time for Hamas to accept that, but they finally did.
Hamas will keep sucking billions from Iran's poor, just as it did before the betrayal.
Really? There was ever a referendum or any free elections wether Iranians want to spend their money on Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis, Assad and other terrorists?
No, its called the authority of government. Does Israeli govt ask Israeli citizens like you for "authorization" to fund islamic rebel groups in Syria? NO. shut up.

Of course it is. Once Assad got stronger Hamas returned back to Iran to keep sucking more billions.
but whats wrong with that? Hamas, like any other government authority noticed their regional envornment had changed and they adjusted to it. I dont see what the issue is.

Hamas will keep sucking billions from Iran's poor, just as it did before the betrayal.
Fallacy detected- "selectively using facts"aka cardstacking fallacy. Even if Hamas sucked billions out of Iran, why say its being sucked out of the poor? why not the rich? why not all Iranians?(which is likely the truth because the money came from everyone's tax money aka govt). Mr 500, Iran has likely not given hamas billions. you are also exaggerating to make your argument here. if Iran had given Hamas billiions, they would be another hezbollah, and we know they are not. stop exaggerating, stop using selective facts, stop distorting facts, and stop using fallacies. From now on i will start dismembering the fallacies you and saif-al arab use in your misleading manipulative arguments. cheers.
No, its called the authority of government. Does Israeli govt ask Israeli citizens like you for "authorization" to fund islamic rebel groups in Syria? NO. shut up.
1) Israel does not fund any rebel group in Syria.
2) Israelis elect their government every 4 years on free elections. Something that does not exists in Iran.

but whats wrong with that? Hamas, like any other government authority noticed their regional envornment had changed and they adjusted to it. I dont see what the issue is.
Iranian people live in poverty and their crazy government is spending billions on foreign terrorists.

Fallacy detected- "selectively using facts"aka cardstacking fallacy. Even if Hamas sucked billions out of Iran, why say its being sucked out of the poor? why not the rich?
Government must help to poor not rich (not talking that richs in Iran are thievs who suck people from poor). But instead helping poor they spend billions to kill Syrians and Israeli kids.

why not all Iranians?
Middle class in Iran is also poor by western standards with huge unemployment.

if Iran had given Hamas billiions, they would be another hezbollah, and we know they are not.
Why not? Hamas killed more Israelis than Hezbollah. The only difference between these two is that Hezbollah has big rockets while Hamas - no. But thats issue of geography not finances.
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