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Protester hurls a shoe at Asif Zardari

Well it's a shameful incident.People people don't think like thugs.You gotta bring him down democratically instead of acting like a bunch of thugs.The shoe thrower was some old **** who should be taught some manners.

we will remove him democratically but shoe throwing is the first shot in a long process of change!!! shows the frustration in society!!!!
Apparently, Bilawal has raised 70,000 GBP for the National Disaster Management Fund. That turns out to be around 9.6 million PKR. Now, if the chattering ones would not post their usual will-go-into-swiss-account argument, around 10 million is a pretty good raise from a single event.

To hell with Bilawal but if he can raise some more millions for the relief funds, make him do fundraisers everywhere.

Anyways, pity the nation which gives millions of their hard-earned money to mass murders like Hafiz Saeed and sponsor suicidal attacks on themselves. Pity the nation which conveniently ignores Yahya Khan for the Dhaka debacle. Pity the nation which loves barbarians and breachers of constitution like Zia. Pity the nation which gives guard of honour to looters and gate-crashers like Musharraf. Pity the nation which has no guts to oppose armed occupiers, looters, constitution breachers and mass-murders but celebrates kicking the sand-bag of someone who represents nothing more than our very own collective failures, weaknesses and apathy to towards communal progress.

Gen didnt had that in mind that things like those could have that consequences, hence the law of unintented consequences prevailed due to the events which occured during his reign. Sm people may find it wrong but to some extent what he did was right at that time and it evenntually paved way for defeating the soviets who had eyes on the warm waters of Asia .. !!!
Another important thing Zia did was continuation of National persuit of Nuclear technology..!!
So there are some positives too, and the negatives too, the best thing happened to Pakistan in Zia era was Pakistan was saved from a soviet invasion and was just a screwdriver turn away from making a nuke. Theres no other good except than this in the Zia era, and everything has a price and we are paying it with our blood.

I know he had some blasphemy laws against the nonmuslim communities and his Islamization has brought havoc but that dosent means he should be bashed every now and then for all the evills that proped up much after his death, He did what seemed right at that time , Saying the ill abt the dead will not solve the problems faced at hand.. !!!!

in every war/crisis every action can tied to the law of unintended consequences..!! Bashing Zia for all the present mess is quit unfair...!!!
Gen didnt had that in mind that things like those could have that consequences, hence the law of unintented consequences prevailed due to the events which occured during his reign. Sm people may find it wrong but to some extent what he did was right at that time and it evenntually paved way for defeating the soviets who had eyes on the warm waters of Asia .. !!!

Let's not get off topic but let me state the realities.

Firstly, the warm water theory is only taught to people in Pakistan to defend and justify our more than necessary and required role in the war.

Another important thing Zia did was continuation of National persuit of Nuclear technology..!!

So did everybody else.

So there are some positives too, and the negatives too, the best thing happened to Pakistan in Zia era was Pakistan was saved from a soviet invasion and was just a screwdriver turn away from making a nuke. Theres no other good except than this in the Zia era, and everything has a price and we are paying it with our blood.

Soviets never wanted to invade Pakistan anyways. The Soviet Union had since its inception invaded countries not to overtake them but to strengthen, install and solidify the communist parties. The Afghan regime called the Soviets based on their pact and the fact that Soviets had done the same thing more than once in Eastern Europe. Regional hegemony (Saudi becoming powerful, other factors aside - warm waters does not exist as a reality in this case but it was a cherished dream nonetheless). I don't need to go into details here.

I know he had some blasphemy laws against the nonmuslim communities and his Islamization has brought havoc but that dosent means he should be bashed every now and then for all the evills that proped up much after his death, He did what seemed right at that time , Saying the ill abt the dead will not solve the problems faced at hand.. !!!!

He should be given credit for what he did right. He did not mess up Dr. Mahabub ul Haq's five year plans. The development plans lead to a very equitable and efficient growth (as opposed to the neo-liberalist highly efficient but highly non-equitable growth).

in every war/crisis every action can tied to the law of unintended consequences..!! Bashing Zia for all the present mess is quit unfair...!!!
It is not unfair, even if we define unfair in a loose manner. Of course it does not mean that we should not be responsible for our own present day actions.

Let's get back on topic now.
It is a fact that throwing shoes at anyone is the limit of bad manners and shows lack of civilized behavior and of common decency.

Throwing of shoes at Bush was a rowdy action by an Iraqi journalist. This was publicized out of all proportions by the anti US Pakistani media; whereby a disgraceful act was portrayed as a heroic deed instead of the condemnation it deserved.

Now the same thing has happened to Zardari in a copy cat manner and PPP supporters are angry. Wonder how would JI Chief Munuwwar Hassan or Hamid Mir would react if I were to throw my shoes at them in a public forum?

Remember when you encourage uncivilized behavior when it happens to others, you must expect that the same could happen to you one day.
As per reports, the guy who threw the shoe for publicity claims social benefit and house rent form the local council in Birmingham and drives an illegal cab at night. Always good to hear self-righteous people living off at others expense. I do not have any sources besides the reports from some journalist friends for this.

my friend i saw you going on and on debating how MQM is evil ZIA MADE MQM!! so i think it is a bit double standards on your behalf here.


well the warm water theory originated from the following fact that USA & CIA didn't KNOW WHY had the soviets invaded afghanistan! so the "presumed" that it was a dash for warm water bases! CIA lacked intelligence!
It is a fact that throwing shoes at anyone is the limit of bad manners and shows lack of civilized behavior and of common decency.

Throwing of shoes at Bush was a rowdy action by an Iraqi journalist. This was publicized out of all proportions by the anti US Pakistani media; whereby a disgraceful act was portrayed as a heroic deed instead of the condemnation it deserved.

Now the same thing has happened to Zardari in a copy cat manner and PPP supporters are angry. Wonder how would JI Chief Munuwwar Hassan or Hamid Mir would react if I were to throw my shoes at them in a public forum?

Remember when you encourage uncivilized behavior when it happens to others, you must expect that the same could happen to you one day.

yes sir totally agree BUT what does a nation do when frustrated???

First comes ITEJAJJ of a nation then INTEQAM of a nation & finally from the INTEQAM emerges a leader & you have an INQUILAAB!
so yes we have started on the process of ITEJAAJ! :pakistan::pakistan: support it sir
Throwing of shoes at Bush was a rowdy action by an Iraqi journalist. This was publicized out of all proportions by the anti US Pakistani media; whereby a disgraceful act was portrayed as a heroic deed instead of the condemnation it deserved.

The Bush shoe-thrower was a big story. I don't see how you can blast anti-US Pakistani media when it was being covered by EVERY SINGLE news outlet on the earth. They continued coverage of the Shoe-Thrower long after Pakistanis forgot about it.

As far as our own shoe-thrower in England is concerned, you should have realized which channels have portrayed him as a hero. Most of the channels do not portray someone, they just give news...which frankly it is ! Only one group, with which PPP is at odds since it came to power, has highlighted it out of proportions.

Try to read between the lines !
well the warm water theory originated from the following fact that USA & CIA didn't KNOW WHY had the soviets invaded afghanistan! so the "presumed" that it was a dash for warm water bases! CIA lacked intelligence!

They kept in mind the Afghanistan-Balochistan-Arabian Sea situation but everybody knew that Taraki had requested Soviet support as per their pact to suppress the Jamiat Islami insurgency that had resulted in large rebellion and mass desertion from the army as well. I'm guessing you're viewing as if Soviet Union just "invaded" Afghanistan. That is how the Soviet troop movements to install and/or strengthen communist parties are written down in history while in this case and in many others, it is just the local government asking the soviets officially to extend troop support. (what happens later is a whole different thing).
As per reports, the guy who threw the shoe for publicity claims social benefit and house rent form the local council in Birmingham and drives an illegal cab at night. Always good to hear self-righteous people living off at others expense. I do not have any sources besides the reports from some journalist friends for this.

But he is from your beloved President's PPP :azn: jiyalas are supposed to do these things
It is a fact that throwing shoes at anyone is the limit of bad manners and shows lack of civilized behavior and of common decency.

Throwing of shoes at Bush was a rowdy action by an Iraqi journalist. This was publicized out of all proportions by the anti US Pakistani media; whereby a disgraceful act was portrayed as a heroic deed instead of the condemnation it deserved.

Now the same thing has happened to Zardari in a copy cat manner and PPP supporters are angry. Wonder how would JI Chief Munuwwar Hassan or Hamid Mir would react if I were to throw my shoes at them in a public forum?

Remember when you encourage uncivilized behavior when it happens to others, you must expect that the same could happen to you one day.

:P oh no sir i did not know that it was Pakistani media only which had publicised the Iraqi Journalist's act and gave him fame.
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