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Protest in London over OBL Killing

Well there must be NO surprise with regard to UK because UK is a country that allows all kinds of groups who are against their own government or country.

Just check UK has Hizb tehrir, Khalistan Movement orgs, BLA terrorists, LET Terrorists and so on.

It doesn't matter where they are rehabilitated. All I am saying is that the countries that facilitated their rehabilitation were the US and the UK. They very much know what is going on, and they are still using these radicals to get their job done. Hence my surprise over the surprise expressed by the American and British media.

As far as naming the organizations hosted by these countries is concerned, I am very much aware of all of that. I still remember the days when it was an open secret that the headquarters of terrorists (that targeted India) were based in London and its suburbia - At that time no Indians were allowed to even go near those areas in the UK, leave alone getting to interrogate someone.

What they did with India at that time, they are doing it with Pakistan now.

What goes around, comes around, so why complain now Janaji?
do u cry when your soldiers kill thousands of Kashmiri or when Israle kills Palestinians or did you cried whe Muslims of Gujrat were killed

Are you nuts, "Killing my own people by my soldiers". When a lunatic brainwashed to fight in the name of Jihad, crosses the border and dare to lift his rifle against the people of the Republic of India, then he will be trashed by our army. Do not lecture me on committing genocide for which your bureaucrats are responsible. Kashmir was very peaceful until the 1971 war. Your Government learned the lesson that going on a head to head fight with India is like committing suicide and chose a alternate way by brainwashing the youngsters of Kashmir to fight for independence.

And about the prayers for OBL, I do not oppose that. the reason is that he fought the Russians to free Afgan and hence is a Hero for the Islamic world. How ever when he turned his eyes on making his Race the superior by destroying other is what every one around the world condemns. and to achieve his goal he has filled his hand with the blood of innocent people(women and children). Offering prayers to a dead sole is not a question. The question is, would the people who mourn his death flow his steps to kill more innocents in the name of Jihad.

We did mourn for both the Kar Sevaks and the Muslims who perished in the Godhra Rail Incidents and the post Godhra Rail Incident that lead to the wide spread riots in Gujarat. The reports says the event that lead to the riot was triggered my own Muslim Brothers and what followed was a chaos that will remain as a scare in the face of the nation.
And about the prayers for OBL, I do not oppose that. the reason is that he fought the Russians to free Afgan and hence is a Hero for the Islamic world. How ever when he turned his eyes on making his Race the superior by destroying other is what every one around the world condemns. and to achieve his goal he has filled his hand with the blood of innocent people(women and children). Offering prayers to a dead sole is not a question. The question is, would the people who mourn his death flow his steps to kill more innocents in the name of Jihad.

We did mourn for both the Kar Sevaks and the Muslims who perished in the Godhra Rail Incidents and the post Godhra Rail Incident that lead to the wide spread riots in Gujarat. The reports says the event that lead to the riot was triggered my own Muslim Brothers and what followed was a chaos that will remain as a scare in the face of the nation.

Hope the bharatis will show the same excuse or attitude in threads which they started for propaganda against Pakistanis when prayer was offered here in a part of Pakistan
Hope the bharatis will show the same excuse or attitude in threads which they started for propaganda against Pakistanis when prayer was offered here in a part of Pakistan

See, you got to take the word of the wise and not the emotional, The meaning of forums like PDF is to make sure that we talk and shed our difference and work for a common cause.
We fought the British Empire side by side under the command of Jinnah, Gandhi and Nethaji Subash Chandra boss. why is there so much hatred now because your country lost two wars against us. Can't you forgive us for your defeat as we forgive you for starting those wars.
I am looking forward for a brighter future not the other way around
NO excuse please. funeral prayer were offered in Pakistan and Indians were on a propaganda drive spewing venom while when funeral prayer was offered in India and other countries then you are coming up excuses.

a funeral prayer in every country is the SAME having same purposed so dont come up with your twisted excuses

funeral prayer were offered in Pakistan and Indians were on a propaganda drive spewing venom

Are you sure? is it because funeral prayers for Osama bin laden or the funeral prayers lead by HAFIZ SAYEED (JUD chief) for Osama bin laden.

Don't tell me you don't know anything about HAFIZ SAYEED OR 26/11.

For your information..

Indians offer funeral prayers for dead pakistani soldiers who were killed in action and their bodies were refused by pakistan. They even do it for dead terrorists.

The only people who do propaganda drive spewing venom are pakistani jounalists. :p:P
Islamic Extremism exists in UP without a doubt, but it exists only in theory. Their extremism isn't violent, partly due to lack of gun culture in India and partly due to strict monitoring by the authorities.

As a Muslim myself with a pretty good knowledge on Islam, I can tell you that the Deobandism is a perversion of the original school of thought of the Hanafi school of thought, one of the four major schools of thought in Sunni Islam.

This is what Dar Uloom Deoband says about Ahmadis:

(Fatwa 332=307/N)

The Mirzais (Qadyanis, Ahmadiyas) are kafir.
This issue is agreed upon by the Muslim Ummah.

These books may be useful: (1) Radd-e-Qadyaniat ke Zarrin Usool (2) Suboot Hazir Hain (3) Muhazarat of Darul Uloom on Qadyanism

Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) knows Best

Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband

Answer: Darul Ifta Deoband India

It was because of the effects of this same Deobandism in Pakistan that Ahmedis were/& are being exploited, & the majority peaceful Barelvi influence is diminishing from Pakistan (although the majority of Muslims in Pakistan are still Barelvi though).

Dar Uloom Deoband:

Darul Uloom Deoband: The Indian Source of the Taliban
Darul Uloom Deoband: The Indian Source of the Taliban | Kabul Center for Strategic Studies

Islamic Extremism in India
International Institute for Strategic Studies Islamic extremism in India

Roots of extremism lie in India
The Pioneer :: Home : >> Roots of extremism lie in India

Katiyar demands ban on Darul Uloom Deoband
Katiyar demands ban on Darul Uloom Deoband - Express India

Darul Uloom non-Fatwa on Terrorism does not go far enough « Offstumped – Social Media Commentary on India

They even issued a fatwa on girls wearing jeans I believe some time ago. They even refuse to condemn the terrorism committed by Deobandis against Barelvis in most cases.
As a Muslim myself with a pretty good knowledge on Islam, I can tell you that the Deobandism is a perversion of the original school of thought of the Hanafi school of thought, one of the four major schools of thought in Sunni Islam.

This is what Dar Uloom Deoband says about Ahmadis:

Answer: Darul Ifta Deoband India

It was because of the effects of this same Deobandism in Pakistan that Ahmedis were/& are being exploited, & the majority peaceful Barelvi influence is diminishing from Pakistan (although the majority of Muslims in Pakistan are still Barelvi though).

Dar Uloom Deoband:

Darul Uloom Deoband: The Indian Source of the Taliban
Darul Uloom Deoband: The Indian Source of the Taliban | Kabul Center for Strategic Studies

Islamic Extremism in India
International Institute for Strategic Studies Islamic extremism in India

Roots of extremism lie in India
The Pioneer :: Home : >> Roots of extremism lie in India

Katiyar demands ban on Darul Uloom Deoband
Katiyar demands ban on Darul Uloom Deoband - Express India

Darul Uloom non-Fatwa on Terrorism does not go far enough « Offstumped – Social Media Commentary on India

They even issued a fatwa on girls wearing jeans I believe some time ago. They even refuse to condemn the terrorism committed by Deobandis against Barelvis in most cases.

Inspite of all this they do not go suicide bombing, do they ?
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