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Protest in London over OBL Killing

Spring Onion

Feb 1, 2006
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* پیر, 09 مئی 2011

اسامہ کی ہلاکت پر المھاجرون کا مظاہرہ

لندن میں امریکی سفارت خانے کی سامنے اتوار کو القاعدہ کے سربراہ اسامہ بن لادن کی ہلاکت کے [خلاف ’المھاجرون‘ نامی تنظیم نے احتجاجی مظاہرہ کیا۔ اِس موقعے پر ڈیڑھ سو کے قریب مظاہرین نے القاعدہ کے سرغنے کی غائبانہ نمازِ جنازہ بھی ادا کی۔

لندن کے گروزنر اسکوائر میں اُس وقت سخت کشیدگی دیکھنے میں آئی جب انگلش ڈفنس لیگ کے ممبران امریکہ کے حق میں نعرے لگاتے ہوئے پہنچ گئے۔

بنیاد پرست تصور کی جانے والی دونوں تنظیموں میں ماضی میں بھی کئی بار تصادم ہوچکا ہے۔

برطانوی پولیس نے اِس موقعے پر ’المھاجرون‘ کی جانب سے اسامہ بن لادن کےحق میں کیے گئے مظاہرے پر برطانیہ کے مسلمان اراکین ِ پارلیمنٹ نے ناراضگی کا اظہار کرتے ہوئے کہا ہے کہ ایسی تنظیمیں برطانوی مسلمانوں کی نمائندگی نہیں کرتیں۔

’وائس آف امریکہ‘ سے گفتگو کرتے ہوئے ہاؤس آف لارڈز کے رکن اور لبرل ڈیموکریٹس کے راہمنا لارڈ قربان نے کہا کہ المھاجرون کسی کی بھی نمائندگی نہیں کرتے، وہ صرف اپنی نمائندگی کرتے ہیں، اور پبلسٹی کا کوئی بھی موقعہ ہاتھ سے جانے نہیں دیتے۔

برطانیہ میں انسانی حقوق کے علمبردار اور تجزیہ کار بیرسٹر اسلام وردگ اسامہ بن لادن کی ہلاکت کےردِ عمل میں برطانیہ میں ممکنہ دہشت گردی کے خطرات سے اتفاق نہیں کرتے۔ اُن کے الفاظ میں ’ یہاں القاعدہ کا کوئی مؤثر سیل نہیں ہے کہ وہ اِس لیول پر کوئی بڑی کارروائی کرسکے۔‘

برطانوی حکمراں کنزرویٹو پارٹی کے رکن لارڈ طارق احمد نے بھی المھاجرون کی جانب سے لندن میں اسامہ بن لادن کے حق میں کیے گئے مظاہروں پر افسوس کا اظہار کیا اور کہا کہ شدت پسندوں نے سب سے زیادہ نقصان پاکستان کو پہنچایا ہے۔ اُن کے بقول، اسامہ بن لادن ہو، طالبان ہوں یا القاعدہ، اِن لوگوں نے وہاں کی زمین پر دہشت گردی پھیلادی ہے کہ ملک دنیا بھر میں ہر جگہ دہشت گردی کے نام سے جانا جاتا ہے۔

اسامہ کی ہلاکت پر المھاجرون کا مظاہرہ | دنیا | اردو
Such people only create more trouble for Islam and other Muslims by protesting the death of the world's most hated man after Adolf Hitler.

Like I once said, Muslims are doing more harm to Islam than are non-Muslims.
Such people only create more trouble for Islam and other Muslims by protesting the death of the world's most hated man after Adolf Hitler.

Like I once said, Muslims are doing more harm to Islam than are non-Muslims.

forget about Muslims. am waiting for your comment over protest in London.
Oh BTW i recalled his funeral prayer was also offered in Germany two days back.
forget about Muslims. am waiting for your comment over protest in London.

What is there to comment upon? This madness is not something confined by borders and passports, is it?

We've had similar protests in India too.

Though, I must opine that, apparently, none of those protesting were accused of sponsoring 10 kids to go across the border and slaughter innocent people unlike there are in a few countries of the world.
forget about Muslims. am waiting for your comment over protest in London.

Am pretty sure those who protested in London were also Muslims of the Hizb-ut-Tehrir breed.
so what are they saying? that osma shouldnt have been killed?
forget about Muslims. am waiting for your comment over protest in London.

Except to ask are they going to stop eating fish, especially "fish'n'chips".
After all "their HERO" got eaten up by fish!
IMO, there is nothing else to protest about!!! In London or in Timbuktu.
No offense -- I could understand the prayers in kolkata with the immigrants and stuff, but in Chennai ?

Something is seriously wrong. :confused:

I know right! As long as they are not terrorist sympathizers I guess its ok?

In Chennai, Maulana Shamsudeen Qasimi, Imam of Makkah Masjid in Anna Salai said, “America killed him inhumanly and left his body in the sea without performing Janazah. So we conducted Janazah for him.”
It was very much expected.

During the Afghan war, and the subsequent Balkan wars, the US, with the help of Pakistan, recruited radicals en mass.

All such recruits were trained to fight in those wars in the name of jihad, and in return, were rehabilitated in the European countries. They were provided immunity from all other nations that were hurt by them (esp Russia and India). Considering the fact that they are among the most radical of all the Muslims around the world, they are very much expected to raise voice at the killing of their leader.

Surprise of the US and the UK over such protests is the real surprise to me.
But Jana ji, don't you know that OBL has no supporters in any country besides Pakistan? :lol:

actually its very interesting to see that how Indians will or coming up with excuses for offering of funeral prayer for Osama in India too as well as such prayer in UK, Germany and other countries, when these same Indians were soooo quick to spread propaganda about Pakistanis when the same offered here.

So i guess next time Indians should wait a little bit before going on propaganda spree.

Special prayers for Osama Bin Laden offered in India

Funeral prayers for Osama were held Friday in mosques in Kolkata and Chennai. The Shahi Imam of Tipu Sultan mosque in Kolkata, Maulana Nurur Rehman Barkati, held the special Friday prayer for the “peace of Osama’s soul”. There were reportedly placards at the prayer meet reading “Disrespect to Holy Quran is intolerable”. In Chennai, Maulana Shamsudeen Qasimi, Imam of Makkah Masjid in Anna Salai said, “America killed him inhumanly and left his body in the sea without performing Janazah. So we conducted Janazah for him.”
Special prayers in Kolkata, Chennai too
It was very much expected.

During the Afghan war, and the subsequent Balkan wars, the US, with the help of Pakistan, recruited radicals en mass.

All such recruits were trained to fight in those wars in the name of jihad, and in return, were rehabilitated in the European countries. They were provided immunity from all other nations that were hurt by them (esp Russia and India). Considering the fact that they are among the most radical of all the Muslims around the world, they are very much expected to raise voice at the killing of their leader.

Surprise of the US and the UK over such protests is the real surprise to me.

Well there must be NO surprise with regard to UK because UK is a country that allows all kinds of groups who are against their own government or country.

Just check UK has Hizb tehrir, Khalistan Movement orgs, BLA terrorists, LET Terrorists and so on.
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