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Protest held outside UN against Balochistan unrest

Why are some Indians so short-sighted and depraved? Plotting to balkanize Pakistan only introduces more anarchy and militancy. If they enjoyed the 2008 Mumbai attacks so much, they can have some more if a collapsed Pakistani government can't keep control over militants.

You can say that to your all weather friend, after all the world terrorist epicenter is there. We are only advocating for helping the people of Balochistan in UN for the Human Rights Violations. We never said anything about dividing them.

Or is China planning something.........
Pakistan should listen to plight of balochs. they should get justice & their rights.
India must support BLA with money, arms and ammunition, in there rightful struggle for freedom from pakistani oppression!!

Genocide of baloch's must end!!

14000 people missing oh God!!
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