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Major Shaitan Singh

Dec 7, 2010
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Nearing the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory, and with it the military parade in Moscow's Red Square, which is traditionally held on May 9th. Many fans of armored vehicles looking forward to this day, as this year's parade is planned to show examples of promising Russian combat vehicles, among which will be armored infantry fighting vehicle "object 699" on the basis of the average of the unified platform track "Kurganets-25" . In contrast to the fully classified theme "Armata" , information on the web about the platform "Kurganets-25" is much more, and it is not only the main characteristics, but also the various drawings and diagrams. Below is a description of the BMP-based unified platform "Kurganets-25" and the visualization of three-dimensional computer image formed on the basis of published material on the Web.

It is known that Undercarriage "Kurganets-25" developed by Concern "Tractor Plants" (Cheboksary) in cooperation with many other Russian companies. The production will be deployed on Kurganmashzavod. Platform "Kurganets-25" has a modular design that will accelerate mass production, and later - the repair and modernization of military vehicles at its base.

BMP "Object 699", as well as other machines on the platform "Kurganets-25" will have a layout with a front engine compartment, shifted to the right. To the left of it will be in the driver's seat with a hatch, monitoring and control devices.Places of two crew members with their hatches are located in the middle of the body, and the entire aft will take the troop compartment. To enter and exit the landing of eight people will use the ramp at the stern with an additional door in it. Crew compartment is completely isolated from the arms and ammunition, which will be placed in a remote controlled weapon stations circular rotation, located on the roof of the hull aft. Unlike the previous generation of combat vehicles to protect the hull sides has initially provided spaced reservation. Thus the protection of the crew compartment is increased not only by body armor plates, but also due located between units and systems. There are also mounted screens for added protection boards. In the reservations are likely to be used by the latest advances in armor and high-energy materials, which will replace the blocks armor. V-shaped reinforced case bottom will reduce the probability of hitting the crew of mines or bombs.

Weight of combat vehicle will be approximately 25 tons (which was originally provided in the name of the topic - "Kurganets-25"). Diesel engine with 800 hp will allow to accelerate on the highway and 80 km / h. The machine will be floating and will be able to overcome water obstacles afloat at speeds up to 10 km / h. Suspension - torsion or hydropneumatic, the number of rollers on board - 7.

As mentioned above, arms and ammunition BMP will be placed in a desert combat unit. This 30-mm automatic gun 2A42 with selective of ammunition (500 rounds), paired with a 7.62-mm machine gun (2000 rounds) and two twin launchers for anti-tank systems "Cornet-M" with a range of 8-10 km. The structure of a computerized fire control system will consist of two multi-sight - one for the gunner, the other for the vehicle commander, as well as radar, advanced sensor system and two-plane stabilizer arms. The system will allow automatic tracking goals to fire accurately on the entire range of shooting up and moving.

Fighting module can also be equipped with active protection "Afghani" flying up to destroy missiles, anti-tank missiles and grenades, as well as sensors detect the laser station and optronic countermeasures.

For close review in addition to the crew periscopes will use the so-called vision system, which will transmit the camera image on the display, creating a 360 degrees. Monitor all components and assemblies of the machine, as well as to diagnose faults, manage onboard systems will help the crew management information system on modern element base.Most likely it will be integrated into a single system with the ACS unit via encrypted links.

Most likely the jobs of all crew members are equipped with comfortable armchairs antitravmaticheskimi, electronic displays. Will be realized the possibility of continuous stay in the car for tens of hours, which is provided for filtering, air conditioning, heating, as well as a built-in bathroom.

In addition to infantry fighting vehicle ("Object 695"), on a platform of "Kurganets-25" is planned to produce tracked armored personnel carrier ("Object 693"), an anti-125-mm self-propelled, armored reconnaissance vehicle, ZSU, SAU, command and staff vehicles, item control and intelligence and other equipment. In the future, these patterns will completely replace the armament Park Russian Army lightweight tracked armored fighting vehicles.




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