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Proof that Pakistan used Drone Technology to target Indian Army

Albeit, this video has been posted before but a new unedited version shows that the monitoring, directing fire and filming of the strikes on Indian Army camp was done through a drone. The Data from the Drone is clearly visible on the top and bottom left of the screen.

Sir, great video and the precision. On the top left end of the screen, it says "Link 17". Is that a reference to the link-17 protocol which the Pakistanis were developing with the Chinese to work with the Link 16 protocol? Thanks
. .
View attachment 355924

'TGT BEAMING LASER' ... so as per this screenshot DRONE was used as laser designator for targeting Indian posts

Few days back @Rafi posted this news (so its the confirmation ....)

but one question have we developed any laser guided artillery or mortar shells indigenously or we are importing it .....???

secondly was this Drone linked to ''SATELLITE" ... ?? (see top right corner)

Tech was imported, but kits (used on mortars to turn dumb to guided), and 155mm Arty shells which are manufactured.
A large number was bought, the rest - we are manufacturing.
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