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Probe finds connection between Davis, drone attacks

What about the connection of ISI with drone attacks? Last time I read Rescue Ranger's post, ISI cronies were also involved. It is better for the media to highlight that aspect as well--Hell, that will create anti army sentiment.
no no no no
"how would a "GPS chip" help identify targets from Lahore?"

You don't need to be in Lahore to signal targets that are in the tribal areas using any GPS tech that acts as a homing signal. Our stupid police probably misidentified a GPS nav system and think it's being used to target drones, lol.

Of course the possibility exists that Davis was nurturing assets in Lahore to have them supply the GPS homing beacons to the tribal areas, but that just sounds like a good way of getting kidnapped and beheaded.

Do any of you really believe that any jihadi group would be contacting an American for any purpose but to kidnap or kill him?
"how would a "GPS chip" help identify targets from Lahore?"

You don't need to be in Lahore to signal targets that are in the tribal areas using any GPS tech that acts as a homing signal. Our stupid police probably misidentified a GPS nav system and think it's being used to target drones, lol.

Of course the possibility exists that Davis was nurturing assets in Lahore to have them supply the GPS homing beacons to the tribal areas, but that just sounds like a good way of getting kidnapped and beheaded.

Do any of you really believe that any jihadi group would be contacting an American for any purpose but to kidnap or kill him?

Let me ask you this, you say our Stupid Police... You take a GPS device, you plot your journies and save way points, most devices can save up to 500 way points. He has traveled to NWA, he could have saved way points to potential sites for Predator strikes. Of cours i am just pulling at straws but i just wanted to entertain your notion that everyone who don's the police uniform is "stupid".
Let me ask you this, you say our Stupid Police... You take a GPS device, you plot your journies and save way points, most devices can save up to 500 way points. He has traveled to NWA, he could have saved way points to potential sites for Predator strikes. Of cours i am just pulling at straws but i just wanted to entertain your notion that everyone who don's the police uniform is "stupid".

Pakistani police and court system is one of the most incompetent in the world. That is well established if you follow the news.

If, and this is a big IF, Davis has traveled to NWA, do you really believe he would use his GPS to navigate and drive around in his car straight into NWA? Seriously? When well connected people like Col Imam and Khalid Khwaja get offed, do you think some American can go into NWA by road and get out alive?
Let me ask you this, you say our Stupid Police... You take a GPS device, you plot your journies and save way points, most devices can save up to 500 way points. He has traveled to NWA, he could have saved way points to potential sites for Predator strikes. Of cours i am just pulling at straws but i just wanted to entertain your notion that everyone who don's the police uniform is "stupid".

Exactly, a GPS device can be used to save coordinates which can later be fed to drones for precision strikes. For those who question how Davis could have been allowed to enter FATA without being deheaded don't realize that he was fluent in Pushto, Pathans are already as fair as the Americans, add a little makeup and a beard and no one would be able to recognize him as a foreigner.
Pakistani police and court system is one of the most incompetent in the world. That is well established if you follow the news.

If, and this is a big IF, Davis has traveled to NWA, do you really believe he would use his GPS to navigate and drive around in his car straight into NWA? Seriously? When well connected people like Col Imam and Khalid Khwaja get offed, do you think some American can go into NWA by road and get out alive?

There is much you don't know.
Exactly, a GPS device can be used to save coordinates which can later be fed to drones for precision strikes. For those who question how Davis could have been allowed to enter FATA without being deheaded don't realize that he was fluent in Pushto, Pathans are already as fair as the Americans, add a little makeup and a beard and no one would be able to recognize him as a foreigner.
Hahaha, do you really think he has a fluent Waziri dialect and could not be easily found as an american? There is a big difference in knowing few pashto sentences versus fluently speaking it. Not even many puhsutns from settled areas would be able to converse in perfect Waziri dialect of pashto. He does not have Puhstun and certainly not Waziri features. The way he looked like a deer caught in the headlights, there is no way he has the guts to go unescorted into NWA.
There is much you don't know.

The entire premise of the argument is bogus. Davis wouldn't last a single day inside NWA without being escorted by PA or a US SF team. So if he was in NWA, he was not there by himself. From the little details we do know about him, he appears to be a glorified bodyguard.

When the americans have afghans especially trained to cross the border to provide intel, why would they send a white guy to tribal areas for intel?
Hahaha, do you really think he has a fluent Waziri dialect and could not be easily found as an american? There is a big difference in knowing few pashto sentences versus fluently speaking it. Not even many puhsutns from settled areas would be able to converse in perfect Waziri dialect of pashto. He does not have Puhstun and certainly not Waziri features. The way he looked like a deer caught in the headlights, there is no way he has the guts to go unescorted into NWA.

As far as i know, he is fluent in Pushto. Special operatives are required to learn such things when going on such missions. A person whose release is so important for USA that they threaten to suspend diplomatic relations, cannot be any ordinary over glorified bodyguard as you have so non chalantly put it. If Davis was brave enough to roam around the streets of Lahore carrying all the stuff he was, killing two people in cold blood in front of a mob and than stay calm enough to frisk them must be trained enough to survive visits to NWA. Do not go on his physical appearance you saw on TV.
The entire premise of the argument is bogus. Davis wouldn't last a single day inside NWA without being escorted by PA or a US SF team. So if he was in NWA, he was not there by himself. From the little details we do know about him, he appears to be a glorified bodyguard.

When the americans have afghans especially trained to cross the border to provide intel, why would they send a white guy to tribal areas for intel?

Oh don't worry he ain't all that. Assets that elite don't get caught. If we was indeed a headache for the US they could have simply done a Litvinenko on him, blamed Pakistan for it and slapped some sanctions. He was a PMC contractor who was out of his depth on this one. Plain and simple.
He is definatley a CIA Spy. Since he has been captured there has not been any drone attack on the Pakistan's land
As far as i know, he is fluent in Pushto. Special operatives are required to learn such things when going on such missions. A person whose release is so important for USA that they threaten to suspend diplomatic relations, cannot be any ordinary over glorified bodyguard as you have so non chalantly put it. If Davis was brave enough to roam around the streets of Lahore carrying all the stuff he was, killing two people in cold blood in front of a mob and than stay calm enough to frisk them must be trained enough to survive visits to NWA. Do not go on his physical appearance you saw on TV.

I don't think you understand the subtleties of spoken pahsto very much if you think some doofus like Davis can be fluent in the language like a local is. The level of pashto known to American SF/CIA is very basic in 99% of cases. Just think of an American who has trained for even two years in Urdu trying to speak it. The accent would be a dead give away.

There is nothing brave about roaming the streets of Lahore armed. If you see the video of his arrest, Davis looks like he pissed himself.

Trust me, a low level guy like Davis will be found out in minutes as a foreigner among the tribals. His only possible angle could have been to pretend to be a convert and wanting to join the "jihad". Roaming around in Lahore with a diplomatic passport wouldn't exactly get him that cover.

And like i said when US can pay and hire locals and Afghans, why bother with sending a white guy?
nothing new, every one know links between these american spies in PAKISTAN and drone attacks............... cia office in Islamabad was conducting all these operations
today there are two articles about davis first is about his annual salary thrice that of secret service agent, second about him being a naswar eater.. these are printed in the todays [ sunday 20 feb 2010] issue of the news daily..
here goes the links
1:Raymond draws more than US Congressmen, Senators

Raymond draws more than US Congressmen, Senators
Raymond draws more than US Congressmen, Senators

By Sabir Shah
Sunday, February 20, 2011

LAHORE: The annual remuneration package of Raymond Davis stands at $0.2 million or Pakistani Rs17.2 million, which is over three times more than the 2010 median salary package of a sworn American Secret Service Agent, who earns about US$59,428 or Pakistani Rs5.11 million per annum.

According to the website of the US Secret Service, the annual take-home salaries of the US Secret Service Agents or the Special Agents range between US$43,964 (Pakistani Rs3.78 million) and $74,891 (equivalent to Rs6.44 million)-which is far less than what Raymond Davis earns every year.

The per annum salary of Raymond Davis is also more than the annual base salaries (excluding benefits and bonuses) of the American House and Senate lawmakers, who each make $174,000 or Pakistani Rs14.96 million approximately.

Meanwhile, the Majority and Minority leaders in the US Congress and Senate each make $193,400 per annum or about Rs16.63 million.

By the way, the newly elected United States House of Representatives Speaker John Andrew Boehner will receive a $30,100 pay increase this year because of his new position, making his annual base salary to rest at $223,500 (Rs19.22 million).

For sake of information and not for drawing any comparisons, while the annual base salary (minus perks and other fringe benefits) of the American President is $400,000 or Pakistani Rs34.40 million, the US Chief Justice draws a basic pay of $223,500 per year or Rs19.22 million (excluding auxiliary benefits).

The US president of course gets an extra $50,000 annual expense account, a $100,000 non-taxable travel account and a yearly Entrainment Allowance amounting to $19,000.

British daily “The Guardian,” in one of its articles “Pakistani court delays US embassy worker case” (published very recently on February 17, 2011) had stated, “A photocopy of an ID and a salary document that Davis apparently gave Pakistani authorities shows he was scheduled to be paid for “Overseas protective Security Services.” The ID card identifies him as a Defence Department contractor.”

As far as the American Secret Service Agents on government payroll are concerned, the website of the US Secret Service states that an additional 25 per cent Law Enforcement Availability Pay (LEAP) is added to their pay.

These special agents, who are normally assigned to work a 40-hour (normal business) workweek, usually work an average of two additional hours per day due to the receipt of extra Law Enforcement Availability Pay.

A one-time recruitment bonus, 25 percent of basic annual pay, is paid to the newly hired special agents, who are identified as having a foreign language skill.

The newly appointed special agents, who may be assigned to duty stations anywhere in the United States and abroad, protect the US president, the vice president (or other individuals next in order of succession to the Office of the president), the president-elect and vice president-elect and the immediate families of the above individuals, former presidents, safeguard the visiting heads of foreign states or governments and their spouses traveling with them, other distinguished foreign visitors to the United States, and official representatives of the United States performing special missions abroad.

These agents also check violations of laws relating to counterfeiting of obligations and securities of the United States, financial institution frauds, false identification documents, access device fraud, advance fee fraud, computer and telecommunications fraud, electronic funds transfers and money laundering etc.

A research conducted by “The News” shows that the per annum salaries of civilian contractors privately hired by the US State Department from Private Security Companies (PSCs) like Messrs Blackwater (now XE), DynCorp, Torres Advanced Enterprise Solutions and Triple Canopy etc had even gone up to $445,000 or Pakistani Rs38.27 million during the Iraq war a few years ago.

However, since the private contractors are not Federal Employees, they are not entitled to any medical benefits, perks or bonuses to be awarded to private security personnel upon completion of service. They all have to buy private insurance.

Being subject to US Income tax, these private contractors only work for 275 days a year and are free for 90 days.

They thus protect convoys, diplomats, vital personnel, military bases and other facilities at a cost estimated to run into billions of dollars a year.

According to a US Congressional Report, Messrs Blackwater had charged the American government $1,222 per day or $445,000 every year per guard during the Iraq War, which was six times more than the cost of an equivalent US soldier’s annual salary of $74,000.

According to an Associated Press story, appearing on October 8, 2010, the US Senate Armed Services Committee had noted that heavy American reliance on private security in Afghanistan had helped to line the pockets of the Taliban because contractors often don’t vet local recruits and wind up hiring warlords and thugs.

This Senate Committee had earlier conducted a separate Congressional inquiry in June 2010, which had revealed that trucking contractors paid tens of millions of dollars a year to local warlords for convoy protection.

According to the US Congressional Research Service Report of July, 2010, prepared for the members and Committees of Congress and the Department of Defence’s use, there were 95,641 Department of Defence contractors working with 95,900 uniformed military personnel in Iraq.

Of the Defence Department contractors in Iraq in 2010, 24,719 were American citizens.

As far as private-hired contractors in Afghanistan were concerned, 112,092 contractors were supporting 79,100 uniformed soldiers.

The percentage of contractors present in the conflict, 69 percent of the Department of Defence’s workforce, was the highest proportion of civilian labour in an armed conflict in the United States’ history till July last year.

Of the 112,000 plus contractors working in Afghanistan by July 2010, 16,000 were American citizens, with local nationals providing 70 per cent of the Department of Defence’s civilian workforce.

2: Is Raymond Davis a 'naswar' addict?
Is Raymond Davis a
Is Raymond Davis a ‘naswar’ addict?

By Mariana Baabar
Sunday, February 20, 2011

ISLAMABAD: The United States government was unaware that Raymond Davis was hooked on ‘naswar,’ and in all probability he is now undergoing withdrawal symptoms, unless there is a friendly guard nearby to offer him some, or the jail doctors recommends weaning him away from what is a legal form of tobacco.

When the US Embassy was approached, they appeared unaware of Davis’s ‘desi’ addiction. Abrupt stopping of ‘naswar’ intake can be uncomfortable as junkies discover, if they are without their hourly ‘fix’. Withdrawal symptoms include headache and anxiety and anger.

According to a Bannu shopkeeper, the price of one packet of Bannu Naswar is Rs7. “One packet is enough for thirty pinches of ‘naswar.’

According to the challan by the city police in Lahore, a packet of ‘naswar’, was also recovered from Davis’s car, amongst other personal and lethal items that an undercover agent on active duty is expected to have with him at all times. US troops stationed inside Afghanistan are known to enjoy ‘naswar’ and have become hooked to it. Davis in all probability must have picked up the habit during his long stays in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. It also reflects on the company he was keeping at the time. The problem of ‘naswar’ like chewing ‘pan’ is that one has to spit it out after a while.

Whether the Americans including Davis have found a socially correct way to deal with this aspect is unknown or did he spit it out of his car window?

According to Wikipedia, ‘naswar is held in the mouth for 10 to 15 minutes. If it is chewed it produces a bad taste in the mouth. Usually, the consumption varies but mostly people take it on an hourly basis.’ It is primarily used in Central Asia, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Sweden and India.

“Once I was sitting next to a Norwegian at a meeting in Europe and was surprised to see him enjoying ‘naswar’”, a Pakistani diplomat told The News. It is predominantly used by members of the Pashtun ethnic groups. Nowadays people of other regions i.e. Punjab, Sindh and Baluchistan also use it and the number of addict people is increasing day by day.

Some of the great varieties of naswar are found in different parts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province in Pakistan, but Bannu is especially famous for it. There are different brands of ‘naswar’ in the provinces such as “Toor Khamar”, “Missile”, “Safarish Khan”, “Lucky” etc. Toor Khamar ‘naswar’ is prepared in Shahbaz Garhi, Pakhtoonkhwah, while Safarish Khan and Lucky are prepared in Havelian, Pakhtoonkhwah and Abbottabad, Hazara Division, Pakhtoonkhwah.

The News received telephone calls from the Fata area, and two calls from Waziristan when this correspondent had in an international Pushto programme, mentioned Davis’s love for ‘naswar’. “This is the only good thing we have heard about this American killer. We are glad that he has picked up this healthy habit from his Pushtun friends and acquaintances,” said a gentleman who identified himself as Wazir Khan.

Some of Khan’s friends had this to say, “So much attention is being given to three boys killed in Lahore by an American. What about the Pakhtuns who are being killed like flies by US drones? What will it take to get kind of worldwide attention?”
thenews ebsite is taking too much time to load dont know y?
hope u ppl will bew able to read the articles else i may get its snapshots uploaded..
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