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Privileged strategic partnership with India important to Russia: Putin

I WAS the last one to talk about it, being that you brought in the comparison to Prostitution to begin with! It seems I'm dealing with a goldfish over here with a 10 second memory.

But you're right, I was wrong in my comparison earlier, the china Pakistan relationship is more like exploitation would be the correct term. Pakistan doesn't even get paid, it has to end up paying china with its sovereignty and high interest loans instead!

What's that saying..,"andhe se marwao aur phir ghar chor key kao" fits right into this china-Pak situation. Pity!

China has done no exploitation of anyone including Pakistan. If them opening businesses and factories in Pakistan is considered as exploitation then I'd hate to go by the dictionary you are using. Oh and they never ask us to be a bulwark against the lines of india, China just needs 5 minutes to put an end to your dismal existence. Speaking of dismal existence, it is india that has gone out of its way to offer itself to the u.s. and that to free since the u.s. would never put its neck on the line for india and yet india is now being arm twisted to be hostile against China in return for nothing but a kinky soak on both of its butt cheeks. How pathetic.
China has done no exploitation of anyone including Pakistan. If them opening businesses and factories in Pakistan is considered as exploitation then I'd hate to go by the dictionary you are using.

Victims of Stockholm syndrome often tend to start identifying with their perpetrator, to the point of accepting their exploitation as a fate that benefits them. Yours seems to be a rather extreme case.
Clearly you've drank the kool aid. At this point You wouldn't be able to see it if it knocked you face first.

Oh and they never ask us to be a bulwark against the lines of india,

Indentured countries rarely get asked, they are told what to do and that's exactly what Pakistan has done, handed over its sovereignty to China. Noticed how the Chinese now speak for you on strategic matters like ICBMS when Pakistan has never had the courage to make it part of its own foreign policy?! Should tell you your position in their eyes.

China just needs 5 minutes to put an end to your dismal existence.

Translation: speak to my daddy, he will sort you out.
Have some respect for yourself man! At least making ridiculous claims of achieving victory on your own doesn't sound pathetic. Laughable but not pathetic. Tsk tsk.

Speaking of dismal existence, it is india that has gone out of its way to offer itself to the u.s. and that to free since the u.s. would never put its neck on the line for india and yet india is now being arm twisted to be hostile against China in return for nothing but a kinky soak on both of its butt cheeks. How pathetic.

Arm twisted?! We've had a bone to pick with china since 62. we fight our own battles and we choose our own allies. Not sell our sovereignty to the highest bidder, mistaking it for being a "partnership" among equals.

As far as our relationship with the US is concerned, there ain't no free lunch. It's a give and take. Give us NSG waiver and we will gladly accept their sophisticated arms to settle our own scores. India comes out the winner everytime.

Russel Peters says it perfectly:
Indians can't live without a bargain and the Chinese can't give a bargain.

Guess who's in bed with the Chinese?! Hold on to your chaddi cos soon you might not be left with anything to cover your posterior.
Victims of Stockholm syndrome often tend to start identifying with their perpetrator, to the point of accepting their exploitation as a fate that benefits them. Yours seems to be a rather extreme case.
much like your india has started identifying with your american master's way of life where prostitution, homosexuality and chronic alcoholism have become the norm. :lol: your kind has no room to talk! :lol:
Clearly you've drank the kool aid. At this point You wouldn't be able to see it if it knocked you face first.
get a hold of yourself man, your talking incoherent jibberish that makes absolutely no sense. Clearly you have had one too many glasses of your holy cow urine!
Indentured countries rarely get asked, they are told what to do and that's exactly what Pakistan has done, handed over its sovereignty to China. Noticed how the Chinese now speak for you on strategic matters like ICBMS when Pakistan has never had the courage to make it part of its own foreign policy?! Should tell you your position in their eyes.
When did Pakistan ever have the need for ICBMs? What China said was adding additional insults to YOUR injuries, apparently it worked since you are screaming if somebody ribbed red hot chilly power on your bleeding hemaroids! :woot: Oh speaking on indentured servants, guess who is being arm twisted by good ol uncle sam into getting into a needless confrontation with China, india is. I mean indentured servant is an understatement, india is behind forced into being a straight up sacrificial cow. :lol:
Translation: speak to my daddy, he will sort you out.
Pakistan can wipe india out in 10 minutes so we don't need anyone to sort your dhotti ridden behinds out. But if someone decides to do so for us anyways because they just don't like you then hey why should we complain when can just sit back with a back of popcorn and enjoy the show of watching China beat the living snot outta you! ;)
Have some respect for yourself man! At least making ridiculous claims of achieving victory on your own doesn't sound pathetic. Laughable but not pathetic. Tsk tsk.
Read above jizz breath.
Arm twisted?! We've had a bone to pick with china since 62.
Translation: you got buttraped dry by China, you loved it and now you want more. :lol:
we fight our own battles and we choose our own allies.
Translation: you whore yourself out to whoever can bang you up the hardest. Hey maybe that's why india wants to piss of born Pakistan and China off at the same time. Graduating to the next level whoreship where you get gangbanged by Pakistan and China while your new pimp u.s. and soon to be former pimp Russia sit back and record aye? Man you guys have some disgusting and demented fantasies! :wacko:
Not sell our sovereignty to the highest bidder, mistaking it for being a "partnership" among equals.
Having an economic trade channel built for global trade is not selling your sovereignty. Getting caught in a "strategic" partnership with the u.s. where any u.s. military personnel in india are not held accountable by indian law and can do anything they want is not only selling your sovereignty, it's straight up getting it butchered and that too, virtually for free.
As far as our relationship with the US is concerned, there ain't no free lunch. It's a give and take. Give us NSG waiver and we will gladly accept their sophisticated arms to settle our own scores. India comes out the winner everytime.
:lol: nsg waiver? Oh yeah that's really happening while there are no "sophisticated" anything on the horizon; only the carrot and stick that they'll assemble f18s and f16s in india! and the best part is that india is gullible enough to believe that garbage! :omghaha: at the end of the day, when india really needs actual weapons and help from washington, their reply will be the same as it was in 1962; YOUR ON YOU OWWWWWWWWN! ;)
Russel Peters says it perfectly:
Indians can't live without a bargain and the Chinese can't give a bargain.
No wonder he ditched india and lives in Canada! :lol:
Guess who's in bed with the Chinese?! Hold on to your chaddi cos soon you might not be left with anything to cover your posterior.
Guess whose pulling billions of dollars of investments from China? hold on to your panties cuz we are now in a position to cut off your oil supply along with those shriveled up raisins that you think are your balls! I'd love to see you just try and stop us! 8-) Oh and don't hold your breath, uncle sam isn't physically gonna do jack squat for you. Like they rubbed it in your faces so many times, you are on your own! :lol:
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