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Prison in Norway: Luxurious?


Oct 20, 2008
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United Kingdom
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oohh man, are they prisons or what???

even my hostel doesnt have such a nice room, with big windows than this
The result of "feel good" social engineering.

Actually, to be fair, there are different levels of prisons in most countries, with differing security. In the U.S. are federal prison camps that are much softer than the hard-core jails. The accountant sent to prison for 1 year for lying on a tax return doesn't go to the same jail as murdering gang-bangers in jail for life. We don't know if this jail is typical of the one the shooter will live in.

But one thing about a jail - no matter the crime, the prisoner should be made to work so that his incarceration doesn't cost anything to the public. Make him pay for his own food and upkeep with hard work.
A prison is not mean to be a place to rot , its place where you go and you are cut off from society no freedom to roam free

Of course that does not means you have to live in below human levels as case in USA or Pakistan or India etc

Sharia law is to point IT PASSes on judement and then you are free to go with out a limb
Scenes from a U.S. federal prison camp - "soft":



From a U.S. Maximum security facility - "Hard":




Quite a difference.
A prison is not mean to be a place to rot , its place where you go and you are cut off from society no freedom to roam free

Of course that does not means you have to live in below human levels as case in USA or Pakistan or India etc

Sharia law is to point IT PASSes on judement and then you are free to go with out a limb

That may be what the law says, but it is far from reality.

Prison is a Horrible place. When you are packed in a confined environment with the most,immoral,cruel,insensitive,evil Ba****ds in society that is more than mere seclusion. As if that is not enough in Prison you generaly do not have some of the basic rights that you take for granted in free society.

Inmates are at the Mercy of prison staff and other dangerous inmates.
Everything from Murder to rape happens in prison and the worst thing is that you neither can you escape nor can you go to court like a free citizen.

For Example_ 1.USA has the largest number of Prisoners in the world.
2. USA has the largest known statistics of PRISON RAPE.
For Example_ 1.USA has the largest number of Prisoners in the world.
2. USA has the largest known statistics of PRISON RAPE.

What was the point in posting this? :rolleyes:

Given a choice in prison, I'd rather be in the U.S. than Malaysia OR India.

1) Most of them are there for trivial drug crimes, which I think are stupid. It's also indicative that our system pursues and incarcerates criminals.

2) Hmmm. Do you think, maybe, it is because it goes unreported in most societies? Or if it is reported, it's not published?

Rape and other sex crimes occur in all prisons.
I think the theory behind this is that the goal is the to rehabilitate the criminals rather than punish them.

I can't really comment on how good reasoning that is as I don't know.
I always feel , Europeans have a different understanding of morality then Americans or Germans

That is why they view prison as a "CORRECTIONAL" facility and the many libraries and trades they have setup for people is so that a person might educate himself and try to become a good citizens when he comes out of prison

In US - the trend is that once you go to prison you are ...... ed up that is ....when you come out to get a new job ppl will do background check and you will never get a good job !!! So you only have a chance and that is to be a criminal

In India/Pakistan prisons are generally a place for poor and unattended people and generally if you go there you end up dieing since there is disease and and bad conditions
Norway has a very low recidivism of about 20%. Recidivism rate in USA is at 70%!

And not every prison in Norway is a 'hotel', I bet they have maximum security prisons for the most dangerous criminals, like every other European country.
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