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Princess Maryam in The New Pakistan !

Isn't she supposed to be in jail? Who let this vile creature out?
Well if Courts /Judges / Lawyers are beyond repair a new system is needed for Justice
OH yes a new system from who to whom?
Or you mean, PM becomes CJ, COAS, IGP all himself? Where the hell in the world that happens????
He should be thanking of the Macdonalds not imran khan, is imran khan is the Macdonalds chief? 😉 😜 😜 😜
It's McDonalds.

First develop a coherent thought in your mind and then start typing otherwise you will continue looking like an autistic in every post.
It's McDonalds.

First develop a coherent thought in your mind and then start typing otherwise you will continue looking like an autistic in every post.
Get a coherent mind to understand the truth, and let pakistani society cleaned up with that 3rd class divide and bias social media posts brother?
OH yes a new system from who to whom?
Or you mean, PM becomes CJ, COAS, IGP all himself? Where the hell in the world that happens????

A better solution is to have the Administrative and Legislative powers separated. Instead of choosing PM and ministers from a pool of elected legislators, the election should be of the leader and his team.

For example, Mr ABC is running to be the head of the government with his team which includes Mr. DEF as Interior Minister, Mr GHI as Defence Minister, Mr XYZ as Foreign Minister etc etc.

This way we will not only vote for the best leader but also the best team, and it will also eliminate black-mailing of smaller parties to get ministries.
surprised that she is walking around freely, only in pakistan a corrupt can get away
A better solution is to have the Administrative and Legislative powers separated. Instead of choosing PM and ministers from a pool of elected legislators, the election should be of the leader and his team.

For example, Mr ABC is running to be the head of the government with his team which includes Mr. DEF as Interior Minister, Mr GHI as Defence Minister, Mr XYZ as Foreign Minister etc etc.

This way we will not only vote for the best leader but also the best team, and it will also eliminate black-mailing of smaller parties to get ministries.
As i said untill, you not bring a united middle class leadership with its priorities of social justice, unity of one nation, and faith in our religion with its principles, no system will ever work, no matter what Formations you try, problem is the colonial mindset which exists in our elites either in our establishment, in our judiciary, in our politicians all are one for thier intersts but not for common ppls of Pakistan all this and that was tried in pakistans history but only for personal gains and the extention of powers?
Pakistan needs a real, grass route level middle class, young political party, without a hegomoney and the QABZA at its leadership!
And only power which can start up that silent, reform is pakarmy which has to start up within itself, by reforming its leadership role and its support to a justified system?
Other, details after that can be discussed later on
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