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Prince salman failure after failure?


Sep 13, 2012
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United Kingdom
can he actually do anything right?
Syria..utter failure, Yemen stalemate, tiny qatar still independent, a united Lebanon rejected Hariri's resignation. Vision2030 pushed back (was unrealistic to begin with). Only success is paying a kings ransom to Trump. Still waiting for a large scale saudi operation against ISIS who are nearly defeated.
can he actually do anything right?
Syria..utter failure, Yemen stalemate, tiny qatar still independent, a united Lebanon rejected Hariri's resignation. Vision2030 pushed back (was unrealistic to begin with). Only success is paying a kings ransom to Trump. Still waiting for a large scale saudi operation against ISIS who are nearly defeated.

Useless propaganda from this wannabe Al-Arabiya/Al-Jazeera dwarf.

Syria which failure? KSA is not the one that has lost 1000's upon 1000's of IRGC terrorists and senior generals fighting and wasting billions upon billions on a regime (Al-Assad) on loan. KSA has lost nothing. Pre-2011 Al-Assad ruled ALL of Syria with a harsh hand. What is left is a devastated and depopulated country that is even more against the Al-Assad regime. Kurds gaining autonomy etc. US, Russia etc. setting up permanent bases. Some kind of "victory".:lol:

IRGC terrorists dying like flies;



Just discovered this Syrian Twitter user that exposes the daily crimes of the Al-Assad regime and its allies on the Syrian people and Syria.


Yemen stalemate? 90% of Yemen is controlled by KSA/Arab coalition/Yemeni government with minimal casualties. Some kind of "failure".:lol:

Lebanon is a tiny and failed country hijacked by a terrorist group. Hariri showed for the entire world that Lebanon is hijacked by the Hezbollah terrorist cult and he will continue opposing them and Lebanese Sunni Arabs will continue to support KSA.

Vision 2030 and the economic, social and religious as well as unprecedented infrastructural projects in KSA (King Abdulaziz Airport in Jeddah - one of the largest in the world opening next Ramadan, NOEM (500 billion USD landmark project), Riyadh metro, South-North railway connecting KSA, high-speed railway between Makkah and Madinah (one of the longest in the world), KAEC, expansion of Makkah Madinah, science and technology booming in KSA by all international rankings etc. to name a few are doing better than never.

AQAP/DAESH is being dealt with in Yemen successfully and KSA has been an important ally in targeting Daesh in Syria.

Keep watching Qatari sponsored propaganda.

The 41 nation strong Islamic Military Alliance founded and headed by KSA just kicked off as well.

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Funny you try to push saudi infographics which your royals pay millions to american PR firms to create. That video raises questions which you foolishly dismiss and can't answer. Still waiting for one large scale Saudi operation against ISIS. Still waiting your strong prince to put saudi boots in Syria...we know its long gone from saudi influence.

Funny you try to push saudi infographics which your royals pay millions to american PR firms to create. That video raises questions which you foolishly dismiss and can't answer. Still waiting for one large scale Saudi operation against ISIS. Still waiting your strong prince to put saudi boots in Syria...we know its long gone from saudi influence.

Yes, that is why the Syrian opposition is meeting in Riyadh. KSA will always have an enormous yield in Syria due to history, ancient history (pre-Islamic as well as Islamic), common language, common ethnicity, blood ties, clan and tribal ties etc. Aside from being Bilad al-Haramain and hosting a large Syrian diaspora since decades. That is something that no other party can change or compete with no matter geographic proximity or bombardments of Syria and Syrians on behalf of a dictator on loan and his crippled regime that is kept alive by Putin.

You rather worry about your own and not a booming Saudi Arabia that has entered a new era under MbS.

As for some video of some irrelevant clown (looks like some frustrated midget based in some UK slum/ghetto), useless as well. KSA single-handedly made a functioning PM resign in the middle of Riyadh and demonize a terrorist cult (Hezbollah) in public. KSA lost nothing on it other than further orchestrating the Hezbollah cult and creating panic among its already stretched ranks.

Your ranks have been crying ever since 1932. KSA has been the only constant in the region and growing stronger by each decade. Now suck on that one in your rented one-room apartment somewhere in the UK, LOL.

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Yes, that is why the Syrian opposition is meeting in Riyadh. KSA will always have an enormous yield in Syria due to history, ancient history (pre-Islamic as well as Islamic), common language, common ethnicity, blood ties, clan and tribal ties etc. Aside from being Bilad al-Haramain and hosting a large Syrian diaspora since decades. That is something that no other party can change or compete with no matter geographic proximity or bombardments of Syria and Syrians on behalf of a dictator.

You rather worry about your own and not a booming Saudi Arabia that has entered a new era under MbS.

The meeting is farce, that's why opposition leaders figures have been quitting left right and centre and keep screaming Assad should go without putting soldiers on the ground :laughcry:
Here we go with the rambling about ancient history again
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Syria which failure? KSA is not the one that has lost 1000's upon 1000's of IRGC terrorists and senior generals fighting and wasting billions upon billions on a regime (Al-Assad) on loan.

KSA lost several hundred Billion Dollars by lowering price in order to destroy Iran, in Yemen, in Syria, and then paid several hundred billion dollars to US for their Approval of Saudi activities, and over priced weapons.

Real winners are only Netanyaho of Israel, and Trump of America.
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