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Primordial gravitational wave discovery heralds 'whole new era' in physics

Well if this is true then`` humanoid lìfe in another planetary system should be possible.
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Because of the present form of Human is result of thousands of years of evolution, which depends on the environmental factor, threat perception, availability of foods, and presence of predators. All these factors are very hard to replicate in a distant planet, and the probability will be minuscule.

They could represent an entirely new form of life, unlike ever seen or imagined.
Because of the present form of Human is result of thousands of years of evolution, which depends on the environmental factor, threat perception, availability of foods. All these factors are very hard to replicate in a distant planet, and the probability will be minuscule.

They could represent an entirely new form of life, unlike ever seen or imagined.
How can we know there isnt another earth like planet?
How can we know there isnt another earth like planet?

There might be, and highly likely there is. But is the atmospheric composition, and mineral composition, gravity, air density similar to that of earth?

The origin and evolution of life depends on all these factors.
There might be, and highly likely there is. But is the atmospheric composition, and mineral composition, gravity, air density similar to that of earth?

The origin and evolution of life depends on all these factors.
A couple of bilìon chances.
Who knows.
Well if this is true then`` humanoid lìfe in another planetary system should be possible.
Its certain.


Each spot here is a galaxy with hundreds of billions of stars. And this is only a fraction of the observable universe.

There are 200 billion stars in our galaxy and 200 billion galaxies in observable universe. And now we know that the observable universe is just one atom in whole universe. So number of possibilities is simply beyond imagination.
BBC News - Stephen Hawking 'wins inflation debate'
http://www.bbc.co.uk/emp/embed/smpEmbed.html?playlist=http://playlists.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-26625791A/playlist.sxml&title=Stephen Hawking debates inflation with Neil Turok&product=news
Stephen Hawking 'wins inflation debate'
18 March 2014 Last updated at 09:34 GMT

Scientists say they have extraordinary new evidence to support a Big Bang Theory for the origin of the Universe.

Researchers believe they have found the signal left in the sky by the super-rapid expansion of space that must have occurred just fractions of a second after everything came into being.

The BBC's Tom Feilden discusses the significance of this new evidence, before Professor Stephen Hawking speaks to BBC Radio 4's Today programme, placing the latest discovery in the context of his previous work.

Professor Neil Turok also speaks to presenter Sarah Montague about a long-standing bet he has held with Mr Hawking, and how this latest discovery affects this.

Experts hail the gravitational-wave revolution : Nature News & Comment
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