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President's state visit to China

Shiv Shankar Menon is the current National Security Advisor to the Prime Minister of India.He is also the indirect head of all the country"s Intelligence agencies save the military intelligence
‘Sino-Pak civil N-cooperation transparent’

Tuesday, July 06, 2010
BEIJING: Ambassador of Pakistan to China Masood Khan said here on Monday that in the area of civil nuclear energy, Pakistan and China had a long-standing and long-term cooperation.The ambassador was addressing a press conference regarding the upcoming visit of President Asif Ali Zardari to China that will start from Tuesday. Ambassador Khan said, “We have been cooperating in the past and we will continue to do so in future” referring to Pakistan-China civil nuclear cooperation. k“Our cooperation is transparent. These projects will be under the IAEA safeguard,” he asserted. The Pakistani envoy said that President Zardari would visit Beijing and Shanghai from July 6-10. He added that the objective of the visit was to strengthen strategic partnership, promote economic and trade cooperation and enhance cultural ties between Pakistan and China.

During the visit, President Zardari will meet his Chinese counterpart President Hu Jintao on July 7 and discuss wide ranging regional and international issues. President Hu will also host a banquet in his honour. President Zardari is also due to meet Premier Wen Jiabao and Chairman of Chinese Peoples’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) Jia Qingling along with the ministers of agriculture and water resources.
somehow i remembered that the ambassador said no further agreement on nuclear will be signed during President's visit.
You have to give him credit for this. He stated he'll visit China often and he has been visiting China frequently and everytime we sign dozens of MoUs and numerous trade agreements besides bilateral discussions. Trade between the countries has increased, rail link is being explored, China is investing even more in our country and is supporting our causes. I've got no problem with frequent visits to China (the foreign trips have reduced very much though) :pakistan::china:




China & Pakistan ink six deals, pledge joint fight on terrorism

China and Pakistan signed six deals in Beijing on Wednesday, and pledged to make joint efforts to fight terrorism.

Chinese President Hu Jintao and visiting Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari witnessed the signing of the six deals, which cover areas such as agriculture, healthcare, justice, media, economy and technology.

During the two-hour-long talks before the signing ceremony, Hu and Zardari also vowed to jointly fight the "three forces" of extremism, separatism and terrorism.

China and Pakistan are both victims of terrorism, the anti-terror cooperation between the two countries on fighting the "three forces" complies with the interests of both peoples and is conducive to peace, stability, security in the region, said Hu.

Echoing Hu's remarks, Zardari said Pakistan and China would work together to combat the "three forces" so to jointly safeguard peace and stability in the region.

As a sign of closer cooperation on fighting terrorism between the neighbors, currently a joint anti-terrorism drill, code-named "Friendship-2010," is being held between China and Pakistan's armed forces in northwest China's Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region.

On trade cooperation, Hu said China would explore new ways to cooperate as well as cement cooperation between the two countries in such areas as energy, transportation, telecommunication, infrastructure and agriculture.

The 60th anniversary of the establishment of China-Pakistan diplomatic ties falls in 2011 and the two countries should prepare early for the celebrations, said Hu.

Hu appreciated the efforts the Pakistani government had made to safeguard the security of Chinese nationals and organizations in Pakistan.

Now there are more than 120 companies and over 10,000 Chinese nationals in Pakistan, engaged in fields like mining, energy exploration and infrastructure.

Zardari hoped the two countries could further enhance cooperation in areas like energy, financing and transportation, and invited more Chinese firms to invest in Pakistan.

Pakistan would create a secure environment for Chinese firms, said Zardari.

Hu said China attached importance to Pakistan's unique influence and role in regional affairs, and China would enhance coordination with Pakistan within the framework of South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

China would continue to maintain contacts with Pakistan on issues like the reform of the UN Security Council and climate change in order to ensure the common interests of the developing countries, said Hu.

China and Pakistan are good neighbors, friends, partners and brothers, and China would work with Pakistan to push forward the bilateral strategic partnership in a comprehensive manner so to contribute to regional peace and stability, said Hu.

Zardari arrived in Beijing Tuesday evening on a five-day working visit to China, the fifth China tour since he became president of Pakistan in 2008.

On Thursday, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao and top political advisor Jia Qinglin will also meet with Zardari.

Zardari will leave Beijing for Shanghai later this week, and visit the Pakistani National Pavilion at the Shanghai World Expo.

China Military Online English Edition
So no Civil Nuclear Deal Looks like India’s Diplomatic Dialogue with China working well
^^ I dont think they will be talking too much about the nuke deal. It will happen in a more hushed up manner... Neither China nor Pakistan would want to create unnecessary noise on this..
Pakistan, China to fight terrorism jointly
Zardari, Hu reaffirm strategic partnership; six agreements signed

Thursday, July 08, 2010

BEIJING: Pakistan and China on Wednesday pledged to make joint efforts to fight terrorism, and signed six deals of cooperation in the areas of agriculture, healthcare, justice, media, economy and technology.

Chinese President Hu Jintao and President Asif Ali Zardari witnessed the signing of the six deals. During the two-hour-long talks before the signing ceremony, Hu and Zardari also vowed to jointly fight the “three forces” of extremism, separatism and terrorism.

China and Pakistan are both victims of terrorism, the anti-terror cooperation between the two countries on fighting the “three forces” complies with the interests of both peoples and is conducive to peace, stability, security in the region, said President Hu.

Echoing Hu’s remarks, President Zardari said Pakistan and China would work together to combat the “three forces” so as to jointly safeguard peace and stability in the region.

As a sign of closer cooperation on fighting terrorism between the neighbours, currently a joint anti-terrorism drill, code-named “Friendship-2010” is being held between China and Pakistan’s armed forces in northwest China’s Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region.

On trade cooperation, Hu said China would explore new ways to cooperate as well as cement cooperation between the two countries in areas such as energy, transportation, telecommunication, infrastructure and agriculture.

The 60th anniversary of the establishment of China-Pakistan diplomatic ties falls in 2011 and the two countries should prepare early for the celebrations, said Hu. Hu appreciated the efforts the Pakistani government had made to safeguard the security of Chinese nationals and organisations in Pakistan. Now there are more than 120 companies and over 10,000 Chinese nationals in Pakistan, engaged in fields such as mining, energy exploration and infrastructure.

Zardari voiced hope that the two countries could further enhance cooperation in areas, including energy, financing and transportation, and invited more Chinese firms to invest in Pakistan.

Hu said China attached importance to Pakistan’s unique influence and role in regional affairs, and China would enhance coordination with Pakistan within the framework of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation and the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation.

China would continue to maintain contacts with Pakistan on issues like reforms of the UN Security Council and climate change in order to ensure common interests of the developing countries, he said.

Zardari arrived in Beijing on Tuesday evening on a five-day visit to China, the fifth China tour since he became the president of Pakistan in 2008. On Thursday (today), Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao and top political adviser Jia Qinglin will also meet Zardari.

President Zardari will leave Beijing for Shanghai later this week, and visit the Chinese and Pakistani Pavilions at the Shanghai World Expo.

Meanwhile, talking to media persons, the president of the EXIM Bank Li Rougu said that he discussed long term cooperation between the two countries in financial sector with emphasis on expanding cooperation in the banking sector.

The chairman of China’s Three Gorges Corporation Cao Guagjing after meeting with President Zardari said, “We are in agreement with the Government of Pakistan to develop hydro and other means of power generation including wind energy.”

He said feasibility for the $2.6-billion Kohala Hydel project had been completed, which will provide 1,200 MW electricity after its completion in four years. He said work on the feasibility study for the Bunji Dam project had begun that will produce 7,000 MW at a cost of $8 billion and 500 MW will be generated from wind turbines at Karachi.

China pledged to provide 50 million yuan grant to new projects in Pakistan. The director general International Water and Electric Corporation, who was also a part of the delegation, and according to Chinese investors, said that in the coming years, the Chinese companies intended to make investment of around $10 billion in power generation sector.

The president was accompanied by his daughters Bakhtawar Bhutto Zardari and Aseefa Bhutto Zardari. Members of his entourage included Defence Minister Chaudhry Ahmad Mukhtar, Petroleum Minister Naveed Qamar, Minister of State for Water Resources Kamal Majidullah, Minister of State for Finance and Economic Affairs Hina Rabbani Khar, Foreign Secretary Salman Bashir, Secretary General to President Salman Farooqui, Ambassador at large Khalil Ahmad Khan, Wapda Chairman Shakil Durrani, NHA Chairman Chaudhry Altaf Ahmad, Additional Secretary Foreign Office Khalid Masood and spokesperson to president Farhatullah Babar.

Meanwhile, Kashgar — an important transit point on the ancient Silk Route and a gateway between China and Pakistan — has earned a special distinction during the ongoing visit of President Asif Ali Zardari. It has been declared a special economic zone, which is the magic formula that has catapulted several Chinese towns like Shenzhen into world class trading centers.

The move suggests that Chinese leaders are seriously considering plans to connect Pakistan with rail that would run through the difficult terrain near the Karokoram Highway, which connects the Khunjerab Pass with Chinese towns, including Kashgar. Indian strategic experts see the proposed railway plan as a serious military infrastructure close to the Indian border, sources said.

President Zardari on Wednesday told a group of officials from the China Northern Railways Corporation that Pakistan was keen to build several new lines for access to the Central Asia, West Asia and Chinese markets. He requested the CNR to form a consortium with the Pakistan Railways to give shape to the plans.

The announcement makes Kashgar in northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, the sixth special economic zone in China. This will mean preferential policy support for development of new industries in the city. This will mean a growing market for Pakistani exports.
So no Civil Nuclear Deal Looks like India’s Diplomatic Dialogue with China working well

China sees no US resistance to N-deal with Pakistan By Our Correspondent
Thursday, 08 Jul, 2010


WASHINGTON: China believes that the United States will not mount serious resistance to its plan to build two nuclear reactors in Pakistan, notes a prestigious US think tank.

On the occasion of President Asif Ali Zardari’s visit to Beijing, the Council on Foreign Relations published an interview with an American expert on Pakistan-China relations, Andrew Small of the German Marshall Fund of the United States.

“The Chinese also believe that Washington needs Beijing’s support on issues such as Iran at the moment and will be unwilling to mount serious resistance to the deal,” observes Mr Small.

“Moreover, in private, Chinese analysts are quite clear that this is a strategic tit-for-tat (in response to US-India nuclear deal).”

Mr Small points out that the Chinese appear willing to ignore the guidelines of the Nuclear Suppliers Group and claim that the deal was part of the exemption for prior Sino-Pak civil nuclear cooperation – the power plants Chashma 1 and 2, which were ‘grandfathered’ as conditions of China’s membership in the Nuclear Suppliers Group.

“Beijing has been testing the water to see how other countries – and particularly the United States – react, but so far seems to think that it won’t encounter serious pushback,” he said.

“There is little appetite in Beijing for going through the sort of process that the United States undertook at the NSG for the India deal.”

Mr Small notes that the United States has expressed concern in the past, “but official reaction to the actual conclusion of the deal has been relatively muted, and many in China think it will stay that way”.

Meanwhile, the US media quoted Pakistan’s Ambassador to China Masood Khan as saying that the issues relating to nuclear plants were on the agenda of Mr Zardari’s talks with the Chinese leaders.

The news about China’s plans to build nuclear reactors for Pakistan was first carried by ‘China National Nuclear Corporation’ on its website in March this year.

China notified the Nuclear Suppliers Group about its plan in this regard last month. India, however, conveyed serious concerns to China over the deal.

Indian National Security Adviser Shivshankar Menon has said that the Chinese leaders have assured him that the reactors would be built under international obligations. India will “wait and see” how Beijing goes about it, said Mr Menon who ended a four-day visit to Beijing on Tuesday.

Rail link: The US also media noted that China plans to build a rail link across the Karakoram into Pakistan through the Gilgit-Baltistan region.

The line running nearly 700 km from Kashgar in Xinjiang province to Havelian near Rawalpindi through the Khunjerab Pass, will transform the geopolitics of western China and the subcontinent, the reports noted.

DAWN.COM | National | China sees no US resistance to N-deal with Pakistan
China pledges 50 million yuan grant: agreement signed on economic cooperation

BEIJING (July 08 2010): Pakistan and China on Wednesday reaffirmed at the highest level to strengthen strategic relationship between the two countries, increase the level of economic co-operation by an order of magnitude and take concrete measures to further bring their peoples closer.

As a measure of this reiteration the two countries signed an agreement on economic and technical co-operation and four MoUs witnessed by the two Presidents and a pledge of 50 million Yuan grant by China to new projects in Pakistan.

"The two countries have worked together and will continue to work together to further deepen the people-to-people contacts. China is a friend and a strategic partner committed to the promotion of stability and economic progress of Pakistan" is how President Hu Jintao summed up the strategic relations. President Zardari responded by saying, "It is our belief that Pakistan can act as a force multiplier for China and we will continue to work towards this end".

The reiteration to strengthen political, economic, security relations and people-to-people contacts was made on Wednesday in the Great Hall of Peoples in Beijing where the two Presidents met; first on a one-to-one basis and later along with their delegations followed by a banquet by President Hu Jintao.

Presidential Spokesperson Farhatullah Babar said that the one-to-one meeting that was scheduled for 30 minutes initially continued for one hour during which the two leaders discussed a host of issues relating to strategic partnership reviewing the steps taken thus far and charting also the future course of action.

Bilateral relations, situation in the region and international relations also came under discussion during the one-to-one meeting followed by delegation level meeting that was dominated by specific issues of economic co-operation and developing soft power to boost the ties between the two countries.

President Hu Jintao reaffirmed China's support to Pakistan in its fight against militancy saying also that China deeply appreciated the struggle the people and government of Pakistan were waging against the militants. Welcoming President Zardari the Chinese President said that he had directed his Foreign Minister to take steps for the exchange of youth delegations, cultural and writers' delegations between the two countries and also increasing scholarships for young Pakistanis for studies in China.

He said the Chinese government was determined to make the relationship "more vibrant". He said that China valued Pakistan's support to it on regional and international forums. China will continue to support Pakistan at various multilateral forums like SAARC and SCO, he added. Addressing President Zardari, the Chinese President said, "You are old friend. You have paid five visits to China and contributed in great measure to the growth of relations between the two countries. Your trip will further consolidate our strategic partnership to a higher level". President Hu Jintao also appreciated Pakistan's one China policy.

Hu Jintao said that China had become Pakistan's second largest trading partner and pledged to make "steady progress in co-operation with Pakistan in energy, telecom sectors, Neelum Jhelum project and Pakistan telecommunication satellite project". Hina Rabbani Khar signed an agreement on economic and technical co-operation on the occasion. Instruments of ratification were also exchanged as a follow-up of the Agreement on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters between the two countries.

A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) of co-operation between Pakistan Broadcasting Corporation and China Radio International for Urdu service broadcasts in selected Pakistani cities on FM channel was also signed by Ambassador Masood Khan and head of the China Radio International (CRI). Three other MoUs pertaining to the fields of health, geological survey, and agriculture were also signed on the occasion.

Zardari urges China to invest in energy

BEIJING (July 08 2010): President Asif Ali Zardari on Wednesday met the leaders of a dozen of China's corporations specialising in defence, petroleum, banking, industrial and construction sectors to further Islamabad's quest for attracting Chinese entrepreneurs to invest in Pakistan in return for liberal economic incentives and security to Chinese manpower.

The corporate leaders with whom the president met separately in the State Guest House included the chief executive officers and their delegations of the EXIM Bank of China, the Three Gorges Dam Project Corporation, China Northern Railways Corporation, China Northern Industries Corporation (NORINCO), China Petrochemical Corporation (SINOPEC Group) Sinotruk, Tebian electric and Apparatus Stock Co, Sinohydro Corporation and Industrial and Commercial bank of China.

Briefing the journalists presidential spokesperson Farhatullah Babar said that the president informed the corporate leaders that Pakistan had a Free Trade Agreement with China in goods, services which ensured full security to Chinese investment in Pakistan.

He said that low cost and hard working labour together with liberal incentives and access to huge markets of countries in the region Pakistan offered unique opportunity to Chinese investors to invest in Pakistan.

The president thanked the Chinese corporations already doing business in Pakistan and said that the true potential of business partnership between the entrepreneurs of two countries had yet to be fully realised. Zardari said that despite adverse geopolitical situation and global financial crisis Pakistan had maintained steady growth. To sustain this growth Pakistan had embarked on private-public partnership mode of development model, which was most suited to investors in infrastructure and energy sectors.

Farhatullah Babar quoted the president as saying that the government planned to launch a mega housing project in the country to overcome housing shortage particularly for the government employees. For this purpose high rise apartment buildings are planned to be constructed in major cities of the country which will be given to public officials on mortgage basis. The president invited Chinese builders and construction companies to form consortiums with Pakistani firms on the basis of equity partnership.

He said that the state partnership in the project could be in the form of land and some other essential inputs and facilities. The president said that Pakistan was facing acute power shortage and intended to add tens of thousands of megawatts of power to its national grid in the next 25 years through combined hydro, coal, gas, nuclear and renewable energy sources. The president apprised the corporations dealing in alternate energy of the enormous potential of solar and wind energy in Pakistan and invited them to join in partnership with Pakistani entrepreneurs.

Meanwhile talking to media persons, the president of the EXIM Bank Li Rougu said, "He discussed long term co-operation between the two countries in financial sector" with emphasis on expanding co-operating in banking sector. The Chairman of China's Three Gorges Corporation Cao Guagjing after meeting with Zardari said, "We are in agreement with government of Pakistan to develop hydro and other means of power generation including wind energy".

The Director General International Water and Electric Corporation who was also part of the delegation and according to Chinese investors, said that in the coming years, Chinese companies intended to make investment of around $10 billion in power generation sector. The Chairman China Poly Technology Zhang Liansheng said that he had inform Zardari that his company was fully interested in making investment in big way in energy sector.

He said that president had invited a delegation of his company to visit Pakistan and see for themselves the vast potential of investment his country offers. The Chairman Sino-Hydro Liu Qitao told the media after meeting with President that his company has presence in Pakistan for two decades. The Sino-Hydro specialises in building the infrastructure for power and irrigation projects. He pointed out that the Sino-Hydro will carry out a big irrigation project by building Darwat dam.
You have to give him credit for this. He stated he'll visit China often and he has been visiting China frequently and everytime we sign dozens of MoUs and numerous trade agreements besides bilateral discussions. Trade between the countries has increased, rail link is being explored, China is investing even more in our country and is supporting our causes. I've got no problem with frequent visits to China (the foreign trips have reduced very much though) :pakistan::china:

The thing to be noted is what kind of reciprocating visits the Chinese leaders are paying Pakistan. Usually when the head of state of country-A visits country-B, the next state visit will be by the head of state of country-B to country-A. But here we only see Pakistani leaders (president, PM, COAS) visiting China often, but hardly any high ranking Chinese leaders visiting Pakistan. This shows the amount of respect & importance these 2 countries have regarding each other.
Why would China keep a dirty chair for Zardari in the first place? :eek: His reputation may be a factor here ...


Might be because they want Indian National Security Advisor to clean Pak president chair. That might be the reason. Chinese are very clever you know.
The thing to be noted is what kind of reciprocating visits the Chinese leaders are paying Pakistan. Usually when the head of state of country-A visits country-B, the next state visit will be by the head of state of country-B to country-A. But here we only see Pakistani leaders (president, PM, COAS) visiting China often, but hardly any high ranking Chinese leaders visiting Pakistan. This shows the amount of respect & importance these 2 countries have regarding each other.

I think you are at mistake here. Better check your record about chinese officials visiting Pak in last 6 months.

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