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Presidential system in Türkiye.

Do you support the presidential system in Türkiye?

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I would like the vote presidential system because it makes Turkey more fair and speed up, Current system release crimials moreover it unfair against innocents. But with presidential system we can do quick decisions what we want to do also this will make speedy and more fair our judge system.
Yes, because Turkish's party are not mature enough to create a coalition, or their colation become awfull for Turkey.

AKP will not always manage to win the majority, their real electora is 40% (they have recolted 10% because people wanted a govt in the second election), either Turkey must go presidential sytem or Turkey will support a coalition which party cannot say hello without insulting other.
If you have a strong and fair President then this might be a better system; but what happens if your leader is weak or unfair? Even during Ottoman history, the "success" of the Empire depended on the strength of the ruling leader; for this reason I think checks and balances are needed, regardless of which system is used.
We dont even know what kind of presidential system Erdogan is seeking, will the Parliament have any function afterwards at all?
We dont even know what kind of presidential system Erdogan is seeking, will the Parliament have any function afterwards at all?
The parliament will be the legislators, president will still approve legislations, the only difference, as far as i know, is the president's powers will be elevated. He will have executive mandates, he will be able to execute measures and (temporary) legislations when he deems it right.
These powers will more or less resemble the Turkish system if president system is introduced.

I support it. Strong countries need strong leaders with executive powers. We are situated in one of the worst neighbourhoods in the world. As others pointed out, Turkey is not sufficiently mature to form coalition governments, history is testament to that. The only problem will be electoral process for the new presidency. And how to systematize the division of powers to keep them in check
2 short videos that show the powers of the president in the US.

If the presidential system comes. That will also mean that the 10% election threshold will be gone. Because you will choose the governor of your province or will they do something like you have to have a set amount of governors?
No, not while he's still there.

Why ? Do you really think Erdogan will have more power with presidential system ? After Davotoglu push down, its clear that Erdogan is already the true leader of Turkey, give him the presidential power will change nothing to him, but that will be a good thing for Turkey in the futur.

And frankly ? After Erdogan, nobody will with the power to push for a presidentiel system, the party in Turkey are bunch of kids which never accept to lost their nuissance power, AKP under Erdogan are the only which can win the majority vote in the referundum.....
Why ? Do you really think Erdogan will have more power with presidential system ? After Davotoglu push down, its clear that Erdogan is already the true leader of Turkey, give him the presidential power will change nothing to him, but that will be a good thing for Turkey in the futur.

And frankly ? After Erdogan, nobody will with the power to push for a presidentiel system, the party in Turkey are bunch of kids which never accept to lost their nuissance power, AKP under Erdogan are the only which can win the majority vote in the referundum.....

I'm not convinced that he would want something like that other then for his personal benefit.
Turkey is de facto a presidential state. We simply don't have a constitutional base for our current political system. I personally believe that this governmental form is the better option for people like us + a presidential system is normally faster and more flexible than a parliamentary system.

I'm also sure that Erdoğan will partly decentralise Turkey after officially changing the governmental system.
I do follow turkish news like daily sabah. Was not AKP also considering a semi-presidential system with a strong executive presidency like the French? The power of the French president depends on to what extent he controls parliament. A opposition controlled parliament basically leads to co-habitation where both the President and PM share power. While when the President's dominates parliament , it results in a pure American style presidency. But the French president DO NOT have veto powers like US preisdent. A fixed term powerful president provides stability and foreign policy and defense remains in his hands.

US style system is not bad either. But both the french and US style have strong checks and balances with separation of powers unlike the Russian and Latin american style which have super presidencies . Turkey has a much more fairer electoral model than US or France. The US legislative electoral model is not at all fair. Neither is the US president directly elected. A directly elected president and proportional representation parliament as you have now is a fairer good governance model than US or france. Constitutionally increasing the power of the president with proper checks and balances would make it even better IMO. @Zulkarneyn @yason @T-123456 @Orez @KediKesenFare

There are 25 countries that have presidential system, and only 5 of which has democracy, so with the current ''one'' in Turkey It is fair to ask Presidential or Dictatorial it is in the poll.

I will not go further, I believe i made my point before.

The countries that become dictatorial do not care about presidential and parliamentary model. Dictators throw the constitution out the window no matter whether that constitution is presidential or parliamentary. That's why they are called dictators. BD constitution was "parliamentary" but it did not stop Hasina from from becoming a vicious dictator.

I support it if it is based on the american system. History in politics have shown that coalitions don't work in Turkey and a presidential system will ensure that the executive power(the president) will run the country. The problem now is that the executive power and legaslative power is in hands of Erdogan. He can do as he pleases as long he doesn't change the constitution. In the presidential system the senate has to approve laws.

That would be in any system. When the president's party controls parliament , he inevitably have legislative powers. The French president also have legislative powers simply by the fact that his party is majority in parliament. Same goes for S.korea , Indoneshia etc. What you need is checks and balances like a independent judiciary , may be an upper house with equal legislative powers , a proportionally elected parliament which you already have etc etc.

The US system is unique btw and may not be possible to replicate in turkey. They have a very unfair 2 party system with a flawed electoral system. Both the Republicans and Democrats are basically each an aggregation of many smaller ideological groups which in any other country would have their own parties. Thus even a Democrat president Obama sometimes have a hard time convincing a Democrat majority congress to pass bills of his choosing. Not to mention US is a Federation unlike Turkey.

For me, if it will bring "Federation System", i am against it. If we will keep our uniter system, i support it. It depends of the proposal that will be sent to National Assembly.

Actually there are many examples where federalism provided checks and balances to power and resulted in stable , prosperous states. Eg. US , Canada , Australia , Switzerland, Germany etc etc. Germany btw is ethnically homogeneous unlike Turkey. Also federalism is a good system to govern multi ethnic countries. The Ottoman empire was much more federal than many current officially federal states like India, malaysia etc which are actually pseudo federations.
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I'm not convinced that he would want something like that other then for his personal benefit.

His personal benefif will be that he would not be forced to check about AKP, and force the PM to resign if this one is not 100% loyal.

I think many don't undertands that Erdogan is more powerfull with this system today than prsidentiel sytem! Today he is already the facto leader but he don't have to take responsability if something went wrong because he can always say, this is PM fault not mine.

Erdogan today can go with either system, but after Erdogan, do you think one party would be able to have the majority ? That a coalition will finaly work in Turkey ? Or other thant Erdogan who has the support to push for a presidentiel system ?

You cannot control AKP fidelity to Erdogan, but a good presidentiel system can limit Erdogan's power.
Akp or not, a system that allows for a faster and decisive decisionmaking without giving too much space for time loss due to coalitions or parties (deliberately) obstructing each other, especially since we're in the worst region on earth, is welcome in my book.

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