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President: Turkey is ready to join Iran-Turkmenistan-Kazakhstan transport [

so it affects the flow of currency because of the banking system being frozen out but there's no harm in cooperation that doesn't require direct transfer, right?
No they can't directly transfer money either and every financial institution that cooperate with Iran's banking system will be put under US unilateral sanctions.
so it affects the flow of currency because of the banking system being frozen out but there's no harm in cooperation that doesn't require direct transfer, right?

Are you think Obama was drunk when he said " We imposed toughest sanction on Iran " !?

and are you think Iran really like his neighbor to let them transfer their good through country without any financial benefit for himself/herself !? we will take some money and in exchange import what we need from these countries (for example we import gas from Turkmenistan ) ....

but some part of Turkey economic growth is depend on Iran ... Turkey-Iran Economic and Trade Relations worth is about to 20 billions dollars ... so simply if turkey want to play according of USA order then we will put an end to our economic relationship ( something that we won't hesitant about it and our record show this clearly ) and turkey has to import his need from other countries ( and with higher price ) and find another country to export 7-10 billion dollars his good to it ...

Turkey-Iran Economic and Trade Relations / Rep. of Turkey Ministry of Foreign Affairs
No they can't directly transfer money either and every financial institution that cooperate with Iran's banking system will be put under US unilateral sanctions.

Yeah that's what I was saying too. That's what I thought.

Are you think Obama was drunk when he said " We imposed toughest sanction on Iran " !?

and are you think Iran really like his neighbor to let them transfer their good through country without any financial benefit for himself/herself !? we will take some money and in exchange import what we need from these countries (for example we import gas from Turkmenistan ) ....

but some part of Turkey economic growth is depend on Iran ... Turkey-Iran Economic and Trade Relations worth is about to 20 billions dollars ... so simply if turkey want to play according of USA order then we will put an end to our economic relationship ( something that we won't hesitant about it and our record show this clearly ) and turkey has to import his need from other countries ( and with higher price ) and find another country to export 7-10 billion dollars his good to it ...

Turkey-Iran Economic and Trade Relations / Rep. of Turkey Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Well not that we're transferring goods without benefits but let's say they were building a super high tech rail system between the countries, for example, all that would have to happen is that the rails connect at the border. Not necessary to transfer funds.

Iran and Turkey can pay in Turkish Liras though right? It's just not very useful for Iran to have liras.
Yeah that's what I was saying too. That's what I thought.

Well not that we're transferring goods without benefits but let's say they were building a super high tech rail system between the countries, for example, all that would have to happen is that the rails connect at the border. Not necessary to transfer funds.

Iran and Turkey can pay in Turkish Liras though right? It's just not very useful for Iran to have liras.

no , it is not about high tech rail , it is about transferring good to central asia trough Iran ( central Asia has no direct access to oceans as you know ) ...

and only some country like Japan , France and western countries ( probably USA and Germany ) have super high tech rail .... and now westerns wing even wouldn't sell us pens because pens have dual use ( well , our scientists will use pen it their nuclear research .... lol )

and your liars only useful for us as the amount our import from Turkey ...
no no, i know they're not making a high tech rail. I'm saying if that was the project then each country would just do its own part to connect the rail.

Yeah that's what i thought about Liras. Only certain highly exchanged currencies are really useful for global trade.
no no, i know they're not making a high tech rail. I'm saying if that was the project then each country would just do its own part to connect the rail.

Yeah that's what i thought about Liras. Only certain highly exchanged currencies are really useful for global trade.

Well ,

this is not as simple as you think .... it need a lot infrastructure .... probably we need to make another rail way for this and make some rail station ....

and we need to make a pact beatween IRan- Turkey and Iran-Turkmenistan for transferring good without wasting time and it will need some national treaty between these countries and probably permission from our parliament ....
He is supporting sanctions which are hurting Iranian PEOPLE, although he isn't a real Iranian only a half blood, yeah we are the traitors who are enjoying this pleasant sanctions and our families had gave some of their best sons so that Iran do not fall to Iraqi invaders while Iranians PATRIOTS in west are enduring unspeakable hardship.

One thing I learned from Iranian diaspora is that they only talk about patriotism but in the real life they stab each other in the back.Iranian community in the west is F... uped mess they don't trust and hate each other, they lost their identity there always try to stick themselves to the european ,call themselves white and etc instead of being proud for what they really are.

True story.

Had a chat with an Iranian guy here in Texas. Older gentlemen. Very depressed. He basically said fu*k Iranians, I can trust anyone in America other than people from my own nation.

To be honest I feel the same towards other Pakistanis.
too much bullshits from traitorous regime goons

you want to **** with the world they will **** with you back , dont come crying about sanctions , you threaten world with your islamofacist ideologies , and they reserve their right not to trade **** with you!

your are nothing but bunch of hypocrites , you owe everything you got to west (outdated western technology , but nonetheless its western technology yet you have the audacity to belittle western culture)

this guy doesnt even know me yet he claims im in the "whorehouses" everyday , although its just a typical bullshit remark that mullah lovers like to use against the people who disagree with them , but i have to say , ye i prefer to go to "whorehouse" and you go to your mosque , what is it to you?? the difference between you and me is that i use my brain but you believe in the nonsense mullahs tell you to believe in! :laugh:

all this crap about how "unsuccessful iranian community abroad" is bullshit , nowadays even braindead mullah lovers know how to use google (if its not blocked) so i suggest them to use it and see the success of iranians for themselves , only people who try to avoid iranians are losers who have not achieved anything and are intimidated by other iranians success.

you guys dont have anything better to do? even before i became a member here , i noticed that you are online all the time? how much the mullahs pay you to spread this garbage?
turkey MUST respect the international sanctions

turkey is no position to defy american and european sanctions against iran

turkey will either follow the western sanctions or face the same consequences like iran did
When did you have this dream?
turkey MUST respect the international sanctions

turkey is no position to defy american and european sanctions against iran

turkey will either follow the western sanctions or face the same consequences like iran did

Which sanction do you mean exactly?
Is the rail service connecting Iran-Turkmenistan-Kazakhstan up and running ?
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