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President: Turkey is ready to join Iran-Turkmenistan-Kazakhstan transport [


Jan 28, 2012
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Turkey is ready to join the Iran-Turkmenistan-Kazakhstan transport corridor, Turkish President Abdullah Gul said during his state visit to Turkmenistan from May 29-31, Turkmen television reported today.

"Joining the North-South transport corridor is important for us," Gul said. "Turkmenistan holds a prominent place among the fastest growing countries, by making a significant contribution to the world development. A Kazakhstan-Turkmenistan-Iran railway section has been recently opened."

"We also considered the issue of opening a new Turkmenistan-Turkey highway," Gul said.

The issues of cooperation in the international transport infrastructure, in particular, the implementation of road and sea routes through the Caucasus to Turkey were discussed during the negotiations in accordance with the previous agreements.

Turkmenistan borders with Kazakhstan, Iran, Russia, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan on land and Azerbaijan, Russia, Kazakhstan and Iran on the Caspian Sea. The regional transport projects have been recently intensified. A large-scale reconstruction of the Turkmenbashi sea port is being prepared. The motorways are being upgraded.

A project on connecting the railways on the Kazakh-Turkmen border was launched this month. In general, two neighboring countries are implementing the "North-South" project together with Iran. A trilateral inter-state agreement was signed in 2007. The Iranian and Turkmen railway networks are expected to be connected by late 2013.

The regional project will open an access to Central Asia and the Persian Gulf for the European and Asian countries. A similar opportunity will appear for transit of goods from countries in South and Southeast Asia, from the shores of the Indian Ocean to the countries of Northern and Eastern Europe -- through Iran, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan and Russia.

According to preliminary estimates, primarily on this highway will be transported to 3-5 million tons of cargo a year will be transported through this main line at the initial stage. Later, the figure will increase to 10-12 million tons. The project was implemented with the assistance of the Asian Development Bank and Islamic Development Bank.

Daily Planning News
Good ****.

Add us the mix too.


Pakistan could take part in this railway route if the Turkey-Iran-Pakistan railway is established, which I heard something about a while ago. I don't know if the plans are serious?
Pakistan could take part in this railway route if the Turkey-Iran-Pakistan railway is established, which I heard something about a while ago. I don't know if the plans are serious?

Not sure. I thought dat **** was running already?
^The Turkey-Iran-Pakistan railway is already in service.
turkey MUST respect the international sanctions

turkey is no position to defy american and european sanctions against iran

turkey will either follow the western sanctions or face the same consequences like iran did
turkey MUST respect the international sanctions

turkey is no position to defy american and european sanctions against iran

turkey will either follow the western sanctions or face the same consequences like iran did
You are a shame to all ardabilis, traitor.
The traitors are the ones that support the arab republic of khamenei
He is supporting sanctions which are hurting Iranian PEOPLE, although he isn't a real Iranian only a half blood, yeah we are the traitors who are enjoying this pleasant sanctions and our families had gave some of their best sons so that Iran do not fall to Iraqi invaders while Iranians PATRIOTS in west are enduring unspeakable hardship.

One thing I learned from Iranian diaspora is that they only talk about patriotism but in the real life they stab each other in the back.Iranian community in the west is F... uped mess they don't trust and hate each other, they lost their identity there always try to stick themselves to the european ,call themselves white and etc instead of being proud for what they really are.
He is supporting sanctions which are hurting Iranian PEOPLE, although he isn't a real Iranian only a half blood, yeah we are the traitors who are enjoying this pleasant sanctions and our families had gave some of their best sons so that Iran do not fall to Iraqi invaders while Iranians PATRIOTS in west are enduring unspeakable hardship.

One thing I learned from Iranian diaspora is that they only talk about patriotism but in the real life they stab each other in the back.Iranian community in the west is F... uped mess they don't trust and hate each other, they lost their identity there always try to stick themselves to the european ,call themselves white and etc instead of being proud for what they really are.

In the West, as citizens of the nations we have adopted as our new homes, we're respected by our peers, by our government, by our leaders, by our loved ones and most important of all, we have the chance to become whoever we want, do whatever we want and make whatever want out of ourselves. Can't say the same thing about the nation we were born in and the nation that has now fallen in the hands of 6th century arab barbarians.

And nice lies. I grew up in Vancouver. Almost the entire Iranian population of Vancouver lives in the North Shore area. Almost all Iranian businesses are located in one street in North Vancouver: Lonsdale street. We have our own seperate yellow pages (phone and business directory). All Iranian businesses support each other in any way they can. We have around ten Parsi publications, from magazines to news papers. There are Iranian schools where young kids are sent to study Parsi. The Iranian community supports students, new comers etc... There are Iranian senior centers. I personally volunteered in one when I was in high school to teach Iranian seniors basic computer skills. Iranian business have franchises. I can go on and on.

If you support the regime, then you DESERVE the sanctions and I won't shed a tear even if your entire family dies of hunger b/c of it.
He is supporting sanctions which are hurting Iranian PEOPLE, although he isn't a real Iranian only a half blood, yeah we are the traitors who are enjoying this pleasant sanctions and our families had gave some of their best sons so that Iran do not fall to Iraqi invaders while Iranians PATRIOTS in west are enduring unspeakable hardship.

One thing I learned from Iranian diaspora is that they only talk about patriotism but in the real life they stab each other in the back.Iranian community in the west is F... uped mess they don't trust and hate each other, they lost their identity there always try to stick themselves to the european ,call themselves white and etc instead of being proud for what they really are.

lol not a real iranian?! :laughcry: who are you to tell me if am real or not?

those mullahz rulling in iran are the real traitors not me , they have destroyed iran both economically and militarily , they made iran so vulnerable that nowadays every country in the region has air superiority over iran , meanwhile your friends prefer not have any relation with the west because theyre afraid that might limit their monopoly over da iranian market , as they are very active in import and export of smuggled goodz , i think u know what organization im talking aboot

iranian communities all around the world are very active and cooperative , they grant scholarship to their compatriots in need and have achieved far more than you can imagine

and better to stick to the europeans dan chinese and russians :lol:
In the West, as citizens of the nations we have adopted as our new homes, we're respected by our peers, by our government, by our leaders, by our loved ones and most important of all, we have the chance to become whoever we want, do whatever we want and make whatever want out of ourselves. Can't say the same thing about the nation we were born in and the nation that has now fallen in the hands of 6th century arab barbarians.

And nice lies. I grew up in Vancouver. Almost the entire Iranian population of Vancouver lives in the North Shore area. Almost all Iranian businesses are located in one street in North Vancouver: Lonsdale street. We have our own seperate yellow pages (phone and business directory). All Iranian businesses support each other in any way they can. We have around ten Parsi publications, from magazines to news papers. There are Iranian schools where young kids are sent to study Parsi. The Iranian community supports students, new comers etc... There are Iranian senior centers. I personally volunteered in one when I was in high school to teach Iranian seniors basic computer skills. Iranian business have franchises. I can go on and on.

If you support the regime, then you DESERVE the sanctions and I won't shed a tear even if your entire family dies of hunger b/c of it
I am not from out of town I have family members in torento, vancouver and calgary, the irony is that most of them left Iran after the war(they are mostly khouzestani),now most of their new generation speak persian with an accent don't know about our culture, one of them is named jamshid but he insists that we call him JIMMY and they always comment about political structure in Iran while they don't know $hit about Iran any way I don't care about them and I don't even consider them Iranians.

But you are far worse than those crack heads you have so much hate in you, you can be on the opposition side and express your opinions but you insult your fellow country men and wish ill for them(don't be so happy my family members will not die of hunger), you have no humanity in you.

lol not a real iranian?! :laughcry: who are you to tell me if am real or not?

those mullahz rulling in iran are the real traitors not me , they have destroyed iran both economically and militarily , they made iran so vulnerable that nowadays every country in the region has air superiority over iran , meanwhile your friends prefer not have any relation with the west because theyre afraid that might limit their monopoly over da iranian market , as they are very active in import and export of smuggled goodz , i think u know what organization im talking aboot

iranian communities all around the world are very active and cooperative , they grant scholarship to their compatriots in need and have achieved far more than you can imagine

and better to stick to the europeans dan chinese and russians :lol:

I am sure that you can't speak persian, don't know anything about Iran and you also support sanction against Iranians.

Sepah doesn't even control the borders, they are controlled by NAJA(Police) border guard command, IRGC only have operational command over southeastern(sistan),north western and western(kordestan) border guard units, which in the near future will be transferred to the Army.

Iranian community active and cooperative?! what i heard from my relative abroad is that you should avoid other Iranian, this speak about the volume of trust among Iranians.
The sanctions against Iran aren't necessarily all inclusive. You guys probably know more about them but some sectors aren't targeted right? I mean, probably affected as a secondary effect but not directly.
The sanctions against Iran aren't necessarily all inclusive. You guys probably know more about them but some sectors aren't targeted right? I mean, probably affected as a secondary effect but not directly.

sanction effecting everyone specialy sanction on central bank .... anyway , our main problem is some traitors like Abii and Shahpour the second who living in Canda and other western countries and spend their night as w*horhouses and claim that they should decide for Iranian and make plots with help of westerns masters ...

they don't knew about Iran and I doubt that they can find Iran in world map but ...

حافظ می گه :

هنگام تنگ دستی در عیش کوش و مستی --- کاین کیمیای هستی قارون کند گدا را

شاید پول نداشته باشیم ولی هنوز عزت داریم ... عزتی که صد ها هزار نفر براش جونشون رو دادند در حالی که می تونستند مثل شما و پدران شما فرار کنند و از کشور بروند دنبال خوشی خودشون ....

اون میهن پرستی و ناسیونالیسم ملیتون رو تو زمان جنگ جهانی دوم هم دیدیم که دریغ از 2 ساعت مقاومت !!!! مفتضحانه ترین شکست تاریخ ایران در دوران زمام داری میهن پرستان غرب گرا به وقوع پیوست .....
sanction effecting everyone specialy sanction on central bank .... anyway , our main problem is some traitors like Abii and Shahpour the second who living in Canda and other western countries and spend their night as w*horhouses and claim that they should decide for Iranian and make plots with help of westerns masters ...

they don't knew about Iran and I doubt that they can find Iran in world map but ...

حافظ می گه :

هنگام تنگ دستی در عیش کوش و مستی --- کاین کیمیای هستی قارون کند گدا را

شاید پول نداشته باشیم ولی هنوز عزت داریم ... عزتی که صد ها هزار نفر براش جونشون رو دادند در حالی که می تونستند مثل شما و پدران شما فرار کنند و از کشور بروند دنبال خوشی خودشون ....

اون میهن پرستی و ناسیونالیسم ملیتون رو تو زمان جنگ جهانی دوم هم دیدیم که دریغ از 2 ساعت مقاومت !!!! مفتضحانه ترین شکست تاریخ ایران در دوران زمام داری میهن پرستان غرب گرا به وقوع پیوست .....

so it affects the flow of currency because of the banking system being frozen out but there's no harm in cooperation that doesn't require direct transfer, right?
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