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President Trump

Thəorətic Muslim

Feb 5, 2012
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United States
Google is calling the election with Trump projected as holding 238 electoral votes of the necessary 270. CNN has 232 to Hillary's 209, CBS has Trump with 244 to 209.

It's now 12.05 am on November 9, 2016. But no clear winner has emerged or been declared. Recall the 2012 election declared by ~11.10-11.25pm, or the 2008 election declared by 11.00-11.10pm.

How Hillary Lost:
  1. Emails, untrustworthy
  2. Lack of motivation from Millennials, many who hold a grudge for the coordinated defeat of Bernie Sanders.
  3. Hispanic turnout?
  4. Black Lives Matter?
  5. Woman President? Anyone but her.

Trump Trumping
  1. Silent Majority
  2. Unhinging the Established System, no more
  3. Uncertainty in Global Affairs, ISIS/ AQ/ Syria/ Immigrant Invasion.
  4. Economy, Blue collar voters not only coming out in numbers but voting in unison.
  5. Voter Turnout, even though the Trump Campaign had forgone some States he surprising did better than expected and won.
  6. Can't be bought.
Was it a miracle as many individuals from the Trump's own campaign stated? Or just an American "Brexit". There is much more than just political interference from the FBI's Director. Washington DC has turned a blind eye towards issues faced by the majority of Americans.While the employment rates have only increased, wages have been stagnant with expenses only rising.

Regardless of if Trump wins or Hillary stages a comeback. There's a new dawn come morning, with vibrations across the world.
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Welcome to the brave new world with an increasingly isolationist USA and a true multipolar world...

As for the folks hanging on the USA, get ready to be on your own. No more free lunches...
All Hail the Furher Chairman CEO Eternal President His Majesty "Donald J. Trump" 1st Emperor of the Holy American Confederate States.
Welcome to the brave new world with an increasingly isolationist USA and a true multipolar world...

As for the folks hanging on the USA, get ready to be on your own. No more free lunches...
I hope the blowback doesn't reach our shores.
Well well stock markets around the world dip along with $.... welcome Trump all hail the great Trump
Welcome to the brave new world with an increasingly isolationist USA and a true multipolar world...
As for the folks hanging on the USA, get ready to be on your own. No more free lunches...

Well well stock markets around the world dip along with $.... welcome Trump all hail the great Trump

Stock Markets will recover they don't like it when the boat rocks too much. They did with Brexit, Iraq Invasion, 9/11.
Now its almost confirm that Mr Trump will be the President of USA , What I realy like to see who(other countries Leaders ) will bring there women (wife , daughters ).
When they know Trump and his big and bad mouth about women and also when u cant trust him , He can say any thing about any visiting lady at any time.

Note: R we going to see wall on Mexican border , no Muslim in USA , No Mexican or other in USA , and what about EU(NATO) and other ally like in Middle East :o::o::p::p::p::p:
LOL man list is to long ....................................................................


Edit: Bad time for Pakistan coming but extremely bad time for poor best ally (Arabs and NATO)
republicans were always good for pakistan.
by the way it proves one thing. " dug dugi works everywhere."
Hillary Clinton was not bringing anything new to the table; she was continuation of status-quo. Americans wanted a new (and tougher) face.

By the way, I have reiterated it time and again that Pakistan needs a balanced foreign policy. We cannot ignore the WEST for the sake of Chinese investment. We need to mend our ties with the US, whether some like it or not.

On the bright side, Republicans are generally good for Pakistan.

Russia is also supporting Donald Trump (behind-the-scenes).

Welcome to the brave new world with an increasingly isolationist USA and a true multipolar world...

As for the folks hanging on the USA, get ready to be on your own. No more free lunches...
US is no where close to isolation, my friend. You are out of touch of reality, it seems.

I pointed out before that Turkey-US relations will normalize eventually because both are really important to each other. Here is a sign: http://edition.cnn.com/2016/11/07/middleeast/syria-raqqa-us-turkey-plan/index.html

All that Anti-American rhetoric will evaporate from Turkish circles soon. Tayyip Erodogan wanted to consolidate his power in the country (therefore the staged coup) and now he is back to making deals with the US.

My point is that do not judge global politics by its cover.
Congrats! Does not matter to me. :D But I hope he fights more eagerly against terrorism than Obama.
Google is calling the election with Trump projected as holding 238 electoral votes of the necessary 270. CNN has 232 to Hillary's 209, CBS has Trump with 244 to 209.

It's now 12.05 am on November 9, 2016. But no clear winner has emerged or been declared. Recall the 2012 election declared by ~11.10-11.25pm, or the 2008 election declared by 11.00-11.10pm.

How Hillary Lost:
  1. Emails, untrustworthy
  2. Lack of motivation from Millennials, many who hold a grudge for the coordinated defeat of Bernie Sanders.
  3. Hispanic turnout?
  4. Black Lives Matter?
  5. Woman President? Anyone but her.

Trump Trumping
  1. Silent Majority
  2. Unhinging the Established System, no more
  3. Uncertainty in Global Affairs, ISIS/ AQ/ Syria/ Immigrant Invasion.
  4. Economy, Blue collar voters not only coming out in numbers but voting in unison.
  5. Voter Turnout, even though the Trump Campaign had forgone some States he surprising did better than expected and won.
  6. Can't be bought.
Was it a miracle as many individuals from the Trump's own campaign stated? Or just an American "Brexit". There is much more than just political interference from the FBI's Director. Washington DC has turned a blind eye towards issues faced by the majority of Americans.While the employment rates have only increased, wages have been stagnant with expenses only rising.

Regardless of if Trump wins or Hillary stages a comeback. There's a new dawn come morning, with vibrations across the world.
Congrats man. :tup:

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Latest on Election Day 2016 (all times EST):

2:29 a.m.

Donald Trump has been elected president of the United States.

The Republican nominee won Wednesday after capturing Wisconsin's 10 electoral votes, putting him over the 270 threshold.

Voters eager to shake up the nation's political establishment picked the celebrity businessman to become the nation's 45th president.

Trump rode an astonishing wave of support from voters seeking change and willing to accept a candidate loose with facts and accused of sexual misconduct.

He upset Democrat Hillary Clinton, who would have become the first woman to serve in the Oval Office.

Trump struck a populist tone and placed a hardline immigration stance at his campaign's heart.

Trump rose to political fame after questioning whether President Barack Obama was born in the United States. He will now follow Obama into the White House.
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