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I don't know Indian's IQ,but i am not smart i know that but you still haven't answered my question.
Are we inferior than you?
Are you repulsed by Indians?

We Chinese are inferior to Indian when comes to bragging. Nobody can beat Indians. :lol:
We Chinese are inferior to Indian when comes to bragging. Nobody can beat Indians. :lol:

I am talking in general
Do Chinese consider Indians inferior humans?do they even consider Indians as Humans?Are you repulsed by Indians?
I am talking in general
Do Chinese consider Indians inferior humans?do they even consider Indians as Humans?Are you repulsed by Indians?

Why do seems so concern with Chinese opinion of Indian? Do an opinion of other will matter whether Indian is inferior or not?
I am talking in general
Do Chinese consider Indians inferior humans?do they even consider Indians as Humans?Are you repulsed by Indians?

Indians are our wacky neighbours who used to be proud, wealthy and humble with plenty to teach and show for. Unfortunately the Indians of today have fallen a long ways since those times so yeah, we are repulsed by our neighbours fall into pettiness.
Show the Chinese wisdom and strength and we will definitely come to respect you again.
Why do seems so concern with Chinese opinion of Indian? Do an opinion of other will matter whether Indian is inferior or not?

Whats wrong in asking an opinion about Indians to Chinese?
I wanted to know Chinese people's opinion on Indians,since i don't know anybody from China personally i asked you guys if you cannot answer my questions,then you can simply tell me or you can answer my questions.
Once Again,
Do Chinese consider Indians inferior humans?do they even consider Indians as Humans?Are you repulsed by Indians?

Indians are our wacky neighbours who used to be proud, wealthy and humble with plenty to teach and show for. Unfortunately the Indians of today have fallen a long ways since those times so yeah, we are repulsed by our neighbours fall into pettiness.
Show the Chinese wisdom and strength and we will definitely come to respect you again.

A Yes/No would have sufficed but thanks for answering.So basically you don't respect Indians now because they are poor.
Why do seems so concern with Chinese opinion of Indian? Do an opinion of other will matter whether Indian is inferior or not?

He is not concerned, he is only curious because no other nationality has ever appeared so racist in its approach as have the Chinese in this forum. Thank you for enlightening us, and the rest of the world! Actually, you Chinese beat the Nazis, kudos to you for that. :tup:

And for your next question, yes the opinion of the Chinese people does matter a lot because no other nationality in this forum has as much hatred and disdain for Indians as do the Chinese (for apparently no reason than military rivalry) who have time and again talked about lack of lavatories in India, frequency of rapes in India, and then the low IQ of Indians... best example : check post no.16 in this very forum.

However, it is a completely different matter that the Chinese had to borrow their religion from India... so what is the Chinese term for "ungrateful"? Enlighten us again!

Oh one more thing, very few Indians on this forum (only newbies) have claimed that in future India may become a globally powerful nation, however, all the Chinese (except only three - if you want I can name them and prove for the rest), have claimed that China is not only a super power already, but a HYPERPOWER (it is hard for me to type when I am laughing hysterically at your claims lol) ... talk about superiority... oh no, 'stupidity complex' :rofl:

So, take this - The whole darn world knows what goes on in China, and believe it or not, we all pity all of you who live there.

Hope you sleep well.

P.S. If you wish any attention next time, try to reply by yourself and not use Google Translator. It makes you appear confused.
Sarcasm isn't worth much if the other party is in the right.
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