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President Obama Declares Venezuela “A Threat to National Security”, Seeks Regime-Change

Whats so special about this? Obama declared Venezuela a threat to Nationality?

Compare the Western Australian government declared Emu as a threat to Nationality security and subsequently declare war on Emu. And involved soldier with Royal Australian Artillery to fight against the Emu with Lewis Machine Gun and 10,000 rounds of ammunition

Emu War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

you know what else can top this crazy war? Thats the Australian government manage to LOST THE WAR, you heard me right, Australian vs the Emu, the Emu won...
Obama is actually sympathetic to Venezuela, but because he cannot do anything to help Venezuela, declaring Venezuela a threat to US national security is the only thing he can do to make Maduro feel better about his country. After all, if the US deems you a threat to its national security, you must be a real bad-***, right ?

Exactly how is Venezuelan corruption a threat to US national security?
It is not about corruption in the Venezuelan government, although as a side note, corruption in Latin America countries are so ingrained and in-depth that it is just as expected as rain in the spring or sunshine in the summer.

When you make blatantly anti-whatever-country speeches, you will earn the attention of that country. So not only have Venezuela, from Hugo Chavez to Nicolas Maduro, made anti-US speeches, Venezuela have expelled US diplomats and insist the US Embassy reduce staff from over 100 to 17. Venezuela under Maduro have labeled prominent US figures, including former President George Bush, as 'terrorists' because of Iraq and banned these people from entering Venezuela, as if B43 will be heartbroken over that. :lol:

Classifying Venezuela a threat to US national security does not mean we are afraid that Venezuela is going to do something harmful to US, laughable as that notion is. Right now, we can take Venezuela with the Texas Rangers, the law enforcement group, not the baseball team. Classifying any country as a threat to national security allows a US President to legally take actions as he deems necessary to protect the country, and if all it take is a spanking, then the US President can administer the spanking. If it take an invasion by the US Army, then there will be an invasion. Or he can order the US Army to invade the country and administer the spanking.
So the point you are making is? Why only Venezuela and not say Bolivia?
I am still not clear about this, why really did they do this?

@jhungary lol
Have you seen an emu kick or use its beak to attack? No wonder the ozzies lost.
Go Venezuela don't be afraid of the USA, USA can't even defeat some rebels in the middle east what more if they face an independent country.
So the point you are making is? Why only Venezuela and not say Bolivia?
I am still not clear about this, why really did they do this?

@jhungary lol
Have you seen an emu kick or use its beak to attack? No wonder the ozzies lost.

lol indeed, thats why there are sign in wildlife reserve saying do not feed the Emu...

but according to achieve, the weapon of choice for the emu is stampede...which cause a few Ozzie casualty here and there...
US Declares Venezuela a National Threat, Prompting Argentinian Rebuke / Sputnik International

Argentina slams US for declaring Venezuela "a threat to US national security", the country’s foreign ministry said in a statement.


Obama's Sanctions Seek to Topple Venezuelan Government - Maduro

BUENOS AIRES (Sputnik) – Argentina condemned recent US claims that Venezuela threatens US national security, saying they are unjust and shocking, the country’s foreign ministry said in a statement.

On Monday, US President Barack Obama issued an executive order imposing sanctions against seven Venezuelan officials, freezing their assets and banning them from entering the United States. Obama described “erosion” of human rights guarantees in Venezuela as an “unusual and extraordinary threat” to the US security.

“The announcement is not only appalling due to the unusual hardness of its terms, almost threatening, but causes astonishment and surprise,” the Argentinian Foreign Ministry said in a statement posted on its website Wednesday.

The ministry also called on the US government to refrain from using “abusive language” inappropriate for a global power and from implementing sanctions that “only lead to failure and enmity between peoples and their governments.”

In December 2014, US President Barack Obama signed a bill authorizing him to impose sanctions against those Venezuelan officials who were involved in suppressing anti-government protests in February 2014. Caracas accused Washington of attempts to topple Venezuela’s government and responded with limits on the size of the US diplomatic mission to the country.

Read more: US Declares Venezuela a National Threat, Prompting Argentinian Rebuke / Sputnik International
The problem is, America's oil is in Venezuela's soil and they don't want dollars in exchange, therefore that country is a "national security threat" and must be demonized and eventually, if necessary, invaded or bombed.
America's oil is in Venezuela's soil, therefore that country is an enemy and must be demonized and eventually, if necessary, invaded.....

China should cut down on its oil import from Saudi Arabia and buy more from Venezuela.

Obviously, easier said than done since there would have to be certain adjustments, including refinery for the different grade of crude. But, that can be done gradually. This will also off-set the risks with respect to over-reliance on one source of import.

China should cut down on its oil import from Saudi Arabia and buy more from Venezuela.

Obviously, easier said than done since there would have to be certain adjustments, including refinery for the different grade of crude. But, that can be done gradually. This will also off-set the risks with respect to over-reliance on one source of import.


Russia should forment unrest in Saudi Arabia to incite regime change. also in every other puppet country of the West. You cannot win when you are always on the defence, it's high time for offence in my opinion. Why not open naval bases in Venezuela and Cuba?
Russia should forment unrest in Saudi Arabia to incite regime change. also in every other puppet country of the West. You cannot win when you are always on the defence, it's high time for offence in my opinion. Why not open naval bases in Venezuela and Cuba?

Agree on the idea of being on the offensive. China observes a policy of non-interference, but this policy does not prevent China from making strategic alignments through its economic prowess.

The KSA is a family business and the lifeline is being extended from Washington. Without Washington's support, the dictatorship won't last long.

It is ironical that Obama declares Venezuela a threat because it has poor people and its government is, allegedly, repressive. Saudi Arabia is not shining, either. Worse yet, it is a bloody theocratic family circus with 19 of its citizen causing the greatest terror attack in US soil, killing some 3000 innocent people. Yet so much tolerance to them.

Take out Saudi Arabia from the Middle Eastern equation, the region is at least 80% securer.

I guess what Venezuela needs now is economic stability. China offered loans, but more could be done, especially with respect to oil purchase.

Non-interference in internal affairs over U.S., Venezuela row: China

China on Wednesday called on the United States and Venezuela to properly handle bilateral ties following increased tension between the two nations.

"China hopes both countries can handle their relations on the basis of equality, mutual respect and non-interference in each other's internal affairs," Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hong Lei said at a daily news briefing.

"These international principles apply to all state-to-state relations," Hong said. "Adherence to these norms not only serves the interests of the two countries but also peace and stability in Latin America."

Hong's comment came after U.S. President Barack Obama on Monday declared a "state of emergency" as the situation in Venezuela constituted an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States.

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro on Tuesday night requested special decree powers to "defend the peace, sovereignty and development" of the South American nation in confrontation with what he called "imperialist aggressions" from the United States.

Obama issued an executive order to impose additional sanctions on Venezuelan officials over alleged human rights abuses and corruption.

Venezuelan Foreign Affairs Minister Delcy Rodriguez also announced via Twitter that her country recalled its charge d' affaires in Washington, Maximilien Arvelaiz, for consultations.

As an important country in Latin America, Venezuela's domestic affairs should be resolved by its people at their own will, Hong said, voicing confidence in its government and people's ability to maintain national stability and economic and social development.

The already strained relations between Washington and Caracas took a turn for the worse in recent weeks, following a resurgence in anti-government protests aimed at toppling President Nicolas Maduro's socialist administration. Maduro accused the U.S. of helping right-wing opposition in Venezuela plot his assassination and subsequent takeover of power.
maybe there definition of freedom and democracy have a totally different meaning :dance3::dance3:

it seem like more and more country is becoming a threat to national security for the us, the world is going in the right direction
there defination is simple chaos chaos
they brought democracy to Iraq now its in complete chaos
they brought freedom to libyans now there country is burning
they are bringing democracy to syria its burning in hellfire
question is who will be the next
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