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President Ghani asks Afghan Taliban to break ties with Pakistan

This peace deal wont last long and biggest hurdle is going to be afghan gov made by india west mosad and US, from now on Taliban will get all kinds of offers when they have clashes between afghan gov and taliban we will know they reject the offers of india.
President Ghani asks Afghan Taliban to break ties with Pakistan

By Anadolu Agency
March 3, 2020


Afghan President Ashraf Ghani. PHOTO: REUTERS/FILE

KABUL: Afghan President Ashraf Ghani on Tuesday linked the release of Taliban prisoners with the group first breaking ties with neighbouring Pakistan.

Addressing a public gathering in the eastern Nangarhar province, Ghani said the Afghan Taliban could not justify their insurgency after inking a peace deal with the US.

“You [Taliban leaders] have made peace with the foreigners so what does your jihad mean now … killing of fellow Afghans is a crime,” said Ghani, who has expressed reservations over the peace agreement.

“If the Taliban have set release of their prisoners as a condition for intra-Afghan talks, we also have conditions; they should tell me when are they going to leave [break ties with] Pakistan.”

The landmark deal signed in Doha, Qatar on Feb 29 lays out a timetable for a full troop withdrawal from Afghanistan within 14 months.
The agreement is expected to lead to dialogue between the Taliban and the Kabul government, seeking an end to the armed conflict that began in 2001.

The Taliban agreed to halt attacks in the war-torn country in return for a prisoner swap and the US lifting sanctions against them.

Ghani has objected to these arrangements that would see the Afghan government releasing 5,000 Taliban prisoners as a condition for direct talks between the two sides.

The Taliban, meanwhile, announced it was resuming attacks on Afghan forces after implementing a 7-day “Reduction in Violence” pact last week.

Taliban spokesperson Suhail Shaheen told Anadolu Agency that the proposed intra-Afghan talks would only begin once their prisoners were freed.

Meanwhile, hundreds of Afghan citizens took to the streets in various cities to protest the Taliban announcement.

The UN, EU, and the US, on the other hand, urged the insurgents to abide by the peace agreement that was reached after years of negotiations between multiple stakeholders, including Pakistan.

“Following the Taliban’s reported resumption of military operations, the UN calls for continued reduced violence to maintain & enhance an environment conducive to the start of intra-Afghan negotiations, which should lead to a permanent ceasefire and a lasting political settlement,” said the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan.

Islamabad, which played a key role in brokering the deal, has urged Kabul and the Afghan Taliban to show flexibility and move forward with the peace deal.

In a statement, Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi said the Afghan president should “ask America for an explanation” of the clause of the deal on the exchange of prisoners.

Later Tuesday, the Afghan Foreign Ministry submitted a formal protest to Pakistan, saying it “strongly condemned” Qureshi’s remarks.

“The Government of Afghanistan believes that relying on policies of good-neighborliness, Pakistan needs to take practical steps towards enhancing bilateral ties in various areas and refrain from making such irresponsible statements regarding the internal affairs of Afghanistan,” it said.


Ghani.... u are a loser....even your americans pals didnt give a dam

they wont listen to you.... go back to your former role in the world bank...
Ghani is so stupid that he does not even realize what is coming for him and it is not good what is going to happen to him. He should have left A-stan as soon as this treaty was signed.
just wait and see with in a few days his senses would surely come back
the mayor of kabul ghani is in no position to dictate to anyone.
In the end, Ghani will tell the sponsors that look, he did everything but he was not even valued like a brick into a wall let alone driving national business. He is actually no one since day first. Breaking ties like what? Taliban didn't even say anything to India but wait; they knew it and just had it coming.
President Ghani asks Afghan Taliban to break ties with Pakistan

By Anadolu Agency
March 3, 2020


Afghan President Ashraf Ghani. PHOTO: REUTERS/FILE

KABUL: Afghan President Ashraf Ghani on Tuesday linked the release of Taliban prisoners with the group first breaking ties with neighbouring Pakistan.

Addressing a public gathering in the eastern Nangarhar province, Ghani said the Afghan Taliban could not justify their insurgency after inking a peace deal with the US.

“You [Taliban leaders] have made peace with the foreigners so what does your jihad mean now … killing of fellow Afghans is a crime,” said Ghani, who has expressed reservations over the peace agreement.

“If the Taliban have set release of their prisoners as a condition for intra-Afghan talks, we also have conditions; they should tell me when are they going to leave [break ties with] Pakistan.”

The landmark deal signed in Doha, Qatar on Feb 29 lays out a timetable for a full troop withdrawal from Afghanistan within 14 months.
The agreement is expected to lead to dialogue between the Taliban and the Kabul government, seeking an end to the armed conflict that began in 2001.

The Taliban agreed to halt attacks in the war-torn country in return for a prisoner swap and the US lifting sanctions against them.

Ghani has objected to these arrangements that would see the Afghan government releasing 5,000 Taliban prisoners as a condition for direct talks between the two sides.

The Taliban, meanwhile, announced it was resuming attacks on Afghan forces after implementing a 7-day “Reduction in Violence” pact last week.

Taliban spokesperson Suhail Shaheen told Anadolu Agency that the proposed intra-Afghan talks would only begin once their prisoners were freed.

Meanwhile, hundreds of Afghan citizens took to the streets in various cities to protest the Taliban announcement.

The UN, EU, and the US, on the other hand, urged the insurgents to abide by the peace agreement that was reached after years of negotiations between multiple stakeholders, including Pakistan.

“Following the Taliban’s reported resumption of military operations, the UN calls for continued reduced violence to maintain & enhance an environment conducive to the start of intra-Afghan negotiations, which should lead to a permanent ceasefire and a lasting political settlement,” said the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan.

Islamabad, which played a key role in brokering the deal, has urged Kabul and the Afghan Taliban to show flexibility and move forward with the peace deal.

In a statement, Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi said the Afghan president should “ask America for an explanation” of the clause of the deal on the exchange of prisoners.

Later Tuesday, the Afghan Foreign Ministry submitted a formal protest to Pakistan, saying it “strongly condemned” Qureshi’s remarks.

“The Government of Afghanistan believes that relying on policies of good-neighborliness, Pakistan needs to take practical steps towards enhancing bilateral ties in various areas and refrain from making such irresponsible statements regarding the internal affairs of Afghanistan,” it said.

He won't let us take a seigh of relief, even after the Americans leave
Ashraf Ghani is India's last straw. If they will survive in Afghanistan, it will be because of the super-power of Ashraf Ghani. India had put all of its eggs in one basket, and their basket is stolen. :lol:
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