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Present Blasphemy law of Pakistan is against Quran and Sunnah & Fatwa of Imam Abu Hanifa


Jan 25, 2014
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In fact the present blasphemy laws of Pakistan are against Quran, Sunnah and Fatwa of Imam Abu Hanifa.
But why then this blasphemy law still exist in Pakistan?

It is only due to the reason while supporters of this law have got so much power in Pakistan, that people are even afraid (fearful) of bringing the truth into light, even if it is from Quran and Sunnah.

First Proof: The Incident of mother of Abu Hurayrah

Do you remember the incident of mother of Hadhrat Abu Hurayrah when she uttered some insulting words for Prophet (saw), and upon that neither Abu Hurayrah killed her nor Prophet (saw) ordered for her killing. No, but Prophet of mercy (saw) did “Dua” to Allah to show her the right path.

Sahih Muslim, Book 031, Number 6082:
Abu Huraira reported: I invited my mother, who was a polytlieist, to Islam. I invited her one day and she said to me something about Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) which I hated. I came to Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) weeping and said: Allah's Messenger, I invited my mother to Islam but she did not accept (my invitation). I invited her today but she said to me something which I did not like. (Kindly) supplicate Allah that He may set the mother of Abu Huraira right. Thereupon Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: O Allah, set the mother of Abu Huraira on the right path. I came out quite pleased with the supplication of Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) and when I came near the door it was closed from within. My mother heard the noise of my footsteps and she said: Abu Huraira, just wait, and I heard the noiee of falling of water. She took a bath and put on the shirt and quickly covered her head with a headdress and opened the door and then said: Abu Huraira, I bear witness to the fact that there is no god but Allah and Mubammad is His bondsman and His Messenger. He (Abu Huraira) said: I went back to Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) and (this time) I was shedding the tears of joy. I said: Allah's Messenger, be happy, for Allah has responded to your supplication and He has set on the right path the mother of Abu Huraira.

Therefore, the established Sunnah is if someone insults the holy prophet, then he should be showed the right path, and also Dua is made to Allah for him, and should not be killed.

Alone this one incident is enough to end the present blasphemy law of Pakistan, while it contradicts the Sunnah.

The supporters of present blasphemy law have never answered this Sahih Hadith, but they are always hiding it.

Second: Authentic (Sahih) Traditions about killing in case of blasphemy

Supporters of present blasphemy law are able to bring ONLY and ONLY 2 Sahih Traditions about killing in case of blasphemy (Rest of the traditions which they bring are Dhaif i.e. weak traditions, or the killing was not done for blasphemy but for conspiring against the Islamic state). Whole building of present blasphemy law is based upon only these 2 traditions.

These 2 authentic traditions are:

(1) When a blind Companion killed his slave woman
She used to "repeatedly" insult the holy prophet. The blind companion and others asked her again and again to stop it, but she didn't stop. Only after that she was killed by that blind companion

(2) When a Companion killed a jew woman
Again according to the report she "repeatedly" insulted the holy prophet and didn't stop it despite being warned many times. Only after that the companion killed her.

Note 1:
* No one was killed for the "first" time for insulting the Prophet. But they were told again and again, and only after "repeating" this offence they were killed.
* And small offences of criticism didn't count into blasphemy. Those two women were swearing at holy prophet.

Argument of the Blasphemy law supporters:

They say that Prophet was alive at that time and he got the authority to even forgive those women who were swearing against him.

But this excuse is not valid, while:

* Holy prophet didn't ever present this excuse himself. It is only these later coming people who are attributing it to the holy prophet.
* And in these 2 traditions, even it was not the issue of forgiveness by the holy prophet. But it was the issue of Sahabi hearing repeatedly the woman swearing at holy prophet, but doing nothing against it.
Therefore, Sahabi got no right to forgive the woman on behalf of the holy prophet, but he kept on repeatedly forgiving the woman. This shows that this excuse by later coming people has no value as it is only their personal conjecture which is against the Sunnah of holy prophet as he didn't rebuke the Sahabi for not killing her the very first time after hearing the insult.

And it didn't happen one time, but it happened twice that repeated insult was done, but both Sahaba didn't kill the 2 women (actually it happened thrice if we add the incident of mother of Abu Hurarah too).

Fatwa of Imam Abu Hanifa:
Imam Abu Hanifa used these 2 traditions to come to this conclusion that killing could only be done in case of "repeated" offence.

Hanafi Scholar Imam Ibn 'Abideen writes:
According to Fiqh Hanafi, such person who committed this crime, he should not be killed, but some Tazeer (light punishment) could be given to him by the government. Nevertheless, if any non Muslim makes it a "constant habit” to indulge in it "repeatedly", only then he could be killed.
Reference: Rasail of Ibn 'Abideen, volume 1, page 354


‘If a non-Muslim commits blasphemy, he will be given a verbal warning. If he repeats the offense, he will be punished but not killed.’

[Mukhtasar al Tahawi]

Pakistani Barailvies and Deobandies, both are actually followers of Imam Abu Hanifa. But fanaticism overpowered them, and they rejected the fatwa of Imam Abu Hanifa all together. Not only this, they hide this fatwa of Imam Abu Hanifa and never let the public know about it.

Initially some Hanafi scholars even protested against this present blasphemy law in the light of Sunnah and Fatwa of Imam Abu Hanifa, but the supporters of present blasphemy law made them silent soon through their power.

Present blasphemy law rests only and only upon these 2 authentic traditions. But these 2 traditions themselves refuting the present blasphemy laws while these 2 traditions are proving beyond any doubts that according to the established Sunnah of holy prophet first time insult does not constitute the killing, but good advise should be given and Dua should be made, while killing comes only and only after repeated offence.

(Originally written by an unknown writer)

Detailed External Link:

Part 1: The untold story of Pakistan’s blasphemy law

Part 2: The fatwas that can change Pakistan's blasphemy narrative

Part 3: Why blasphemy remains unpardonable in Pakistan

Part 4: Blasphemy and the death penalty: Misconceptions explained
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In fact the present blasphemy laws of Pakistan are against Quran, Sunnah and Fatwa of Imam Abu Hanifa.
But why then this blasphemy law still exist in Pakistan?
It is only due to the reason while "Fanatics" have got so much power in Pakistan, that people are even afraid (fearful) of bringing the truth into light.

It is time that Pakistanis come out of this cowardice, and they have to face the fanatics.

First Proof: The Incident of mother of Abu Hurayrah

Do you remember the incident of mother of Hadhrat Abu Hurayrah when she uttered some insulting words for Prophet (saw), and upon that neither Abu Hurayrah killed her nor Prophet (saw) ordered for her killing. No, but Prophet of mercy (saw) did “Dua” to Allah to show her the right path.

Sahih Muslim, Book 031, Number 6082:
Abu Huraira reported: I invited my mother, who was a polytlieist, to Islam. I invited her one day and she said to me something about Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) which I hated. I came to Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) weeping and said: Allah's Messenger, I invited my mother to Islam but she did not accept (my invitation). I invited her today but she said to me something which I did not like. (Kindly) supplicate Allah that He may set the mother of Abu Huraira right. Thereupon Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: O Allah, set the mother of Abu Huraira on the right path. I came out quite pleased with the supplication of Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) and when I came near the door it was closed from within. My mother heard the noise of my footsteps and she said: Abu Huraira, just wait, and I heard the noiee of falling of water. She took a bath and put on the shirt and quickly covered her head with a headdress and opened the door and then said: Abu Huraira, I bear witness to the fact that there is no god but Allah and Mubammad is His bondsman and His Messenger. He (Abu Huraira) said: I went back to Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) and (this time) I was shedding the tears of joy. I said: Allah's Messenger, be happy, for Allah has responded to your supplication and He has set on the right path the mother of Abu Huraira.

The established Sunnah is if someone insults the holy prophet, then he should be showed the right path, and also Dua is made to Allah for him.

Alone this one incident is enough to end the present blasphemy law of Pakistan, while it contradicts the Sunnah.

Not a single fanatic ever answered to this.

Second: Authentic (Sahih) Traditions about killing in case of blasphemy

Supporters of present blasphemy law are able to bring ONLY and ONLY 2 Sahih Traditions about killing in case of blasphemy (Rest of the traditions which they bring are Dhaif i.e. weak traditions, or the killing was not done for blasphemy but for conspiring against the Islamic state). Whole building of present blasphemy law is based upon only these 2 traditions.

These 2 authentic traditions are:

(1) When a blind Companion killed his slave woman
She used to "repeatedly" insult the holy prophet. The blind companion and others asked her again and again to stop it, but she didn't stop. Only after that she was killed by that blind companion

(2) When a Companion killed a jew woman
Again according to the report she "repeatedly" insulted the holy prophet and didn't stop it despite being warned many times. Only after that the companion killed her.

Note 1:
* No one was killed for the "first" time for insulting the Prophet. But they were told again and again, and only after "repeating" this offence they were killed.
* And small offences of criticism didn't count into blasphemy. Those two women were swearing at holy prophet.

Argument of the Blasphemy law supporters:
They say that Prophet was alive at that time and he got the authority to even forgive those women. But this excuse is not valid, while:
* Holy prophet didn't ever present this excuse himself. It is only these later coming Mullahs who are attributing it to the holy prophet.
* And in these 2 traditions, even it was not the issue of forgiveness by the holy prophet. But it was the issue of Sahabi hearing repeatedly the woman swearing at holy prophet, but doing nothing against it.
Therefore, Sahabi got no right to forgive the woman on behalf of the holy prophet, but he kept on repeatedly forgiving the woman. This shows that this excuse by later coming Mullahs has no value as it is only their personal conjecture which is against the Sunnah of holy prophet as he didn't rebuke the Sahabi for not killing her the very first time after hearing the insult.
And it didn't happen one time, but it happened twice that repeated insult was done, but both Sahaba didn't kill the 2 women (actually it happened thrice if we add the incident of mother of Abu Hurarah too).

Fatwa of Imam Abu Hanifa:
Imam Abu Hanifa used these 2 traditions to come to this conclusion that killing could only be done in case of "repeated" offence.

Hanafi Scholar Imam Ibn 'Abideen writes:
According to Fiqh Hanafi, such person who committed this crime, he should not be killed, but some Tazeer (light punishment) could be given to him by the government. Nevertheless, if any non Muslim makes it a "constant habit” to indulge in it "repeatedly", only then he could be killed.
Reference: Rasail of Ibn 'Abideen, volume 1, page 354

Pakistani Barailvies and Deobandies, both are actually followers of Imam Abu Hanifa. But fanaticism overpowered them, and they rejected the fatwa of Imam Abu Hanifa all together. Not only this, they hide this fatwa of Imam Abu Hanifa and never let the public know about it.

Initially some Hanafi scholars even protested against this present blasphemy law in the light of Sunnah and Fatwa of Imam Abu Hanifa, but the fanatic Mullahs made them silence soon through their power.

Present blasphemy law rests only and only upon these 2 authentic traditions. But these 2 traditions themselves refuting the present blasphemy laws while these 2 traditions are proving beyond any doubts that first time insult does not constitute killing, but good advise should be given and Dua should be made, while killing comes only and only after repeated offence.

(Originally written by an unknown writer)
@The Eagle
Screenshot (71).png
Have you forgotten the incident at Taif how the people of Taif treated Prophet Mohammed ( PBUH) before they became muslim & yet the Great Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) prayed for them so they become good human beings.....
(Originally written by an unknown writer)

This sums up the dilemma of our society. We cannot have a discussion on religious matters in a civilized manner. As such, sane and logical voices are hiding from the abundant and loud fanatics who have hijacked our religion. Till the sane become bold as well, this tide of extremism will not end.

PS:- One more thing, what about the incident of the old jewish lady who used to regularly throw garbage on our Prophet PBUH. This incident is taught throughout schools in Pakistan. If at that time Prophet behaved with mercy then why can't we?
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As exploitable as these laws are even I don't support completely abolishing them. This would be completely impractical. Religious sentiments do exist and they need to respected. Freedom of speech needs to be used carefully. But the law has for decades needed an amendment, a baseless allegation is enough for someone to get lynched while the person throwing false allegations gets to walk away scot free. There needs to be severe consequences against false allegations.

Secondly even if the crime is proved the punishment for it is simply too harsh. You can literally not be hurt by words to an extent where you want the other person to die for it. A few months in jail seems like a logical punishment.
As exploitable as these laws are even I don't support completely abolishing them. This would be completely impractical. Religious sentiments do exist and they need to respected. Freedom of speech needs to be used carefully. But the law has for decades needed an amendment, a baseless allegation is enough for someone to get lynched while the person throwing false allegations gets to walk away scot free. There needs to be severe consequences against false allegations.

Secondly even if the crime is proved the punishment for it is simply too harsh. You can literally not be hurt by words to an extent where you want the other person to die for it. A few months in jail seems like a logical punishment.
I agree with the first part but the punishment needs to be harsher than a month in jail.
I agree with the first part but the punishment needs to be harsher than a month in jail.

According to the established Sunnah of holy prophet, the punishment is not even one month in jail for the first time offence.

Secondly, it has not been prescribed what constitute an insult which comes under blasphemy.

If during debate a non Muslim says that holy prophet of Islam was telling a lie about Miraaj, then does it mean he is saying holy prophet was a liar, and is it a blasphemy?

Supporters of present law claim that Hadhrat Umar killed a person who came to him and who was not satisfied upon the decision of the holy prophet. Thus for them, even feeling dissatisfied upon any decision of prophet is enough to kill you.
But this tradition about Hadhrat Umar killing the person is totally weak. But still it has been used by the supporters of present blasphemy law.
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I agree with the first part but the punishment needs to be harsher than a month in jail.

I didn't say a month. It should be up to a year I'd say. The idea of any punishment is to discourage any further crime. I don't think anyone would want to blaspheme any further after rotting in jail for a year. Similarly the same punishment should be given to anyone regardless of whoever's religious sentiments were hurt eg a Muslim, a Christian or a hindu.
This sums up the dilemma of our society. We cannot have a discussion on religious matters in a civilized manner. As such, sane and logical voices are hiding from the abundant and loud fanatics who have hijacked our religion. Till the sane become bold as well, this tide of extremism will not end.

PS:- One more thing, what about the incident of the old jewish lady who used to regularly throw garbage on our Prophet PBUH. This incident is taught throughout schools in Pakistan. If at that time Prophet behaved with mercy then why can't we?

Nobody forgets the incident of Taif , but should also remember, wht happened to the culprit of blasphemy at the event of Fatah e Makkah, Rasool ALLAH SAW order Sahaba to kill the one even he is holding the Ghilaf of Kaaba. We must not forget that Rasool ALLAH SAW asked Sahaba RA, to kill the blashphemous poet who spoke ill of Prophet SAW.

Saari aman pasandi Nabi SAW k gustakh or unki Gustakhi k mamlay main ajati hai, abhi ksi ki maa ya baap ko gali deday koi tw mernay marnay pay tul jaengay sb, Eemaan ka taqaza hai Nabi SAW ki muhabbat sb say berh ker ho, let us check ourselves
but should also remember, wht happened to the culprit of blasphemy at the event of Fatah e Makkah, Rasool ALLAH SAW order Sahaba to kill the one even he is holding the Ghilaf of Kaaba. We must not forget that Rasool ALLAH SAW asked Sahaba RA, to kill the blashphemous poet who spoke ill of Prophet SAW.

You mean abdullah-bin-khatal

Well he was also a murderer, kindly remember this. A murderer got the capital punishment. Yes he committed blasphemy as well but so did many other non believers.

Nobody forgets the incident of Taif , but should also remember, wht happened to the culprit of blasphemy at the event of Fatah e Makkah, Rasool ALLAH SAW order Sahaba to kill the one even he is holding the Ghilaf of Kaaba. We must not forget that Rasool ALLAH SAW asked Sahaba RA, to kill the blashphemous poet who spoke ill of Prophet SAW.

Saari aman pasandi Nabi SAW k gustakh or unki Gustakhi k mamlay main ajati hai, abhi ksi ki maa ya baap ko gali deday koi tw mernay marnay pay tul jaengay sb, Eemaan ka taqaza hai Nabi SAW ki muhabbat sb say berh ker ho, let us check ourselves

There were about 5 or 6 people who were killed after that victory of Mecca.

And there exist no proof that they were killed for blasphemy. They were originally killed while they conspired against Muslims and inspired people to fight against Islamic state.

Please understand that there were not only these 5-6 people who used to insult the holy prophet in Mecca, but there were hundred and thousands of people who used to insult the holy prophet in Mecca and even went to fight against him. But holy prophet didn't kill those thousands of people, but only 5-6 people whose crime was much more than oral insult.

And regarding love of parents ....

This excuse is also not valid. The revenge of oral insult is only the only insult, and not any physical punishment.

Narrated AbuHurayrah:

The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: The gravest sin is going to lengths in talking unjustly against a Muslim’s honour, and it is a major sin to abuse twice for abusing once.
Sunnan Abu Dawud, Book 41, Number 4859

So, abusing/cursing any Muslim unjustly is a gravest sin and punishment for this is ABUSING ONLY ONCE IN RETURN (And if someone abuses twice in return, it’s again a Major SIN).

This is all what Islamic Sharia says about abusing/cursing others.

Therefore, if anyone curse your parents (or even Sahaba), then Sharai allows only cursing in return, but no physical damage.

If Muslims say that insulting the holy prophet hurt millions of Muslims, then in return these millions of Muslims could also insult that person. If this insulting would really bring any damage, then how much the cursing of millions of Muslims would hurt that person. That is all, curse the person in reply, but no need of any physical punishment. A light punishment could be awarded by the state if any person does not stop repeating this behaviour, but only in order for reformation and not for the intention of damaging that person.
The supporters of present blasphemy law claim that holy prophet didn't kill the people who insulted him, while he was alive and got the right to forgive them. But after his death, it is incumbent to kill all without any choice of repentance.

But it is not true. Holy prophet forgave the people not due to his own sake, but for the sake of Allah, and His kindness, and he taught others too to forgive for the sake of Allah's kindness.

Narrated 'Aisha: A group of Jews asked permission to visit the Prophet (and when they were admitted) they said, "As-Samu 'Alaika (Death be upon you)." I said (to them), "But death and the curse of Allah be upon you!" The Prophet said, "O 'Aisha! Allah is kind and lenient and likes that one should be kind and lenient in all matters." I said, "Haven't you heard what they said?" He said, "I said (to them), 'Wa 'Alaikum (and upon you).

— Sahih al-Bukhari, 9:84:61

Thus, these attributes of Allah (of being kind and lenient) has not been abolished after the death of holy prophet, but this is true even today. Therefore, present blasphemy law is against the teaching of holy prophet where he taught kindness and leniency for the sake of Allah.

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