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Preparations apace for Agni-V launch

Now the work on Tipu will have a full go ahead--
thanks again :D-

The objective of China to counter balance India through Pakistan has already been achieved. So, I don't think Chinese will give longer range missiles to Pakistan. Radical army of Pakistan will one day use it against China itself to establish islamic supremacy.

Pakistan doesn't have technological base to make long range missiles.
Sorry to hurt you.

You can't kill the dragon by striking at it's tail , you need to possess the ability to go right threw it's heart.By that I mean Chinese North eastern parts are more developed areas.Her southern and western regions are not as developed as those parts.

One more advantage is that you can launch it from any part of India without getting close to borders which would remain disturbed or would be taken out during war.It gives you more strategic manoeuvring depth during difficult times.

dude what are you ssmoking.....china''s eastern and south eastern parts are the most economically developed...in the north there is only beijing..

in the south and south east there is shanghai,nanjing, guangzhou, hong kong,cheng du, shenzhen.

All the SEZ are in the south and south east...take out them and china is 200 years back...and an agni III fron anywhere in NE could easily reach those places...


i agree with the second part though....abt strategic depth..
Agni-5 test between last week of February to First week of March. All the best to DRDO. :tup:

Earlier, missiles with a range of 3,000� to 3,500 km have been tested from this island and the tracking systems have tracked the missiles successfully. This time more tracking radars and telemetry systems will be placed to track the long range missile.

Besides the existing radars at Chandipur, Dhamra, Puri and Mahakalpada, one radar will be placed at Andamans and another X-band radar in a ship which will track the missile till its point of impact. If required, another radar will be positioned at Visakhapatnam, said the source.

:D Long range X-band radar on our naval ship will track Agni-V. What a news.....

Total seven long range radars will track the missile. :smokin:

Now the work on Tipu will have a full go ahead--
thanks again :D-

Why such a childish comment from a senior memeber? Why you don't try to make a missile like Agni-3 or Agni-4 or even Nag first?
a stealth delivery mechanism for 5 MT bomb is much better .

200 KT thermonuclear bomb is more than enough to destroy any city completely and thats enough. Having those megaton bombs will make human being extinct.
Has NK built a 5000KM version of nodong ? If not, then i doubt if your tipu will materialize !! unless ofcourse your all weather friend steps in with a DF series.

India should make a protest about the names of Pakistani missiles like Babur or Tipu (if it exists) like Afghanistan. Pakistan has a habit of naming their weapons specially missiles with the names of foreign kings! Earlier it was mostly Afghans or sometimes Arabs but after Afghan protest now they targeted Indian kings.
Bangalore: India's longest-ever near-Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) Agni-V is scheduled to be test-fired from the Wheeler Island (Orissa) in the second week of April. The final stages and payload of the missile are set to move out of the Missile Complex in Hyderabad any time now. Sources tell Express that some major parts, including the motors of the missile, have already reached the launch site.
“The final checks and integration of all stages will be carried out in Wheeler Island. The check-out and launch pad tests will be completed in the next 15-20 days. The new launcher for the missile is ready. Over 200 scientists and close to 300 technicians are working round-the-clock at the Missile Complex and other work centers,” sources said. The missile is parented by Defence Research Development Organisation's (DRDO) Hyderabad-based unit, Advanced Systems Laboratory (ASL).
With a range of 5,000-plus-km, the missile when launched, is expected to travel to its target in international waters close to Australia. “The ships meant for tracking, which are normally positioned near the target, are expected to begin their long journey in the first week of April. We expect the sailing time to be between 10-12 days,” sources said.
Agni-V is the first Indian missile with four stages, including three propulsion and one final payload stage (re-entry vehicle). The others in the Agni series (A-2, A-3 & A-4) had only three stages making Agni-V an extremely complex vehicle. “The missile is expected to hit the target within 20 minutes as things stand now. The tentative date for the launch is fixed for April 16 and this is again not final,” sources said.
As reported in these columns earlier, Agni-V can be launched from anywhere in India in any direction at any time.
Tarmak007 -- A bold blog on Indian defence
200 KT thermonuclear bomb is more than enough to destroy any city completely and thats enough. Having those megaton bombs will make human being extinct.
U think our neighbors would do the same? If at all a war broke out and went for nuclear one which one would you choose . A 200kt bomb or 5mt bomb ?
Now the work on Tipu will have a full go ahead--
thanks again :D-

all the best to your great super duper missile program,by that time our A5 will be operational in our armed forces.A5 is not specific to u.
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