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Premier Wen expounds "real China" at UN debate


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Premier Wen expounds "real China" at UN debate
English.news.cn 2010-09-24 03:10:18 FeedbackPrintRSS


Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao addresses the general debate of the 65th session of the UN General Assembly in New York, the United States, Sept. 23, 2010. (Xinhua/Shen Hong)

UNITED NATIONS, Sept. 23 (Xinhua) -- China remains a developing country and will stick to the path of peaceful development for the common good of mankind, Premier Wen Jiabao said here Thursday.

"This is the real China," he said in a speech titled "Getting to Know the Real China" before world leaders and delegates at the annual general debate of the UN General Assembly.


While taking pride from the rapid growth and remarkable achievements over the past 30 years, "we are clear-headed about our place and role in today's world," Wen said.

Although China's gross domestic product is the third largest in the world, the per capita figure is only one tenth of that of developed countries, he noted.

China is a leading producer of many important products, but remains at the lower end of the global industrial chain; China is a big trading nation, but its exports are low in technology content and in added value, Wen said.

China's coastal areas and some of the big and medium-sized cities thrive in modernization, but many places in the central and western regions and the vast rural areas are still rather backward, he said, noting that 150 million people in China are still living below the poverty line set by the United Nations.

In addition, more efforts are needed before China establishes full-fledged social security and legal systems and eradicate inequity, corruption and other social ills, Wen said.

"Taken as a whole, China is still in the primary stage of socialism and remains a developing country," he concluded, adding that the country's further development faces constraints of energy, resources and the environment.

"These are our basic national conditions. This is the real China," Wen said.

In order to realize the strategic goal of basically achieving modernization by the middle of this century, China will forge ahead in the coming decades with the already 32-year-old basic policy of reform and opening-up, the Chinese premier said.

The guideline "has benefited people across the country" and "there is no reason whatsoever for us to deviate from it," Wen said.

Terming development as Beijing's "top priority," he said China's progressing industrialization and urbanization will draw hundreds of millions of farmers into towns and cities and thus "create more domestic demand than ever."

The trend will "open up broad market and development space and serve as a powerful engine sustaining the growth of the Chinese economy and the world economy at large," Wen continued.

Meanwhile, China will be "even more open to the world" and adhere to the long-term strategy of practicing with other countries "mutually beneficial cooperation for win-win progress," he said.

Commenting on international finance and trade, the Chinese premier stressed that his country is "against protectionism in all its manifestations."

"We are committed to promoting the establishment of a fair, equitable, inclusive and well-managed new international financial order and an open and free international trading regime," he said.

China will also continue to deepen institutional reform, boost education, science and technology and promote its fine culture in order to improve peoples' well-being in an all-around way, he said.

Along with its development, China will "continue to take it as its own duty to promote the common progress and prosperity of mankind," Wen said.

"The world of the 21st century is far from being tranquil, but gone are the days when problems were ultimately settled by war. Peace and development remain the defining features of our time," said the Chinese premier.

China will stay firmly committed to peaceful development, whose essence is "to foster a peaceful international environment for our development and at the same time contribute to world peace through our development," he added.

"China's development will not harm anyone or pose a threat to anyone," Wen said, stressing that Beijing will never follow the footsteps of powers which sought hegemony once they grew strong.

Meanwhile, Beijing firmly upholds its national core interests, and "when it comes to sovereignty, national unity and territorial integrity, China will not yield or compromise," he said.

The Chinese government will continue to steadfastly support the leading role of the United Nations in international affairs, and to intensify cooperation with fellow developing countries and support their bid for a greater say on the world stage, Wen added.

"China's development is an opportunity to the world. And the world stands to gain from a China that is better off. History will continue to prove this... Let us join hands to work for a world of enduring peace and prosperity," he said.

Wen arrived in New York on Tuesday evening. During his tight-scheduled three-day stay, he also attended a high-level meeting on the Millennium Development Goals, a UN Security Council meeting and a high-level discussion panel on HIV/AIDS.

On the sidelines of these conferences, Wen held separate meetings with U.S. President Barack Obama, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and some other foreign leaders.
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