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Pregnant Kiwi Reporter: 'NZ Said You are Not Welcome'. Taliban Helping!


Aug 1, 2009
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United States
This is a story of Charlotte Bellis, a recent Al Jazeera employee and a NZ citizen. She is pregnant and unmarried--and currently in Kabul! I remember seeing her in Kabul during the coverage of the Taliban takeover in the summer of 2021. Truly a bizarre story! I tend to think she has complicated her situation and at least could have sought to go to Pakistan or some other neighboring country to delivery the baby. While she has gotten some preferential treatment by NZ--probably to avoid a media crap-storm--this is quite a story to read. Is she in for publicity? BTW, Afghan Taliban govt has shown more flexibility and compassion than Qatar or even NZ in her case.


My name is Charlotte Bellis and I am from Christchurch New Zealand, but based in Afghanistan.

You might know me for being that Kiwi journalist who asked the Taliban in their inaugural press conference; "what will you do to protect the rights of women and girls?"

What no one has known, until now, is that I conceived a little girl a week after that press conference. For years I had been told by doctors I would never have children. I threw myself into my career and made my peace with it. Now, during the fall of Kabul, a miracle.

I was deployed to Afghanistan by Al Jazeera from my base in Doha, Qatar. When I returned to Doha in September, I realised that I was a few days late. Impossible, I thought, I couldn't be pregnant, surely it was the stress of the last few months. But imagine if I was? It is illegal to be pregnant and unmarried in Qatar. Jim, my partner and a photographer for The New York Times, was in Kabul and couldn't get out. I couldn't get back into New Zealand. I went to a pharmacy with a cover story about buying a pregnancy test for a married friend and returned to my apartment. I took the test and called my mother in Auckland.

I was pregnant.

I made an appointment with a gynaecologist in Doha. At the reception, the first question they asked was "what is your name?" The second, "are you pregnant?" I froze. "Umm no, just here for a check-up?"

I asked the doctor, hypothetically, if I was pregnant, would you tell the police. She said "I won't, but I can't treat you and I can only say you need to get married or get out of the country as soon as possible."

With Jim stuck in Kabul, we made a plan to keep everything secret until I was safely out of Qatar and try to get an MIQ spot in New Zealand. I immediately started playing the MIQ lottery, waking up at 3am and staring at my computer, only to miss out time and again. I resigned from Al Jazeera in November, losing my income, health insurance and residency. I can't tell you the number of questions I got: Why now? Why are you leaving? It doesn't make sense? I clearly wasn't very convincing in my 'just time for a change' answers.

Then, some relief. The Government announced that New Zealand would open to citizens at the end of February. The timing was perfect. I would be 29 weeks pregnant and could get back in time for our little girl's birth in May. Foreigners would be allowed in from the end of April, so Jim could be there for the birth too. We booked flights home and found a midwife in Christchurch.

We pondered about where to wait. We flew to Jim's home country of Belgium, but I was not a resident. New Zealanders can only spend three of every six months in the Schengen zone and I had eaten through half of that by the time January came around. We wanted to keep time up our sleeves for an emergency, so decided to rebase. The problem was the only other place we had visas to live was Afghanistan. I organised a meeting with senior Taliban contacts, "you know how I am dating Jim from The New York Times, but we're not married, right?" "Yes, yes we respect you both and you are foreigners, that is up to you." I nervously continued. "Well, I am pregnant and I can't get back into New Zealand. If I come to Kabul, will we have a problem?" One translated for the other and they smiled. "No we're happy for you, you can come and you won't have a problem. Just tell people you're married and if it escalates, call us. Don't worry. Everything will be fine."

When the Taliban offers you - a pregnant, unmarried woman - safe haven, you know your situation is messed up.

Soon after, the February border reopening was "delayed" and the lottery suspended. We were devastated. There was no way home other than to apply for emergency MIQ spots. We had read the horror stories of pregnant women being rejected, seen the statistics of just 5 per cent of Kiwis being approved if they are unable to stay in their current location and only 14 per cent being approved if there is a risk to their health and safety. We talked to Grounded Kiwis and lawyer Tudor Clee, who agreed to take our case pro bono and had a track record of helping pregnant Kiwis stuck abroad.

We got letters from New Zealand obstetricians and medical experts to confirm the dangers of giving birth in Afghanistan and the impact of high stress during pregnancy. We included ultrasounds, letters in support of our relationship, bank statements, our Covid vaccinations including boosters, evidence of my resignation and our travel itinerary since. Between Jim and I, we submitted 59 documents to MIQ and Immigration NZ, including a cover letter written by our lawyer summarising our situation.

On Monday, 24 January, we woke up to an email. We were rejected.

Firstly, because our travel dates were more than 14 days out – something we did purposefully because flights are difficult to get out of Kabul and to give us time to appeal if we were rejected. And secondly, because MIQ said "you did not provide any evidence" that "you have a scheduled medical treatment in New Zealand", that it is "time-critical" and that "you cannot obtain or access the same treatment in your current location".

Our current location being Afghanistan.

It finished with: we have "deactivated your application".

I had tried to prepare for this day. I thought I would cry, but I was in shock. I had done everything they asked. What was the threshold? What more can I do? How did they want me to prove that giving birth was a scheduled, time-critical medical treatment? Did they want me to be induced so there was a firm date? And how to prove that Afghanistan did not offer the same maternity care as in New Zealand? I thought about sending them a story I did in October at a maternity hospital in Kabul where they had no power so were delivering by cell phones at night. They couldn't do caesarean deliveries and the only medicine they had were tabs of paracetamol wrapped in crinkled newspaper. The hospital staff said even those would run out in a month's time. The UN wrote recently that they expect an extra 50,000 women will die during childbirth in Afghanistan by 2025 because of the state of maternity care. Note "extra" – the total will be closer to 70,000.
Here, getting pregnant can be a death sentence.



The problem was the only other place we had visas to live was Afghanistan. I organised a meeting with senior Taliban contacts, "you know how I am dating Jim from The New York Times, but we're not married, right?" "Yes, yes we respect you both and you are foreigners, that is up to you." I nervously continued. "Well, I am pregnant and I can't get back into New Zealand. If I come to Kabul, will we have a problem?" One translated for the other and they smiled. "No we're happy for you, you can come and you won't have a problem. Just tell people you're married and if it escalates, call us. Don't worry. Everything will be fine."

When the Taliban offers you - a pregnant, unmarried woman - safe haven, you know your situation is messed up.

Why didn't she fly somewhere else?

Her story doesn't make sense. It looks like New Zealand citizens currently have a 90 day visa to the EU. Also, who in their right mind would go back to Afghanistan now, especially being pregnant.
Why didn't she fly somewhere else?

Her story doesn't make sense. It looks like New Zealand citizens currently have a 90 day visa to the EU. Also, who in their right mind would go back to Afghanistan now, especially being pregnant.

If you read her article, she can't go to EU countries because they would limit her to only 3 months, which would be bad timing for her late pregnancy. But, yes, she could and still can take a short land trip to Peshawar in Pakistan!
Her story doesn't make lot of sense! Unless pregnancy and/or the stresses of the last some months has clouded her judgement??
If you read her article, she can't go to EU countries because they would limit her to only 3 months, which would be bad timing for her late pregnancy. But, yes, she could and still can take a short land trip to Peshawar in Pakistan!
Her story doesn't make lot of sense! Unless pregnancy and/or the stresses of the last some months has clouded her judgement??

Because, she couldn't get a visa to go somewhere else as the NZ authorities wouldn't help her. That's my understanding from the article. I dunno what else to think lol
Oh, the freaking irony.
Welcome her to Afghanistan!

Yes, 'irony' is the right word to describe her situation, ain't it?? But, as you can see from the article, Afghanistan is so ill-equipped for pregnancies that recently some were performed using cell phone light!
Yes, 'irony' is the right word to describe her situation, ain't it?? But, as you can see from the article, Afghanistan is so ill-equipped for pregnancies that recently some were performed using cell phone light!
Wouldn't worry about that, unless she needs a C-section.
Then again, lot of girls need C-section nowadays, humanity has generally become weaker.
Because, she couldn't get a visa to go somewhere else as the NZ authorities wouldn't help her. That's my understanding from the article. I dunno what else to think lol

I don't think NZ not taking her back should prevent other countries not giving her visa. She has visa-free or visa on arrival privileges to many countries in the world. Certainly Pakistan would take her if she tries. Even a 3rd tier Pakistani city will be better than Kabul for her these days.
Wouldn't worry about that, unless she needs a C-section.
Then again, lot of girls need C-section nowadays, humanity has generally become weaker.

If you read her article, during one pregnancy even basic meds were in short supplies in Kabul. A lot can go wrong during a 'normal' delivery, endangering lives of the mother and the baby. There is a reason poor countries often have so many sad pregnancy results. And this lady has been really wanting a child of her own.
She should forget NZ and go elsewhere nearby asap--she has wasted enough time already.
Charlotte Bellis, a recent Al Jazeera employee, and a NZ citizen is welcomed to Pakistan. Though we have a very bad record of human rights, transparency international surveys, dealing with NGOs but we could understand and take care of your issue better than many champions across the world. We are not from game-changer or state-of-the-art nations but a simple bunch of human beings.
Interesting to know why she left Al Jazeera with no other job or income coming
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