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Pregnant elephant dies in Kerala after being fed with fruit filled with explosives by locals


I've fugged Parsi chick is typical jhopadpatti class.

They are girls. Indian girls.

It's made out to be some sort of cross racial conquest chutyapa.

Not at all.

The model bit is not necessary for guys (and a couple of Pakistani girls) who know me.

This is an anonymous forum.

Where everyone is a 6'5" hunk, fair, with a 8 inch dong, and multiple Hindu or Muslim or Parsi girls bedded playlist.
That was funny. I'll give you that doc.
India is also one of the biggest beef exporteurs of the world even though it being a sacred animal in Hindu religion. They expelled Muslims from that business in order to sell beef for Hindu profits. That's Hindu culture for you.

A German explorer of the 19th century once travelled to India. He saw a man washing and caring for a cow whilst ignoring a starving man next to him. That's Hindu culture for you.

Alhamdulillah for the guidance of Islam.

But the thing is also that we have to be fair. Random degenerates killing an elephant should't be that of a story for the world press.
Are you suggesting that the Sanghis are hypocrites?
They are and there's no doubt about it. Their maata was disfigured, immense pain was brought upon her, yet the person responsible was not lynched. Had it been a muslim remotely involved in this, he would have been lynched. Thousands of Cows die in Gaushalas but you never see any outrage from these Cow piss drinkers. Cows are just an excuse for them to attack muslims.
He got the names right in this tweet. The tweet is still active

Do you have any proof that this also is false ?
Ugh missionary Mafia and Muslim.:D Watta script.

Wilson is a rubber tapping worker, probably got the cracker locally and the estate owners Abdul Kareem and Riyazuddin put them in the field to kill a wild elephant or wild boar not known yet. They are absconding will be arrested soon hopefully then we will know for sure.
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