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Pravda: Turkey's Defense Power Should Concern Russia


Sep 4, 2011
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Turkey's defense power grows at pace to be envied

Turkey is a traditional partner, and even more traditional rival at Russia's southern borders. This 70,000,000-strong country is part of NATO, and the Turkic and Muslim people in Russia are the subject of Turkish "courtship." Russia should be concerned about the strengthened power of the Turkish army that is already one of the top ten in the world.

Today, the Turkish army is the most organized, numerous and powerful state institution. Turkish army of half a million soldiers is the largest in size after the United States in the NATO military bloc. The Ministry of Defense of Turkey has five divisions: Air Force, Navy, The Army, Gendarmerie, and the Coast Guard.

Particular attention is paid to the creation of the modern Turkish arms. The efforts of the Turkish defense industry are aimed at developing and building their own aircraft, armored vehicles, tanks, and various electronics and missile weapons. Turkish Aerospace Industries Company is engaged in the development and manufacture of aircraft under license. The objective of this venture is the creation of unmanned aerial vehicles.

It is important to note that most of the products produced by Turkish military companies are purchased by the national armed forces, and purchase volumes are constantly increasing. The Turkish fleet is larger than the fleet of any other country in the Black Sea due to the presence of new submarines and ships.

The foundation of the current Army was laid in 1920 by the founder of the Turkish Republic, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. The armed forces are the guardians of the republican regime and secular values, separation of Islam from the state.

The formation of the army took place in the country's harsh defeat in World War I, when a major contribution to the emergence of the modern Turkish army was made by Soviet Russia. The Republic of Turkey at the end of the World War I has experienced the devastation and foreign intervention, and was not recognized by the world.

Vladimir Lenin decided to help the young breakaway republic with gold and weapons. The far-sighted policy of Ataturk, who argued that Turkey shares the sympathies of Soviet Russia to socialism and intends to conduct an uncompromising struggle against the Entente, played its role.

As a result, the new Turkey in 1923 gained international recognition, and Atatürk was very grateful to Soviet Russia for military assistance. He often visited the Soviet Embassy, ​​and the members of the Soviet delegation were sitting next to him in the military parades as honored guests.

The beginning of history of Turkish aviation refers specifically to the 1920s, when many Turkish pilots were sent to the Soviet Union where they were taught by the best pilots and trained in the Soviet parachute centers.

After the death of Ataturk in 1938, the army, as his brainchild, became the bearer of the ideas of secular government and democracy. Today, even the political opponents of Atatürk ideas do not dare to openly criticize him, the army, or the republic, because these three concepts have merged together for the Turks, and, touching one of them you automatically touch the others.

Ataturk bequeathed to his country under no circumstances to engage in European military power. The Turkish leadership must be commended for not tempting fate and not sending the Turkish army to the fronts of World War II. The country has kept the army, and in 1945, while the rest of Europe was in ruins, it was relatively prosperous.

However, later Ataturk's will was violated when, yielding to the pressure of various political circles, Prime Minister Adnan Menderes decided to "test the strength of the army", sending it to Korea in 1950 as a member of national contingents in the UN. After providing the "assistance" to the Western countries, Turkey was accepted in NATO. It was justified by the fact that the USSR posed a greater threat to the sovereignty of the republic, and that the goal was to strengthen the army and repel possible aggression from the Soviet Union.

In 1974 the Turkish army has demonstrated its preparedness when on early morning of July 20 the naval and air forces of the trained airborne units landed in Cyprus. The army of the "Greek" Cyprus was defeated in a day. Turkish aircraft bombed the airport in Nicosia, Cyprus National Guard barracks and armored units. Marines landed in Kyrenia and blocked the ports of Larnaca and Limassol.

The official reason for the invasion of Cyprus was the overthrow of President Makarios by coup and the massacre of his supporters. Fearing ethnic cleansing of Turkish Cypriots, the Turkish Chief of General Staff Sanjar ordered the operation "to establish peace in Cyprus." Despite the fact that the status of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) remains open, the Turkish Army that brilliantly conducted the operation must be commended.

In the 21st century, the Turkish military were involved in peacekeeping operations under the auspices of the UN and NATO. They are stationed in Kosovo and Bosnia - provinces that once belonged to the Ottoman Empire. The Turks are fighting mainly on their territory with detachments of separatists from the Kurdistan Workers' Party.

Today, there are increasingly more assumptions that Turkey is seeking domination in the Islamic world and creation of "Ottoman Empire-2." These assumptions are in fact are not unfounded. In Istanbul, in particular, public institutions adorn the coat of arms of the Ottoman Empire, along with a portrait of Ataturk.

President Abdullah Gul and Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan are doing everything to diminish the army's political role in the country. According to the amended constitution, the ruling Justice and Development Party need not fear a military coup.

At the same time the Turkish army is very strong. Due to the geographical position of Turkey, its role is enormous. The country takes great interest in the political process in the Middle East and Arab world (in the context of the "Arab spring"). In addition, in the south-east Turkey an American missile defense system has been launched.

At some point in time, Russia and Turkey were at war with each other over 30 times. Now the Turks are actively "courting" the representatives of Muslim, particularly the Turkic peoples of Russia. Turkey is seeking to increase its influence in the Caucasus, Central Asia and the Crimea. Finally, the Turkish army is one of the pillars of NATO.

Today, Russia should pay special attention to its southern borders, where the powerful Turkish army is located.

This kind of news are intentionally published to manipulate the public. Important thing which emphasized here is not that what power Turkey has, but Turkey has become enemy of Russia.

While playing into the hands of USA, Turkey has created many enemies, Syria, Iran, Iraq and Russia. Inexperienced government doesn't think what would happen if or when USa leaves ME. We need rulers whose imaginations reach beyond USA.
This kind of news are intentionally published to manipulate the public. Important thing which emphasized here is not that what power Turkey has, but Turkey has become enemy of Russia.

While playing into the hands of USA, Turkey has created many enemies, Syria, Iran, Iraq and Russia. Inexperienced government doesn't think what would happen if or when USa leaves ME. We need rulers whose imaginations reach beyond USA.

Well said bro.

AKP gov. is perfect a dog of USA. They have made silent, arrested, jailed every opposite thinkers. There are million sheep which controlling by gov. They dont know whats going on in Turkiye even they never try to know whats going on?
While playing into the hands of USA, Turkey has created many enemies, Syria, Iran, Iraq and Russia. Inexperienced government doesn't think what would happen if or when USa leaves ME. We need rulers whose imaginations reach beyond USA.
Yup, Turkey played into US hands when it did not allow US troops to invade Iraq, resisted and blocked US and others intentions on Syria in 2005, tried to persuade Iraqi Sunni groups to join parliamentary process, brokered a deal with Iran for its nuclear activities... I mean, if all of this policies are playing into US hands, I don't know what policies would have meant other than "playing into US hands". Also we need to remember that, empirically, none of the countries you mentioned did have a good relationship with Turkey. Last, but not least, I would like to remind you that occidentalism is as worse as orientalism.
I did not say that government is USA dog. I said government is playing into US hands. Well politics is tough issue, lightly I would call currently ruling party has his own calculations by siding with USA. @trmhmt

@cerian, government is inexperienced in foreign relations, have miscalculations. As a Muslim background this ruling party could have made lots of friends in Muslim world, but always happen the worst. Last Syrian issue made it clear that Turkey is the Trojan horse. Turkey hosted Syrian opposition members and every one saw it. It is USA which supports Arab Spring, Turkey has become the frontrunner.

Secondly, being ally of USA dates back to 1947. Nothing new. Just current ruling party is no different than previous ones.
I did not say that government is USA dog. I said government is playing into US hands. Well politics is tough issue, lightly I would call currently ruling party has his own calculations by siding with USA. @trmhmt

@cerian, government is inexperienced in foreign relations, have miscalculations. As a Muslim background this ruling party could have made lots of friends in Muslim world, but always happen the worst. Last Syrian issue made it clear that Turkey is the Trojan horse. Turkey hosted Syrian opposition members and every one saw it. It is USA which supports Arab Spring, Turkey has become the frontrunner.

Secondly, being ally of USA dates back to 1947. Nothing new. Just current ruling party is no different than previous ones.
You make it sound like being an ally of US is a bad thing, especially if that ally happen to be very powerful. Also, historically, yes being an ally of US made Turkey relatively safe during the Cold War. Alliance was and is beneficial to both countries, so the two still continue to being allies.

Inexperience in foreign relations.. I mean, if you look at all the democratic countries in the world, especially if you look at US, where inexperienced politicians or statesman lately become presidents, you would see that even though governments have the final say in foreign policy, they make those foreign policy decisions with consulting other state instruments. So, inexperience is not the issue here, but the substance of strategic planning might be more obvious target to criticize.

Also I would object your assertion that US supported Arab Revolutions, which US actually didn't from the start. Clinton's remarks on the start of Tahrir square protests are still remembered by people over there. Obviously, like France started to support revolutions after Ben Ali escaped to Saudi Arabia, US also started to support revolutions after it was obvious that those who protested were there to stay. What did Turkey do while France and US was reluctant and against such protests? Turkey supported them. There you go, another Turkish foreign policy decision that played into US hands...
It's Pravda. They occasionally have good articles and everything else is tabloid stuff. For example there are several militaries I can think of with more than half a million soldiers aside from the US. Russia itself, along with China, India, and the two Koreas all have larger militaries AFAIK.
You think USA has good plans for us? After Iran, Syria it will Turkey's turn. Turkey is the good police, France is the bad police. Winner is Jews.

Let me make clear: USA likes pro USA Muslim parties while dislikes anti USA parties such as Erbakan s refah party, Ba'ath parties, Libya etc...

My personal opinion lies in being anti USA, I thought I have showed it some time ago. If you think USA allegiance will benefit us in the long run, you may continue to present your views as you are now.

When USA killing your scientists, you can be sure that USA will use turkey as a puppet and when the time arises, it will discard Turkey. USA against Russia, China these animosities will do good for us. But USA is burning our backyard, and flames gonna spread into our own house.
You think USA has good plans for us? After Iran, Syria it will Turkey's turn. Turkey is the good police, France is the bad police. Winner is Jews.

Let me make clear: USA likes pro USA Muslim parties while dislikes anti USA parties such as Erbakan s refah party, Ba'ath parties, Libya etc...

My personal opinion lies in being anti USA, I thought I have showed it some time ago. If you think USA allegiance will benefit us in the long run, you may continue to present your views as you are now.

When USA killing your scientists, you can be sure that USA will use turkey as a puppet and when the time arises, it will discard Turkey. USA against Russia, China these animosities will do good for us. But USA is burning our backyard, and flames gonna spread into our own house.
I'm not defending US policies, which I highly find their ME policies quite oblivious, but I can understand US's mentality for those decisions and I'm sure Turkish authorities also understand them. But understanding is one thing and approving is another. If Turkey opposes US foreign policy on ME, then as an ally, it needs to make US to understand realities of ME and its spill over effects.

I can also understand why Iran is so hateful to US. If the Turkey had the same historical background like Iran, I'm pretty sure general animosity towards US would be much more higher than right now. But Turkey and Iran have different histories, different political cultures and different societies, so decisions taken by these two countries obviously will be different than each other.
You make it sound like being an ally of US is a bad thing, especially if that ally happen to be very powerful. Also, historically, yes being an ally of US made Turkey relatively safe during the Cold War. Alliance was and is beneficial to both countries, so the two still continue to being allies.

Inexperience in foreign relations.. I mean, if you look at all the democratic countries in the world, especially if you look at US, where inexperienced politicians or statesman lately become presidents, you would see that even though governments have the final say in foreign policy, they make those foreign policy decisions with consulting other state instruments. So, inexperience is not the issue here, but the substance of strategic planning might be more obvious target to criticize.

Also I would object your assertion that US supported Arab Revolutions, which US actually didn't from the start. Clinton's remarks on the start of Tahrir square protests are still remembered by people over there. Obviously, like France started to support revolutions after Ben Ali escaped to Saudi Arabia, US also started to support revolutions after it was obvious that those who protested were there to stay. What did Turkey do while France and US was reluctant and against such protests? Turkey supported them. There you go, another Turkish foreign policy decision that played into US hands...

I should say Cerian has some substantial points here

from my point of view a pragmatic normalization process with the ME countries is a sine qua non for our economic expansion! however, an excessive political engagement can be hazardous !
You think USA has good plans for us? After Iran, Syria it will Turkey's turn. Turkey is the good police, France is the bad police. Winner is Jews.

Let me make clear: USA likes pro USA Muslim parties while dislikes anti USA parties such as Erbakan s refah party, Ba'ath parties, Libya etc...

My personal opinion lies in being anti USA, I thought I have showed it some time ago. If you think USA allegiance will benefit us in the long run, you may continue to present your views as you are now.

When USA killing your scientists, you can be sure that USA will use turkey as a puppet and when the time arises, it will discard Turkey. USA against Russia, China these animosities will do good for us. But USA is burning our backyard, and flames gonna spread into our own house.

We have to remember that the USA had many political leaders in the past. This means they do not follow the same path always. As for the current Turkish government i agree that we have been too closely knitted with the USA. Turkey has enough power to chose her own friends. Right now Turkey should focus on increasing friendship with China, Russia, India, Indonesia and Brazil, in other words the BRIIC. These five countries will dominate the world politics in a couple of decades (some of them in years). The US has shown its incompetency by invading Iraq and making a total mess out of it. Today US is powerful but tomorrow they definitely wont be. Turkey should make clever moves and increase relations with BRIIC countries.

But Turkey is definitely not the lapdog of USA today. We saw that when Turkey denied USA entering Iraq via Turkey. Hell, todays Turkey is much, much more influential and assertive when we come to foreign policy then the former incompetent governments. No one in their sane mind can deny that. Lets stop waving the fanatic flags here. We need pragmatism and rationality, looking at pure facts and occurrences, not empty university propogandas (part of the reason Turkish universities are total fiasco).
I did not say that government is USA dog. I said government is playing into US hands. Well politics is tough issue, lightly I would call currently ruling party has his own calculations by siding with USA. @trmhmt

Now imagine that, what kind an animal really loves to play in hands of someone? Got it? Yes you got it... So that animal is a dog right? Yes exactly !!!

I have done....
Now imagine that, what kind an animal really loves to play in hands of someone? Got it? Yes you got it... So that animal is a dog right? Yes exactly !!!

I have done....

You are the only one remaining with distorted ideas and twisted imagination of reality. Wake up from that hatred nonsense propoganda. And don't call our PM an animal or a dog, it just shows your ignorance.
I think it's healthy to be critical of everything, if you've read one of the articles in Hürriyet, then you'll see the deficit has jumped to the highest in the republics 89 year history.

I think it'd be wise to think a bit more than Erdogan seem to be doing before telling SSM to spend and spend and R&D. postponing some of the projects a year or two wouldn't hurt. like the BM project on 2.500 km...
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