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Prahaar missile test fired successfully

Chief Controller (Life Sciences) of DRDO William Selvamurthy said Prahaar can carry different types of warheads. If integrated, it can also carry nuclear payloads. The missile has a quick reaction time, so that six Prahaar missiles can be launched within two to three minutes, he said. Unlike Prithvi, it can engage multiple targets in different directions and can be fired in salvo mode,” he added.

So it can carry nuclear payloads. But I hope we use it only for conventional purposes. Only hydrogen bombs with K-15, K-4, Shourya and Agni-3 should be for nuclear attack.
Wars are not fought only by weapons, but also need courage, passion and much more to bear in return.You guys have accepted that main cause was Indian government's lack of courage.So better keep your missiles in cold storage.
secondly, you guys are talking about therm o nuclear but still your nuclear test are doubtful by your own scientists and defence analyst.:cool:

Would you like to see dictatorism or pacifism in India?
Trust me, If India gives away its pacifist ideology, Firstly you wont survive,if you are still living in Pakistan as of today.
After all you are a nation which is barely 60 years old. On the other hand our land has been through milleniums.Tons of wars and blood shed. Wars are not fun. You cant compare a war to a terrorist act(which pakistan is notorious for).
The day India gets a dynamic leader,I bet you your army generals or your gov will go and hibernate.
All that stops India is its vote bank politics. Just for the sake of getting those few muslim votes, cong is bending over the terrorism and Kashmir.

IF a Gov want to do it, how big deal is it to simply get those kashmiri extremists eliminated?
Ohhh yeah, current Indian gov lacks the courage and its pasifism is letting them give away water to pakistan. Its pacifism coupled with American diplomacy stopped the 2008 war. If its a 2008 war,its like killing a half killed snake?

Dont talk about courage with us. We have seen your courage when US came nearby your military compund and killed Osama.You got nothing left to do other than picking up those shattered heli pieces and returned them generously to US........ lol ...

Is the prahaar slightly smaller than AAD?

No. Both are same. its just a bad photoshopping.
Gr8 work DRDO. Indian Missile Scientists hv become seasoned now.. The best part is, now we are able to produce weapons as per our needs rather than relying on Costly western solutions.. Keep going DRDO.. Hats off!!
i still believe Praahar will become even smaller, sleeker and lighter to host 6 missiles on the same truck...
If prithvi-2 is even converted to Praahar kind of launcher it will be cool then...
Great achievement by DRDO. Its can be said best in its class as tactical ballistic missile. The high speed, high maneuverability, high accuracy above all low cost is the key. I think IA will go for thousands of this missile.
Great achievement by DRDO. Its can be said best in its class as tactical ballistic missile. The high speed, high maneuverability, high accuracy above all low cost is the key. I think IA will go for thousands of this missile.

Hi Kinetic,
Nice to see you back
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