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Practical and tangible steps to bring about structural changes in Pakistan

VCheng.. as promised.. The next few posts are going to be my input.. Hope you see the light.. Insha Allah

PS: Please read it thoroughly, don't fall for selective study :) thanks
Nation building requires patience, persistence, clarity of thoughts, positive approach, cause dedication, fearlessness and most of all individual-development of masses both economic and educational (thought process).

Pakistan is going through though times, this nation, in its short time, has seen some amazing ups and downs, it has, on one side, had the fastest growth rate in the world for first five decades of its existence, and within the next decade it was forced to see the worst economic/social/political crises.

It is time for nation building, it is time for reforming the thought process, and it is time to differentiate between tangibles and intangibles. It is time to change!

Personal reasons and satisfaction
I have been clear in my mind for some time that I need to bring a change, in myself, as well as in my country. I strongly deny the claims that one person cannot bring change; it is a continuous process, if I manage to change the thinking process of even two people that will result in a ‘chain-reaction’. Those two will bring change in the thought process of maybe four, and those four may bring change in forty and so on. I have been working on this infectious process, and am glad to say that it has been more successful then I dared to imagine, now I want to share my thoughts here on this forum, in a hope that I might be able to convince few more to take the same approach for the betterment of OUR country.

All it needs is a clear and task oriented mind, positive approach, consistence and dedication.

We are Pakistanis after all, no matter where we live, no matter where we are, no matter what we do, and no matter what cast, creed, ethnicity we belong to, we stay Pakistanis. If Pakistan prospers, if Pakistan develops, if Pakistan leads, then we are honoured, otherwise, no matter which nationality we hold, no matter what passport we show, no matter how much we deny, we are bound to face the backlash, we are bound to see derogatory attitudes towards us, and we cannot stop that.

So, in short, honouring Pakistan and working for its development is basically honouring ourselves and working for our betterment. We will be able to tell our next generations that it was us who made the difference. How good would that feel?

Why do we need to change?
Change is required in a variety of situations, one, that we are facing a crises and need to realign ourselves to respond to it, or two we are not in crises but perceive that we might face one if we do not realign ourselves. The time for second has passed, our country is facing crises and so are we, and that is the sole reason for us to change, both individually and on national basis.

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The problem
Pakistan’s crises is multi-tiered, we are having problems externally as well as internally. External problems are occurring due to the so-called ‘War on Terror’, which Pakistan has been forced to participate in, and high amount of loans we have incurred. This is not going to be the topic of my discussion for the sole reason that if internally we took the corrective measures we will not need to address it separately. It will automatically vanish.

I do believe that external hands play an important role in destabilising Pakistan for their own agenda but they are not stronger then us ‘The people of Pakistan’. So let’s give America bashing a little rest (It will come later) and let’s analyse the factors of current crises in Pakistan.

Pakistan’s problem right now is its law and order situation, political misdirection, economic crises and low-self esteem of general public. Top it up with sub-standard services of departments providing public facilities such as electricity, gas, water, infrastructure, medical, education, taxation, imports and exports, transportation and others and you get a raw picture of current situation.

What to change?
There are two different aspects in question:

1. Attitudinal/Behavioural Change (People)
2. Structural/Procedural Change (Departments)

I would go through them individually, and will try to be as much elaborative as I can be, please bear in mind that being human I am bound to make mistakes, I am bound to under analyse or over analyse things, so feel free to give your input on the aspects I am going to cover. Both of these will be discussed further under their relative headings.

In theory, two separate approaches are required for these two changes, attitudinal change requires what is known as piecemeal approach which is slow and gradual, and structural change requires drastic measure and quick reorganisation to tackle the crises in a perfect world, where the central authority wants this change to happen.

This is not the case with our current political government, they are happy as they are, as long as their foreign bank balances are increasing and safe. So we will have to use whatever possible measures we can take to bring about this change.

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1. Attitudinal/Behavioural Change
When Pakistan came into being everyone thought that this country will not survive, as a matter of fact, ground realities were pointing to it. There was no reason to believe that a state which has nothing in its pockets will be able to survive, but it did. This was astonishing for the rest of the world, many have given different reasons for its survival but the bottom line is: Pakistanis wanted it to survive, they wanted it to succeed, they wanted it to stay, they wanted it to prosper, they wanted to show the world that this nation is not here to fall and this ‘will power’, this ‘resilience’ made the impossible, possible.

It was the attitude of the people of Pakistan, not anything else which allowed us to see Pakistan on the map of the world even after sixty four years.

Attitude of the nation plays a vital role in development of a nation. A will to do, a craze to succeed, an obsession with success, quitters can not and will not achieve anything, which is a fact and has been proven since the birth of mankind.

The last decade has seen a continuous attack on the attitude of the nation, we have been continuously bombarded with one slogan only “Pakistan is a failed state”, and steps have been taken to continuously prove and pound this into the minds of Pakistanis.

Gradually, the change has occurred, gradually people have started taking it seriously, I remember clearly, about fifteen years ago, when it was Benazir’s second tenure and everything was going bad, we use to say, when the things touch a threshold army would come and correct it. Alas, that army is under question right now.

There was another source of satisfaction, if the government is poor; people are rich, so if we touch a threshold people would bail the country out. It was proven so many times, by Benazir’s Kashmir fund, Nawaz Sharif’s “Karz utaro mulq sanwaro” scheme and Musharraf’s Drought Relief fund that people will give ‘everything’ they own to save from crises situation or betterment of country.

This source has also been attacked by cuts in electricity, gas and water supplies, along with increased tax on import of raw materials, resulting in big businesses going small and small-medium businesses closing down. Manufacturing and Exports have fallen to all time low. On the other hand, frenzied printing of currency notes is resulting in high inflation rates.

These factors are playing a huge role in people losing hope, and the more time it takes to revive them back the more it will become difficult.

It is time for learned population of Pakistan to come forward, we do not need government to do anything for us, they won’t, they are too busy collecting ‘bribes’ and ‘commissions’. We have to take matters in our own hands; we have to educate the masses about what is happening. This is the ONLY way to bring the change we want.

The force with which we can respond to these stooges is by showing them that we are not going to fall. How you ask? Here are few steps:

- Talk to each other, give importance to everyone’s POV, listen and then learn and teach
- Forget about party politics, think about country, think who is the one which has the desire to work for betterment of Pakistan. Think logically, decide on the person, and then present it to others.
- Use logic to counter bradryism and ‘baap dada’s political party’ concept.
- Provide hope to people of a better future, be the first one to help, I remember we use to help older people carry their luggage to their houses, even though we never knew them. It was a normal practice. This increases trust of elders on youngsters. It increases love, it increases affinity.
- Show enthusiasm and patriotism, talk about positive things in Pakistan, talk about natural resources we have, talk about the biggest canal system we have, talk about mineral enriched mountains, talk about capacity of agricultural lands. In short, provide people with hope that even if ‘foreign aid and loan’ is stopped, we can survive on our own.
- Remove fear from people’s life, I understand it is difficult but it still is worth trying.
- Departments don’t do their job, that’s the biggest issue, so what? Do the job for them, make them redundant.
- Government says there is less electricity, fine! Talk to your area people, ask them to utilise as less electricity as possible, and when it is not required do not use electric lights or air conditioners. Make them understand that due to their excess usage, businesses cannot run which in turn puts burden on the country’s budget which results in extra tax on people and loan from foreign countries.
- Believe me when I tell you, most of our people do not understand why government takes loans (other than to fill their bank accounts), why we need to beg others to fulfil our requirements.
- Go to villages, make them aware about the current situation, if you think that they won’t understand then you are mistaken, they might be illiterate but Allah has given them the power of logic. Explain to them the reason you have came to them. Educate them in the power of their vote. Explain them the disasters of not using it properly.
- Most of the people think that their vote is used only to select their area’s member, to them its selecting a person for their ‘personal use’, teach them about the ins and outs.
- If you are part of a political party, instead of carrying party flag, carry Pakistani flag.
- There are numerous pressure groups for personal benefits, make pressure groups for country’s benefit. Make your area’s representative fear of loss in next general election.
- Look for people who are like you, make a group and select a subject and a day each, then look for children who cannot afford education and teach them yourself.
- If you can afford, rent a room to act as classroom, if you can’t teach, hire a teacher, 4/5 friends collectively will be able to pay him to teach. One class should be enough to teach minimum 10 students. You’ll provide work to an educated person (teacher) and education to your next generation.
- Talk to your family members, you friends, your acquaintances, and your colleagues about the future of the country. Make them understand that people who have been tested already have fallen short. They are not worth testing again, we should bring new faces, and we should try new people.
- Involve people in doing good, help them do good, things like cleaning your street and letting everyone know that you are cleaning it because it is part of your country and you want to make it better will sometime hit the ball home. Try it!
- Don’t lie, don’t cheat, practice what you preach. Become a role model, people will follow you.
- Express positivity; give a positive vibe, even sentences like ‘everything is going to be alright if we try to make it right’ works.

These are, but few suggestions to do your bit in the revival of OUR country and in changing the behaviour of our people. This approach will take years, it will start from ‘only you’ and then expand further, but believe me, it works, I started by hiring a teacher in a village some two years ago and now I have 4 friends helping me, we have 3 teachers in total who are getting paid and are teaching around 75-80 students who could not afford education.
When I was in Pakistan, we use to have a small blood donor association and use to give blood to poor people who could not buy it from blood banks. Hospitals never had any blood in store (as usual).

Small things make big difference, try to do as much as you can, single drop from everyone will make a sea at the end. Small deeds result in collective attitude change. Don’t trust me, Try it!

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2. Structural/Procedural Change
In the midst of crises in a nation, change in structures of departments or procedures within them play a vital role. The quicker the change, better the crises can be handled.

Because it involves the entire reorganisation of departments or major components of them, this is most likely to be driven by the centre and will be the focus of a political struggle between different entities. No one will like to let go the power they hold.

Given that major structural changes are usually accompanied by major shifts in the distribution of power, therefore, the new structure should be imposed in a top-down manner in a directive or even coercive way, depending on the balance between winners and losers.

In democracy, a government is representative of people and governance is managed by task distribution between different authoritative bodies which control their relevant tasks with the help of employees specifically recruited/hired/trained for it.

For each department, a budget is allocated and they are supposed to act to their maximum output within that budget. The outcome justifies the existence of the department itself, if it is not meeting its required criteria, then, based on the analysis report, either the procedure/functions are redesigned, management is changed or the department is disbanded and its tasks dispersed under other existing departments. These departments are like a web, each is partially dependent upon few others for its functionality. It is a complex network and any break/bottleneck in any department’s functionality will result in effecting efficiency of others.

There are practically hundreds of departments in Pakistan, which we can look into, but it is not practical to do so, nor is going to make any difference until the centre wishes to change them. So in short, if you want to reorganise departments, you have to change the centre. Central change would happen by your votes, so use them wisely, and advise the ones who are not literate by providing them with reasons and logic.

This is easy if it is democracy, putting pressure on democratic government is easier than putting pressure on a dictator or monarchy. All you need is pressure group.
Here are few steps which can be taken:

- Political parties are afraid of losing public support, so arrange peaceful protest rallies. Raise slogans which make sense ‘Zardari *****’ is not a slogan to use, neither is ‘We want Islam’. A good slogan is something like ‘We want education to be free, what are you doing for it?’ or ‘Where is the electricity when we have the biggest canal system in the world’.
- Gather students from colleges and universities and have peaceful demonstrations within and outside the educational institutions. Students are a force to reckon with, they are the ‘harawal dasta’ of any change. Bring them out of ignorance and make them work for the country.
- Meet your area’s representative day in day out with a list of problems; question him about why should you vote for him next time? They are (in theory) your servants, make them behave like one.
- Start showing your support for some (deserving) candidate, make the ruling elite vulnerable. This is called politics. You don’t need to destabilise Zardari, you need to shake his supporter in your own area, these are the roots on which the Zardari (and shareef’s and Chaudhry’s) government’s tree is standing, cut them off.
- Do not fall for any candidate’s portfolio or his wealth or wizardry; ask for party’s manifesto. Judge the validity of it; see if what they claim can be achieved realistically. Ask them the procedures to achieve the ones which you think are unachievable. Question their intellect. If they answer that they don’t know and party knows, tell them that they are not worth your vote because they don’t even understand their party’s manifesto.
- Media is playing a negative role in every definition of journalism, call the anchors and analysts and question their view’s authenticity in live programs. Liars are vulnerable; they’ll not be able to answer your questions.
- Reduce the TRP of channels which are supporting negative image of Pakistan, I have seen plenty of achievements by Pakistanis all over the world which are not shown on Pakistani channels. They are only interested in ‘masala’ news. Call such channels and tell them that you are not going to watch their channel and you are also starting a campaign against them. You don’t need to be someone ‘famous’ to threaten them. They depend on ‘general public’ to get budget for themselves.
- Write columns, articles, and news feeds. Portray a good picture of your surroundings, do not lie, there are good things happening in your surroundings which you overlook because of your negative behaviours.
- These so called (anti-Pakistan) specialists are the major reason of unrest, humour them, make fun of them, degrade them with logical and factual questions and sarcasm to an extent where they lose their credibility, in same manner how they have reduced the pro-Pakistan people’s credibility.
- Supreme Court is playing a vital role in current situation, but it depends highly upon evidence provided by other agencies like Police and Civil Intelligence. These agencies are playing as a puppet for their political masters, so the orders of Supreme Court are being over looked; this in result has been placing the authenticity of SC in question in the eyes of general public. This is also the part of game to destabilize Pakistan.
- The sole reason of all this systematic and orchestrated play is to reduce the dependence of people on country’s autonomous departments. Think about it, Election Commission in question, Army and ISI in question, Judiciary in question, Media in question, the economic regulators in question, and the disbanding of HEC. Remember the pillars of successful political governance? Here they are if you don’t remember (know) them: the government, the courts, the unions, the media, the economic regulators, and the defence and security apparatus, the universities (Solomon D. 2007). I hope you get the point!

Now coming to day-to-day problems, aren’t we exaggerating them? I mean come on, few decades back (6 to be precise) we had nothing. We started from scratch, we developed in to a country which has forced the ‘world’ to fear our development and take ‘extreme’ measure to ensure we do not survive (or at least roll back a couple of decades).

What made them come to this conclusion? It was the fear of potential of this nation, this potential has been shown many a times in the past and we can show it again, insha Allah!

Let’s talk about the solutions of the problems due to departmental incapability:
Electricity: not a big problem, use solar panels, a setup of 2 KW costs around Rs. 1700K max. It’ll be more than enough to provide basic needs of 3-4 houses with additional batteries. If you can’t pay by yourself, get an investor to do that and then pay them bill on monthly basis. This is one time cost and will go on for life. So, for example, if the total Wapda bill for 4 houses comes to Rs. 7000 (min) without even having electricity, then why not pay Rs. 17000 and HAVE electricity?

Gas: You don’t need gas per se. Use the same setup for electric cooking stoves, add another 1 KW and pay the Gas bill also to the same supplier.

Water: Bore in your own home (where possible), it costs around 75-200K and then you can have a pump to suck water and fill the tanks, you can also supply it to your neighbouring houses on charge.

Education: I have already given you a little idea of how you can manage to teach the youngsters, make education scarce. It doesn’t matter if you can’t afford to do so, start whatever you can, put poor students as a priority and then look for funds from your relatives, friends, family members, neighbours etc. Our people never shy away from a good cause. Ensure that they know you are not going to ‘earn’ anything out of it other than ‘self-respect’ and ‘satisfaction’ of doing something positive.

Medical: Those of you who are doctors or medical practitioners need to provide free consultation to poor people, you get ‘samples’ from companies, give them free of cost to poor population. Again, if you start this, you’ll get sponsors by the tons. That is the only thing history has taught us about Pakistan, it is recognised as highest charity donating country in South Asia (South Asia Investors Review, 2011).

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Few of you might be laughing at what I am suggesting; yes it might sound funny to you sitting in your home on an easy chair reading on your laptop or desktop screen, but it is a tested fact. I have tested it myself, you don’t need to believe me, I do not need you to believe either, as I have said before, I am doing my bit honestly, so should you. It is not because you will get something out of it, it is because your nation, your country wants you to do it.

Rise up my brothers and sisters, OUR country needs us, OUR people need us, they are looking for saviours, let’s listen to their calls, lets convert them from a herd of sheep to roaring tigers, let’s make them understand that THEY matter, let’s make them aware of their power, let’s force them to change themselves and in return bring a positive change in the country.

I don’t need name or fame, so shouldn’t you, history might not know us, but when we die, we will be satisfied that we did our bit, we tried to bring a change, we worked for the benefit of OUR country and people. We might succeed, or rather, I’m sure that we WILL succeed insha Allah, but even if we failed to see the change in our life time, we would have started a wheel of change, maybe not us, but our next generations will see the difference.

Just my two cents..


Rizwan Yahya
VCheng.. as promised.. The next few posts are going to be my input.. Hope you see the light.. Insha Allah

PS: Please read it thoroughly, don't fall for selective study :) thanks

I will read all that with attention and come back to you, if I survive till then on this forum.
I will read all that with attention and come back to you, if I survive till then on this forum.

LOL.. don't worry.. no one hates you per se.. its the negativity which surrounds you.. you know our nation is not good in accepting defeat.. we are by birth fighters.. so retreat is not an option, surrender is not in blood..
LOL.. don't worry.. no one hates you per se.. its the negativity which surrounds you.. you know our nation is not good in accepting defeat.. we are by birth fighters.. so retreat is not an option, surrender is not in blood..

I read your string of posts with interest. They are full of great ideas, some more implementable than others.

The only problem is that people who think like that, for example you, are already all abroad. People who are living there and facing great hardships tend to treat pontification from abroad, no matter how well-intended, with a great deal of hostility, suspicion, and derision. Therein lies a great disconnect.

The diaspora are fine, but only up to the point where their remittances are concerned. Trying to be anything more than a cash machine, and hostilities start immediately.
I read your string of posts with interest. They are full of great ideas, some more implementable than others.

The only problem is that people who think like that, for example you, are already all abroad. People who are living there and facing great hardships tend to treat pontification from abroad, no matter how well-intended, with a great deal of hostility, suspicion, and derision. Therein lies a great disconnect.

The diaspora are fine, but only up to the point where their remittances are concerned. Trying to be anything more than a cash machine, and hostilities start immediately.

As i said before, giving up is not an option for those who wish to bring change.. so as the great G.W.Bush stated :D "Either you are with us, or against us".. pick your choice ;)
As i said before, giving up is not an option for those who wish to bring change.. so as the great G.W.Bush stated :D "Either you are with us, or against us".. pick your choice ;)

Firstly, where do I say to give up? Please carry on as best as you can, but accord me the same privilege too.

Secondly, GWB backed up what he said with military might. Please elaborate the backing upon which you offer me the stark choice?
Firstly, where do I say to give up? Please carry on as best as you can, but accord me the same privilege too.

Secondly, GWB backed up what he said with military might. Please elaborate the backing upon which you offer me the stark choice?

You have the right to chose whatever you want bro.. but being negative and expanding negativity are two different things.. it effects everyone.. especially the young vulnerable minds.. and that is what i have problem with..

As far as backing up from my side is concerned, i don't need to back it up.. good deeds are self-imposed, the act is selfless.. bad deeds require pursuance and help from others...
You have the right to chose whatever you want bro.. but being negative and expanding negativity are two different things.. it effects everyone.. especially the young vulnerable minds.. and that is what i have problem with..

As far as backing up from my side is concerned, i don't need to back it up.. good deeds are self-imposed, the act is selfless.. bad deeds require pursuance and help from others...

I only say describe things they way they are, since pretending otherwise to mislead the gullible is a type of disservice, only that it is cloaked in noble intentions.
I only say describe things they way they are, since pretending otherwise to mislead the gullible is a type of disservice, only that it is cloaked in noble intentions.

My posts are not intended to mislead anyone who is gullible, neither the ones i posted here, nor the ones i posted in the other threads, my posts are purely on analysis of current situation, reasons for the current situation and what can be done to tackle them.. show me any post of mine, since i joined this forum where i have done otherwise :)
My posts are not intended to mislead anyone who is gullible, neither the ones i posted here, nor the ones i posted in the other threads, my posts are purely on analysis of current situation, reasons for the current situation and what can be done to tackle them.. show me any post of mine, since i joined this forum where i have done otherwise :)

You misunderstood my words, for I said :"I only say describe things they way they are (by being realistic and impartial), since pretending otherwise (for me) to mislead the gullible is a type of disservice (that I do not wish to do), only that it is cloaked in noble intentions (since I could easily turn dishonest and not say the things I feel need to be said).

I hope it is clearer now. It seems my English is failing me in communicating effectively, not only with you, but many others here! :)
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