Continuing from the last post...
1. Attitudinal/Behavioural Change
When Pakistan came into being everyone thought that this country will not survive, as a matter of fact, ground realities were pointing to it. There was no reason to believe that a state which has nothing in its pockets will be able to survive, but it did. This was astonishing for the rest of the world, many have given different reasons for its survival but the bottom line is: Pakistanis wanted it to survive, they wanted it to succeed, they wanted it to stay, they wanted it to prosper, they wanted to show the world that this nation is not here to fall and this ‘will power’, this ‘resilience’ made the impossible, possible.
It was the attitude of the people of Pakistan, not anything else which allowed us to see Pakistan on the map of the world even after sixty four years.
Attitude of the nation plays a vital role in development of a nation. A will to do, a craze to succeed, an obsession with success, quitters can not and will not achieve anything, which is a fact and has been proven since the birth of mankind.
The last decade has seen a continuous attack on the attitude of the nation, we have been continuously bombarded with one slogan only “Pakistan is a failed state”, and steps have been taken to continuously prove and pound this into the minds of Pakistanis.
Gradually, the change has occurred, gradually people have started taking it seriously, I remember clearly, about fifteen years ago, when it was Benazir’s second tenure and everything was going bad, we use to say, when the things touch a threshold army would come and correct it. Alas, that army is under question right now.
There was another source of satisfaction, if the government is poor; people are rich, so if we touch a threshold people would bail the country out. It was proven so many times, by Benazir’s Kashmir fund, Nawaz Sharif’s “Karz utaro mulq sanwaro” scheme and Musharraf’s Drought Relief fund that people will give ‘everything’ they own to save from crises situation or betterment of country.
This source has also been attacked by cuts in electricity, gas and water supplies, along with increased tax on import of raw materials, resulting in big businesses going small and small-medium businesses closing down. Manufacturing and Exports have fallen to all time low. On the other hand, frenzied printing of currency notes is resulting in high inflation rates.
These factors are playing a huge role in people losing hope, and the more time it takes to revive them back the more it will become difficult.
It is time for learned population of Pakistan to come forward, we do not need government to do anything for us, they won’t, they are too busy collecting ‘bribes’ and ‘commissions’. We have to take matters in our own hands; we have to educate the masses about what is happening. This is the ONLY way to bring the change we want.
The force with which we can respond to these stooges is by showing them that we are not going to fall. How you ask? Here are few steps:
- Talk to each other, give importance to everyone’s POV, listen and then learn and teach
- Forget about party politics, think about country, think who is the one which has the desire to work for betterment of Pakistan. Think logically, decide on the person, and then present it to others.
- Use logic to counter bradryism and ‘baap dada’s political party’ concept.
- Provide hope to people of a better future, be the first one to help, I remember we use to help older people carry their luggage to their houses, even though we never knew them. It was a normal practice. This increases trust of elders on youngsters. It increases love, it increases affinity.
- Show enthusiasm and patriotism, talk about positive things in Pakistan, talk about natural resources we have, talk about the biggest canal system we have, talk about mineral enriched mountains, talk about capacity of agricultural lands. In short, provide people with hope that even if ‘foreign aid and loan’ is stopped, we can survive on our own.
- Remove fear from people’s life, I understand it is difficult but it still is worth trying.
- Departments don’t do their job, that’s the biggest issue, so what? Do the job for them, make them redundant.
- Government says there is less electricity, fine! Talk to your area people, ask them to utilise as less electricity as possible, and when it is not required do not use electric lights or air conditioners. Make them understand that due to their excess usage, businesses cannot run which in turn puts burden on the country’s budget which results in extra tax on people and loan from foreign countries.
- Believe me when I tell you, most of our people do not understand why government takes loans (other than to fill their bank accounts), why we need to beg others to fulfil our requirements.
- Go to villages, make them aware about the current situation, if you think that they won’t understand then you are mistaken, they might be illiterate but Allah has given them the power of logic. Explain to them the reason you have came to them. Educate them in the power of their vote. Explain them the disasters of not using it properly.
- Most of the people think that their vote is used only to select their area’s member, to them its selecting a person for their ‘personal use’, teach them about the ins and outs.
- If you are part of a political party, instead of carrying party flag, carry Pakistani flag.
- There are numerous pressure groups for personal benefits, make pressure groups for country’s benefit. Make your area’s representative fear of loss in next general election.
- Look for people who are like you, make a group and select a subject and a day each, then look for children who cannot afford education and teach them yourself.
- If you can afford, rent a room to act as classroom, if you can’t teach, hire a teacher, 4/5 friends collectively will be able to pay him to teach. One class should be enough to teach minimum 10 students. You’ll provide work to an educated person (teacher) and education to your next generation.
- Talk to your family members, you friends, your acquaintances, and your colleagues about the future of the country. Make them understand that people who have been tested already have fallen short. They are not worth testing again, we should bring new faces, and we should try new people.
- Involve people in doing good, help them do good, things like cleaning your street and letting everyone know that you are cleaning it because it is part of your country and you want to make it better will sometime hit the ball home. Try it!
- Don’t lie, don’t cheat, practice what you preach. Become a role model, people will follow you.
- Express positivity; give a positive vibe, even sentences like ‘everything is going to be alright if we try to make it right’ works.
These are, but few suggestions to do your bit in the revival of OUR country and in changing the behaviour of our people. This approach will take years, it will start from ‘only you’ and then expand further, but believe me, it works, I started by hiring a teacher in a village some two years ago and now I have 4 friends helping me, we have 3 teachers in total who are getting paid and are teaching around 75-80 students who could not afford education.
When I was in Pakistan, we use to have a small blood donor association and use to give blood to poor people who could not buy it from blood banks. Hospitals never had any blood in store (as usual).
Small things make big difference, try to do as much as you can, single drop from everyone will make a sea at the end. Small deeds result in collective attitude change. Don’t trust me, Try it!
Continued in next post...