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PPP set to fraud the country again with Roti, Kapra and Makan



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Sep 4, 2012
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If they hadn't fraud the nation once, they are set to do it again. :hitwall:

Roti, Kapra aur Makan, minimum wage Rs18,000

The Pakistan People’s Party Parliamentarians (PPPP) on Thursday unveiled its election manifesto promising a minimum wage of Rs18‚000 per month by the year 2018, the provision of bread, clothing and housing (Roti, Kapra aur Makan) to the poor and representation of the labour class in parliament.

President PPPP Makhdoom Amin Fahim announced the manifesto in a joint news conference with former Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani‚ Information Minister Qamar Zaman Kaira‚ Minister for Defence Naveed Qamar and Minister of State for Information Syed Sumsam Bukhari were also present.

“Roti, Kapra Aur Makan, Ilm, Sehat, Sab Ko Kam, Dehshat Sai Mehfooz Awam, Ooncha Ho Jamhoor Ka Naam” is the theme slogan of the manifesto. Provision of healthcare, employment for all and protection of masses from terrorism are the main slogans of the manifesto, but it is silent on the new accountability law on rampant corruption.

Unveiling the PPP manifesto, Amin Fahim, who is also the Commerce Minister, said: “In our manifesto, we propose seven core priorities that will protect and empower the people of Pakistan and we will initiate key programmes in the first 100 days at the federal and provincial levels to implement these core priorities.”

The core priorities are meeting the basic needs of the people, employment for all, equitable and inclusive growth, infrastructure for the future, new social contract, protection of people and the country’s engagement with the world.

The manifesto pledges creation of a new province in the South Punjab through necessary constitutional measures.Under the new NFC Award‚ Sindh will get a special grant for Karachi for being mega port and economic city of the country.

It pledges to meet the basic needs of the socially and economically disadvantaged people.A mother and child healthcare programme would be launched. The recipients will get vouchers and cash.

The manifesto commits to eradicate polio by 2018 and taking its coverage to 100 percent. It also promises enhanced security cover to health workers.As per constitutional requirements‚ the manifesto promises universal primary enrolment by 2018 and 10‚000 higher education and technical vocation scholarships for Fata and Balochistan.

Amin Fahim said labour representatives will get four seats in the National Assembly and two in each provincial assembly through legislation.In accordance with the Charter of Democracy (CoD) and to strengthen the federation, a constitutional court will be established with equal representation from all the federating units and the inclusion of other areas administrated by the state.

It proposes to make the military budget accountable to parliament and institutionalize a better oversight of defense expenditure.There will be a renewed focus on housing and the poor will be given priority in the low cost housing schemes to be launched through the public-private partnership.

The manifesto also pledges empowerment of all citizens, especially women‚ minorities and the dispossessed.The National Commission on Minorities will be given the statutory status and religious properties would be given protection.

Right to information has already been made fundamental right and its implementation will be guaranteed.The party proposes to launch a youth employment initiative called ‘People’s Employment Programme’. The farmers will be supported by charging flat rate for electricity for tube wells and providing cheaper inputs.

Special Economic Zones would be established to promote industrialization and create job opportunities. Tax net would be widened and tax-to-GDP ratio would be increased to 15% by 2018.

The manifesto also pledges an addition of 12‚000 MW cheaper electricity by way of hydel‚ coal‚ gas and renewable energy by the end of next term of the government.Answering a question, Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani said the PPP government had implemented more than 85 percent of its previous manifesto and the CoD and termed it a big achievement.To a question about the government’s failure to arrest the killers of Benazir Bhutto, Gilani said since the issue was sub judice he could not comment on it.

To a question about load shedding, Gilani said in his nine years of dictatorial rule General Musharraf did not add even a single megawatt, while during his tenure of four years more than 3,000MWs were added to the national grid.

He said during her second tenure in 1994 Benazir Bhutto had taken up the issue of energy crisis and started the projects of IPPs but during Nawaz Sharif’s second tenure Saifur Rehman closed the projects.

“Under the Constitution, the provinces could also launch power projects but no provincial government started any project and no one asked them this question,” he said.

He said Imran Khan and Nawaz Sharif also claim to resolve the energy crisis in two years as they know that the PPP projects will complete in next two years. To another question, Gilani said all the political parties should join hands against terrorism.

To a question, Qamar Zaman Kaira when the PPP took over, the country was importing wheat, sugar and pulses. He said the prudent policies of the government gave food security to the country.

He said the government provided jobs to lakhs of people and regularized the services of around two and half lakh contract and daily wages employees. To another question, he said it was the trust of the people of Balochistan in the system that all political parties were taking part in the upcoming elections.

Minister for Defense Syed Naveed Qamar said the PPP government gave shares to workers in the privatization process.Answering a question, Senator Farhatullah Babar said the PPPP had started work on its new manifesto during its last week in government as it passed two important bills including the Counter Terrorism National Authority Bill and Anti-Terrorism Law Bill.

Roti, Kapra aur Makan, minimum wage Rs18,000 - thenews.com.pk
Pathetic people will go for them again, trust me, they will win seats again :(
Media is there to protect them.
A a feduacratic wadera/jagerdar/sardari dominated party like PPP raises the slogan of Roti, Kapra and Makan it means to raise that the nation will not have anything beyong their basic needs and they shall forfeit all fortunes to their indisputable cronies. Its a tactic of raising an entire nation of enslaved "haaris"
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