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PPP-PMLQ 'love marriage' on Nov 4?



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Jan 7, 2008
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The former chief minister of Punjab, Chaudhry Pervez Elahi has proceeded on a 'fact-finding' mission to London and Washington. The mission: To feel the pulse of the big powers for a possible coalition between the PPP and the PMLQ and obtain guarantees that the big brother will honour his commitments AFTER the deal. He is likely to meet Mr Altaf Hussain of MQM, the British government officials in London and the US government officials in Washington. The facilitators are likely to be H.H. Mr. Wajid Shamsul Hassan, Pakistan's High Commissioner to UK and Mr Hussain Haqqani, Pakistan's Ambassador to the US.

PMLQ rightly feels that it is left out of the power game. Without power, it would also lose its elected legislators. Although a great majority of the PMLQ legislators are still in favour of forging an alliance with the PMLN, but the top leadership of both sides has its own priorities and preferences, making it almost impossible for them to face each other across the table to negotiate a working relationship.

The power corridor in Washington believes that an alliance between the PPP and the PMLQ will be a better option than an alliance between the PMLQ and the PMLN in furthering the US agenda and isolating the conservative and pro-Islam PMLN. PMLQ has already proved its 'credentials' in favour of the US agenda by supporting the former president General Pervez Musharraf throughout the fateful journey and especially at critical times such as Lal Masjid operation, Mr Akbar Bugti's murder, general's uniform, president's re-election etc.

PPP is of the view that forging an alliance with PMLQ will prevent its disintegraton and migration of its legislators to the PMLN. PPP has reportedly offered coalition option for the federal level only, at this stage, leaving the Punjab government untouched. PMLN is likely to 'reap the harvest' by enticing Punjab assembly members of PMLQ and strengthening its hold in Punjab. PPP will enjoy the support of PMLQ MNAs and Senators at the federal level and strengthen its position vis-a-vis its smaller coalition partners. PPP and PMLN are likely to continue their partnership in Punjab for two obvious reasons. First, PMLQ will be prevented from becoming a third force in Punjab. Second, PMLN will keep quiet vis-a-vis the federal government's deeds and misdeeds.

Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain is well-known for his conciliatory temperament. So long as he is treated with respect, dignity and honour by his big brother, he will remain more than happy and may also be useful in Punjab politics.

Mian Nawaz Sharif is likely to be happy with the Punjab government till the mid-term elections in 2009, hopefully.

Everybody will be happy: Will Pakistanis be happy?
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