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PPP, MQM, ANP flay Imran on Nato supplies protest

So what benefits do NATO supplies gives you, enlighten us. Second did you even check the map, all sort of NATO supplies will stop through KPK all together and FATA is in NW is it not.

Tell us your tadpole altaf mission and vision to stop drone strikes, any at all, what direction and stance is of your party or for that matter all parties except PTI's is clearly known the stop NATO supplies and drone strikes.

Pointlessly ranting at a particular party if other political parties were sincere and honest they would have by now come up with plans much earlier by 2008-2010 to stopped drones and NATO supply lines for a better cause which they failed. So don't come saying what is PTI pointlessly doing give us what other political parties have in mind or plans to do about it, No? I thought you.

aby idiot FATA is linked with Balochistan dumb guy

ppp stopped nato supply?

you also have bipolar disorder like your leader


PPP stopped nato supplies after salala attack idiot
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aby idiot FATA is linked with Balochistan dumb guy

The Federally Administered Tribal Area (FATA) is strategically located between the Pakistan-Afghanistan border and the settled areas of KPK(Khyber pakhtunkhwa). It is not entirely towards Balochistan, maybe you can go check fata.gov.pk and give them your version. I guess the term id*** you used could now be applied to you.
The Federally Administered Tribal Area (FATA) is strategically located between the Pakistan-Afghanistan border and the settled areas of KPK(Khyber pakhtunkhwa). It is not entirely towards Balochistan, maybe you can go check fata.gov.pk and give them your version. I guess the term id*** you used could now be applied to you.

what the F*** are you even talking, do you even make any sense?
if you think USAID can buy our State's sovereignty, then you are mistaken, we are not like Pakistan army generals and their tauts who sell their own mothers for some dollars !

Pak Army generals are far better than pimps like you and the characterless leaders like Imran khan .. Fuking Hypocrites !! people like you and your leader are always the first ones to present their mothers to the Dictators like Musharraf for little political benefits
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Not many parties want to take a stance against the US drone strike it seems.

Sabh ko apni kursi pyaari.

This is one and only way to put pressure to end drone strikes.

You want to "drone" let Pakistan Army have control.

The entire drone strategy is wrong and objectionable webmaster...and let PA to drone means 'let PA kill your own civilians unintentionally'
which means:
'We know that no matter how much officers will target specific figures carefully in specific areas,civilians will be injured as well along with those targeted figures or militants which will strenghten TTP's case as they will project that:'PA is killing civilians'
Thus extremism and hatered against PA will boosted,and civilians will identify PA as their enemies which means 'apocalypse'.
Now why PA is silent currently?
The current strategy which I have understand till now is that they want to use drone to some extent-but they understand at the same time that how much public support is required,if we analyse sir @fatman's posted article earlier,it will explain what I meant.
Merits of US drone strike:
When US targets specific areas:
-TTP falls in state of confusion,TTP which is a foreign funded organization has only one mission of vengenece against PA and establishement of their writ and sharia law.
-US drone strike confuses their objective,their attention deviates from actual target,PA also believes in full operation strategy which contradicts with strategy of political regime,except those mindsets,who raised 'mujhahidins' along with US earlier.
-The US attack thus gives them the deadbody of militants along with innocent civilians,the entire blame falls upon political party,thus clash between public and political parties take place,and PA is fully ignored,then pressurized politican hire PA,and wohaa....PA becomes hero,thus getting moral,and nessesary operation which they want,PA cleverly gets what they exactly want to...clever...very clever..:laugh:
-US has own strategy,they want to target all those mindsets in tribal areas who are ready for peace settlement.
-US uses 'signature policy' while targeting any area,which means that they only check:
-The area which is sensitive according to them,now anyone who will pass from there will be marked
-They check then what are they holding,in tribal areas,carrying weapons is a part of culture.

Thus ,it means that without complete confirmation,they set target and launch missile,that is why civil casualties are greater.
-US objective is to annhilate all those groups as well,who may help to ease cross border tensions after their departure,thus burning all bridges for Pakistan.

So,technically,I will summarize stating:
-Either drone via US,or no drone.
-No drone via PA,as we can afford clashes between subject and politicans results to marshal law,while clash between subject and armed sector means complete failure,we have no alternative system besides democracy except dictatorship.
Last but not least,targeted operations against TTP is the only solution and PA is right at it's stance,because peace settlements has given us nothing but swat valley crises,PA is right here to decide this strategy,as peace settlement will only strenghten them,so divide and rule policy is best till now.

So,in this chess game,no one is actually dominating,all players are in no position except to compromise by playing 'gambit'
US and PA both are tolerating to accept or tolerate demerits or loss to get their objective,but I assure you that loss is huge as compare to merits!
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Pak Army generals are far better than pimps like you and the characterless leaders like Imran khan .. Fuking Hypocrites !! people like you and your leader are always the first ones to present their mothers to the Dictators like Musharraf for little political benefits
1000% agreed!
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