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PPP has learnt no lessons despite the stunning debacle



New Recruit

Sep 4, 2012
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President Asif Ali Zardari, like any typical old-fashioned hypocritical politician, has blamed the international establishment, the local establishment, the terrorists and every body else for the PPP defeat in the polls.

He forgot to blame the man who was really and practically responsible — himself.And to scare his party further, he has promised that by the end of the year he would be back again in politics and lead the PPP, in the same manner he did for the last five years and dumped it in a deep well.

What Zardari forgot to say, or honestly admit, is that he is the man who appointed Yusuf Raza Gilani as the PM, threw him in front of the judges to be mauled and mutilated, tolerated all the corruption around him, in fact promoted it, physically provided protection to criminals in the Presidency, appointed Raja Rental as his next PM, handed over the PPP to non-PPP, non-committed people like Manzoor Wattoo and Anwar Saifullah Khan, refused to get out for campaigning and did not allow Bilawal or his daughters to do so.

Basically he handed over the Punjab, KP and Balochistan on a plate to his rivals and ruled Sindh by a remote control sitting in the CM House of Qaim Ali Shah. Now if that remote control becomes the real CM, there will not be a bigger disaster waiting for the party in the only province where it has got some seats.

What Zardari has also forgotten is that the moment he gets out of the protective umbrella of the Presidency and the immunity that he enjoys there, a barrage of cases will confront him in the country and abroad, including the Swiss money laundering cases.

Legal experts have been airing the opinion that while the 15 year-old Swiss cases may have got time-barred, the transactions that took place after the 2007 NRO, the movement of millions of dollars from Swiss accounts to other places, also constitute money laundering and these are all new actions, which cannot be covered under the immunity or time restrictions.

What is surprising is the impotency of the PPP leadership, which has become so docile and compromised that not one serious voice has been heard challenging the policies and leaders who have brought such havoc on the party.

To rub salt on the PPP injuries, Zardari has appointed a defeated and disgraced Chaudhry Aitzaz Ahsan to find out why the party lost and how and how much rigging was done.

Aitzaz and his wife lost their security deposit in Lahore after he ran a full campaign himself, in Urdu and Punjabi and singing all the songs that he could. But the people of Lahore did not listen to his sermons or songs and gave him what he deserved.

The PPP jialas are stunned and in a state of shock on what to think and do next. If they will have to face more of the same under Zardari, what improvement do they expect to turn around their political fate.

The PPP, it seems, has not learnt any lesson and the party appears to have lost all the will to survive as a political force capable of standing for any principle or take any moral stand.

The tragedy is that their only card, the dead bodies of ZA Bhutto, Benazir Bhutto, Mir Murtaza and his younger brother have also lost their value.These goods were on sale in the polls and people did not buy any of this old stuff.

On the other hand, PPP circles close to Zardari believe that Zardari has made numerous achievements to his credit during his tenure as president and it was not that important if the party won or lost the elections. It is a common thing in politics for parties to win or lose, they maintain.

Included in these achievements is the fact that despite doubts on holding of elections, Zardari not only ensured that elections are held but also did not interfere. He allowed the Punjab government to complete its tenure without any hindrance. He kept PPP allies with the government in face of difficulties and maintained good relations with the army leadership and did not remove any army leader.

Because of this strategy, the PPP has won majority in Sindh where he or his party is the kingmaker. These circles genuinely believe that Gwadar Port, Pak-Iran gas pipeline project, 18th Amendment, NFC Award, transferring of all powers to the PM and several other big achievements have been to the credit of the president.

They claim Zardari did not pursue policy of victimisation against his opponents and also blocked attempts to break the country. Thus he made great contributions towards strengthening of the country and democratic system in the country.All these achievements are great as the president of the country. But for his party, the result was a disaster, nonetheless.

PPP has learnt no lessons despite the stunning debacle - thenews.com.pk

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