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PPP-Govt. in agreement over national reconciliation ordinance


May 1, 2007
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ISLAMABAD: The government and former Pakistani premier Benazir Bhutto agreed Thursday on a national reconciliation accord.

According to sources, a significant meeting was held with President Gen Musharraf in the chair at PM House here, attended by Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz and all members of the cabinet.

Besides, PML-Q Chief Ch. Shujaat Hussain, Secretary General Mushahid Hussain Syed, Chairman Senate Mohammedmian Soomro and NA Speaker Ch. Ameer Hussain also attended the meeting.

In a special session of cabinet being held today (Friday), its summary would be sent to the president for the approval.

The agreement gives an amnesty for politicians who served in Pakistan between 1988 and 1999, effectively clearing opposition leader Bhutto of the corruption charges that forced her into exile eight years ago.

The deal takes some of the pressure off staunch US ally Musharraf ahead of a presidential election on Saturday, a vote that Bhutto had earlier threatened to rob of credibility by pulling her MPs from parliament.

It came after a day of frantic negotiations in Islamabad and in London where two-time Prime Minister Bhutto held talks with key members of her Pakistan People's Party.

"They have agreed on the draft and it will be issued by the president tomorrow. Benazir Bhutto has given her assent," Railways Minister Sheikh Rashid, a close confidant of the president was quoted as saying.

"The agreement says that there will be an across-the-board indemnity for public office holders between 1988 and 1999," a senior government official who has seen the draft said on condition of anonymity.

It also says that if Pakistan's main graft-busting body wants to lodge a case against a politician it must first go through a special parliamentary committee "to avoid allegations of political motivations", the official said.

"The ordinance is not party or person-specific."

Bhutto's party has for its part agreed to withdraw a legal petition filed by its vice president in the Supreme Court that seeks to have the presidential election postponed, the official said. A senior party member in Islamabad confirmed the deal.

"The agreement has been done with the government and we expect the government to issue it tomorrow. We have given it our go-ahead," party lawyer Farooq Naik was quoted as saying.

Officials said the amnesty agreement would not apply to ex-prime minister Nawaz Sharif, whom Musharraf ousted in a coup in 1999 and who was deported soon after flying back to Pakistan in September.

Bhutto said earlier that if a definitive deal was reached, her party members would not quit parliament, but would instead either vote for their own candidate in the polls or abstain.

According to the sources, there is no specific mention of a single party or a person in the reconciliation ordinance; if promulgated as such, it would apply to all the political parties.
IF this is what i think it is a deal, its bad really bad constucting deal with the daughter of the east or should i say the daughter of the west, worst day for pakistan may have begun with.
its really sad that the Pakistani politicians always do what is dictated by Washington they dont have their own identity and such a deal would have negative influence on our country. Why do people who have already been in power twice want to come back when they have had their chance to deliver and they delivered nothing.
its really sad that the Pakistani politicians always do what is dictated by Washington they dont have their own identity and such a deal would have negative influence on our country. Why do people who have already been in power twice want to come back when they have had their chance to deliver and they delivered nothing.
The idea of national reconciliation has been around since Musharraf came to power.

Of course the deed is yet to be done. But I don't know why Musharraf needs BB now. After the elections he doesn't really need her.
Benazir says PPP-govt deal seems closer

LONDON: Former premier and PPP chairperson Benazir Bhutto said Thursday that PPP-government deal seemed closer, however, she said, the outcome was expected till the return of Makhdoom Amin Fahim to Pakistan.

“ We are closer to reach deal with government but result should be waited till the return of Makhdoom Amin Fahim to Pakistan,” she said while addressing a press conference here.

She expected an amnesty from President Pervez Musharraf what she termed the amnesty, which was not specific to only PPP but for all political parties for national reconciliation.

"We're expecting an ordinance and the deal would be finalized after promulgation of the ordinance," she told reporters, using diplomatic language for the so-called national reconciliation ordinance from Musharraf which would include an amnesty.
For me Musharraf has lost his creditability. If hes going for national reconciliation then why was NS not included in it. It seems that just because BB seems to be supporting him, he named it national reconciliation whereas NS wasnt doing so, he was made to remain out. This isnt fair and one after this gets an impression that musharraf turned out to be the same like others, all wanting the throne. Pardoning her and withdrawing of all cases against her, this is just another worst day for pakistan, it will just give the politicans a free hand to start there looting and in the end they would be pardon, i wonder why is the SC so quiet, since army seems to be doing what US is telling them to. What a shame and i would have to say jeno do musharraf.
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