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Power requirement: Higher return on energy projects surprises senators


Jul 12, 2014
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A parliamentary panel on water and power, while voicing concern over high rates of return on the energy projects being undertaken by Chinese firms, has called for making public all terms and conditions of the schemes signed between Pakistan and China.

In a meeting of the Senate Standing Committee on Water and Power chaired by Senator Zahid Khan here on Tuesday, member of the committee Mohsin Leghari expressed surprise that the government would pay a 20% to 50% return on 200 to 1,000-megawatt power projects, which would be developed with the assistance of China.


“Chinese power companies will get back all their investment in energy projects in four years,” he remarked and underlined the need for disclosing the proposed terms and conditions of Pakistan-China energy projects.

He also suggested that officials of the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (Nepra), who had decided the tariffs, should be summoned and asked to explain their positions.

“Initially, the rate of return for Chinese investors was set at 17%, but it has now been increased to 27%,” Leghari claimed.

Following a barrage of criticism, State Minister of Water and Power Abid Sher Ali pointed out that a final decision on returns would be made during the visit of Chinese President Xi Jinping to Pakistan.

“There would be no violation of the country’s constitution and prescribed terms of references,” he said while giving assurances to the committee members.

The Chinese president was due to arrive earlier this month, but his trip was put off because of the current political impasse in Pakistan. The two countries are working on a fresh date for the visit during which agreements for major projects are expected to be signed.

In the Senate panel’s meeting, Senator Shahi Syed and Nisar Muhammad called K-Electric, formerly Karachi Electric Supply Company, a white elephant, saying the company had been drawing 800 to 900MW from the National Transmission and Dispatch Company (NTDC) in violation of an agreement.

They suggested that recommendations of a sub-committee should be submitted to parliament and the apex court in order to address the issue.

Abid Sher Ali proposed that a separate meeting should be held to take up the K-Electric issue. Independent power producers (IPPs) were transferring capital abroad, but they had not increased power production, he added.

The panel was told that the federal cabinet, in its next meeting, would accord approval to fresh recruitments on slots lying vacant in the water and power sector for a long time.

Ali said Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif was ready to fill 50% vacant posts in the Water and Power Development Authority (Wapda) and allied departments. “The cabinet will give the go-ahead to hiring on vacant slots.”

Following the assurance, members of the committee unanimously recommended to the government to start recruitments in all state-owned power distribution companies to control unemployment in the country.

Published in The Express Tribune, September 17th, 2014.

Power requirement: Higher return on energy projects surprises senators – The Express Tribune
This Abid Sher Ali is a true *****. He has got no credentials, no education and most importantly, no manners, yet he is the minister for electricity in this government. The only important credential on his resume is that he's Sharif's damaad.
I have four members in my family .. and I paid Rs 25000/- electric bill last month and Rs 30,000/- this month .. idhar inqalab na aye tu kya aye ??? This stupid Ishaq Dollar is the worst munshi ever .. he probably thinks that when u get a loan you don't have to pay it back .. Punjab bank samjhta hey IMF and WB ko ..
I have four members in my family .. and I paid Rs 25000/- electric bill last month and Rs 30,000/- this month .. idhar inqalab na aye tu kya aye ??? This stupid Ishaq Dollar is the worst munshi ever .. he probably thinks that when u get a loan you don't have to pay it back .. Punjab bank samjhta hey IMF and WB ko ..
25k 30k ....:o: bhai karte kiya ho??
Bhai what do you think FDI comes for Free ?

FDI Investments are all about assured rates of returns

why do you think Japan topped out at 35 Billion doallars investment in india and why do you think Xi Jinping on his visit to india came down to 20$ billion from 100 billion$ ?

because they were not assured the rates of returns they were looking for or asking for

so they reduced the amount

There are no free lunches

BTW BHEL offered to setup 2000MW power plant with far less rate of returns
but you know that was indian co looking to loot pakistanis so declined
25k 30k ....:o: bhai karte kiya ho??
Govt inflated the bills to recover huge circular debt in the power industry which is because of power theft and misgovernance .. plus IMF and WB asked them to fcuk the Pakistani Nation and then they will give Ishaq Dollar more loans :'(
Why to blame outside investor..It might happen that out of 27-50 % profit, 40% profile may be a bribe to be paid to various people...If you are working on a low margin, they can not pay bribes ..So they just add those bribe amount on top of the investment amount..

I have four members in my family .. and I paid Rs 25000/- electric bill last month and Rs 30,000/- this month .. idhar inqalab na aye tu kya aye ??? This stupid Ishaq Dollar is the worst munshi ever .. he probably thinks that when u get a loan you don't have to pay it back .. Punjab bank samjhta hey IMF and WB ko ..

Man...25K for electricity bill?...You guys are very rich people then..Do you have many ACS in your home or what does it make to so high amount in residential house?
Govt inflated the bills to recover huge circular debt in the power industry which is because of power theft and misgovernance .. plus IMF and WB asked them to fcuk the Pakistani Nation and then they will give Ishaq Dollar more loans :'(
still how even that possible ? i mean 25k - 30k thats huge amount ....how many acs do you have or do you have heavy machinery that uses lots of electricity?
Just 2 AC's .. other normal appliances which a house hold needs .. its not just my house .. Govt. is fcuking all the bill paying customers ..
Pakistan-China friendship may be sweeter than honey, but as a recent B-grade Bollywood flick title went 'money hai to honey hai'.

On a serious note, India had entered into a similar disastrous agreement with Enron almost 20 years back - the company had also drawn up its contracts such that it got very high, assured rates of return. Luckily for us, they went bust because of fraud and couldn't press their claims on us. As a well-wisher, it is not up to me to tell you guys what steps your country needs to take, but please get into this with your eyes open - China is unlikely to go the way of Enron and you wouldn't be able to walk away from contractual obligations, howsoever unfair they seem later on.
Just 2 AC's .. other normal appliances which a house hold needs .. its not just my house .. Govt. is fcuking all the bill paying customers ..

I used to get 10k in 2011, with one AC, only two times a day.. not much since loadshadding was also high at that time...
I have four members in my family .. and I paid Rs 25000/- electric bill last month and Rs 30,000/- this month .. idhar inqalab na aye tu kya aye ??? This stupid Ishaq Dollar is the worst munshi ever .. he probably thinks that when u get a loan you don't have to pay it back .. Punjab bank samjhta hey IMF and WB ko ..
How many ACs, used at what capacity? and how many units do you consume?
How many ACs, used at what capacity? and how many units do you consume?
Only 2, 1.5 tons each .. used only at night after 11. Maan ley bahi teray Nooray ney mulk ka qabar nikal diya hey .. when will you accept this fact ??
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