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Power import: Pakistan, Afghanistan out of sync over transit fee


Mar 22, 2014
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An ongoing plan to import electricity from Central Asia, which has the backing of United States, faces delay as Pakistan and Afghanistan are locked in a row over transit fee for transmission of electricity.

According to officials, Afghanistan is seeking a fee of 2 cents per unit, which threatens to make electricity purchase unfeasible for Pakistan.

Some officials of the Ministry of Water and Power suggest that Pakistan and Afghanistan should enter into a bilateral deal and Kabul should waive the transit fee altogether.

“Afghanistan should not demand the fee as Pakistan is treating power supply as a transit trade agreement,” an official commented.

Officials point out that Pakistan has been providing a supply route to Nato forces in Afghanistan with a nominal fee and Kabul is also enjoying goods trade under a transit trade accord.

The World Bank has approved the Central Asia-South Asia 1000 (CASA-1000) power supply project and is offering $120 million, out of a total loan of $552 million, for laying transmission lines in Pakistan.

Total cost of the project is estimated at $1.16 billion and the remaining finances will be provided by the Islamic Development Bank and other donors.

Under the project, the Kyrgyz Republic and Tajikistan will export 1,300 megawatts of electricity to Pakistan and Afghanistan. A major chunk of supplies will be received by Pakistan and about 300MW will go to Afghanistan.

“Lately, the government has expressed willingness to pay a fee of 0.50 cent per unit,” the official said, adding the World Bank had assessed the fee at 5 cents.

A key official, who had opposed the fee or suggested a very nominal charge, had been sidelined by the Ministry of Water and Power, officials said.

The bureaucracy in the ministry was divided over the issue. Some suggest that the government is providing a free route to Afghanistan for trade under the transit trade agreement, so Kabul should not demand the transit fee.

Others were of the view that the fee, if necessary, should not be more than Rs0.10 per unit.

Apart from the transit fee, Pakistan has to settle power tariff issue with Tajikistan. “Earlier, Tajikistan had sought 3.5 cents per unit, but it has now increased it to 7 cents per unit,” the official said, believing the two sides were expected to settle at five cents.

Published in The Express Tribune, May 14th, 2014.

Wtff Afghanis, have some shame.
Don't be so cheap... Afghanistan needs that money and they are your brother country. They are after all providing you land for the transmission lines.
Don't be so cheap... Afghanistan needs that money and they are your brother country. They are after all providing you land for the transmission lines.

We are not charging them a penny for all the goods that are transported all the way from Karachi port to Afghanistan...So your argument here is stupid and based on lack of knowledge...
and we have been boarding, lodging, and feeding more than 50 million of Afghans for the last four decades besides providing free transit to all goods imported I to |Afghanistan via Pakistan.
Don't be so cheap... Afghanistan needs that money and they are your brother country. They are after all providing you land for the transmission lines.

Cheap? Per unit cost will be 3-4 cent from Tajikistan and Afghanis demand extra 2 cent transit fee. How the **** is this cheap? Even 0.01 cent is expensive, Pakistan isnt charging them anything for access to sea. Especially when Iran doesnt care about them at all. Pakistan should scratch TAPI as well which will give them $500 million revenues. IPI is better option, Afghanis can't be trusted anymore.

Why not get electricity from India. We are almost 250GW of installed capacity with 40000 MW captive capacity. More than 30000 MW of power plants in India are lying idle as no one is buying power from them. We need to desperately export power from these plants.

We would rather import power from Tajikistan, thanks for your offer.
We are not charging them a penny for all the goods that are transported all the way from Karachi port to Afghanistan...So your argument here is stupid and based on lack of knowledge...

Transit is done on reciprocal basis. They also don't charge for your goods that pass through their country.
Cheap? Per unit cost will be 3-4 cent from Tajikistan and Afghanis demand extra 2 cent transit fee. How the **** is this cheap? Even 0.01 cent is expensive, Pakistan isnt charging them anything for access to sea. Especially when Iran doesnt care about them at all. Pakistan should scratch TAPI as well which will give them $500 million revenues. IPI is better option, Afghanis can't be trusted anymore.

We would rather import power from Tajikistan, thanks for your offer.

First of all I am not sure this project is feasible without world bank support. 125 km transmission line from India and BD is costing us USD200 million. I am assuming your transit project will be around USD500 million at least. On top of that adequate security has to be provided by Afghanistan which will only add to the project cost.

Which goods?

Transit trade: Pakistan’s perishable goods export to Central Asia to get a boost – The Express Tribune
pakistan will rather explore is own hydro rather than pay 7-8cents units.
it will only go for it if the price is less than 5 units.
it can get 8 unit price with indigenous coal projects for which the investors will jump so why would it import it at that rate unless govt wants some kick backs or WB attaches its other loans to this project.
This is good for a few laughs. That is it. What else is expected?

Afghanistan is set to draw from the infrastructure. The transmission line is not solely for the use of Pakistan. Let them have it at their own expense, if they can finance it.
We are not charging them a penny for all the goods that are transported all the way from Karachi port to Afghanistan...So your argument here is stupid and based on lack of knowledge...

I was just thinking about it and saw your post.

Pakistan is not good even in doing business thanks to our politicians. But had it been a deal with the companies of the politicians then it would have been business.
This project is a waste of time. Anything coming out of Afghanistan wont be secure. Pakistan should rather import electricity from china.
pakistan will rather explore is own hydro rather than pay 7-8cents units.
it will only go for it if the price is less than 5 units.
it can get 8 unit price with indigenous coal projects for which the investors will jump so why would it import it at that rate unless govt wants some kick backs or WB attaches its other loans to this project.

Exactly, 2 cent on top of what Tajikistan are asking is to much. But still way cheaper then buning oil... Also looks like this project may take many years in that case anything over 5 cent including transit fee will be to much.

So only at the end of 2013 they are thinking about getting rid of transit fee?
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