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Poverty reduced to half in Musharraf’s regime: WB report


Jan 30, 2010
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Poverty reduced to half in Musharraf’s regime: WB report
Saturday, August 07, 2010
By Mehtab Haider

ISLAMABAD: A World Bank survey has revealed that poverty in Pakistan was reduced by 50 percent on consumption-led growth of the economy under the rule of the former president, Pervez Musharraf.

“The percentage of the people living below the poverty line in Pakistan fell from 34.5 percent in 2001/02 to 17.2 percent in 2007/08,” World Bank said in its Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) paper, based on a survey conducted in fiscal year 2007/08. The bank is going to provide $6 billion to Pakistan on the basis of CPS findings.

According to Planning Commission officials, the PPP-led government asked the commission to conceal the results of the survey because the poverty started rising after the Musharraf’s regime.

According to the WB survey, poverty in urban areas fell from 22.7 percent in 2001/02 to 10.1 percent in 2007/08. In rural areas, it declined from 39.3 percent in 2001 to 20.6 percent in 2007/08, it said.

“This progress was a result of growth in real per adult consumption expenditure and declining inequality from 2005/06 to 2007/08,” the report said.

Key human development indicators of educational attainment, health outcomes and unemployment rates also corroborated these figures, the officials said.

The report showed that the pace of poverty reduction varied across provinces. Poverty in Punjab and Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa steadily declined from 1998/99 onwards. “In Sindh and Balochistan, it recorded sharp rises in 2001/02 and 2005/06, possibly owing to weak agriculture performance in those years,” the report said.

The reduction in poverty in KP is particularly noteworthy as officials believe that it was facilitated by higher remittances through both foreign and domestic channels. “The large volatility in poverty suggests that a substantial portion of Pakistan’s population is vulnerable, living close to the poverty line, and could fall into poverty as a result of shocks,” the report said.

The overlap between vulnerable and poor households is low as about 60 percent of the highly vulnerable population does not belong to the poorest 20 percent. This means that a significant share of the non-poor population is as vulnerable as poor households, it said.

The WB report conceded that the gains in poverty reduction may have been partly reversed in the wake of the recent economic crisis.

“Food and fuel prices rose by 23.7 and 18.4 percent, respectively in the review period, resulting in a 21 percent reduction in the purchasing power,” it said.

The 2007/08 household survey results also suggest that poverty started rising towards the end of the fiscal year.

Officials said that the impact of the recent economic downturn on poverty levels in the country will only be known when the next household survey is conducted.

The Task Force on Food Security estimated that poverty headcount increased to 33.8 percent in 2007/08 and 36.1 percent in 2008/09. This means that about 62 million people were below the poverty line in 2008/09.

Data suggests that between 2005 and 2009, over 12 to 14 million people may have been added to the ranks of the poor in Pakistan. This would translate into an increase in poverty from 22.3 percent of the population in 2005/06 to between 30-35 percent in 2008/09,” the report added.http://www.thenews.com.pk/daily_detail.asp?id=255182
just wait and watch for few more months......its gonna increase at double pace! and prices of goods will get sky rocketed especially after this flood!

we need musharraf back! ASAP!!!!
Democracy is not a magic word that everyone begins to understand and reap its wonderful fruit. It is a process to educate people to actually use a democracy. I would not like my zoo run by wild animals.
just wait and watch for few more months......its gonna increase at double pace! and prices of goods will get sky rocketed especially after this flood!

we need musharraf back! ASAP!!!!

:agree: u are right ........we need food and clothes first i think .....whether its democratic govt or not !!!! :angry:
:agree: u are right ........we need food and clothes first i think .....whether its democratic govt or not !!!! :angry:

but "his highness"(mr.10) is enjoying a trip to france and england instead of supporting his people!!!!
the money he spent on the trip could help out those poor victims!

but "his highness"(mr.10) is enjoying a trip to france and england instead of supporting his people!!!!
the money he spent on the trip could help out those poor victims!


i dont know ....atleast im not the one who elected mr 10% .......
i was not of age to give vote :lol::lol:
i think he is there for washing cameron's feet .... i hate ppp since it was in power last time :hitwall:
Pakistan Economy

In 1999, under Nawaz Sharif, Revenue generation of around Rs.308 billion could not meet the growing expenditure requirements; with only an average of Rs.80 billion being spent on Public sector development programs (PSDP) annually, and no visible project to boast about. From this Rs.308 billion around 65% was being utilized for debt servicing.

In 1988 Pakistan’s foreign debt was $18 billion, but at the end of 1999 it had accumulated to become $38 billion. A 100% increased burden on the already crippled economy. Public and external debt exceeded 300% of Foreign exchange earnings.

Musharraf then appointed Shaukat Aziz, a former Citibank executive, as finance minister.

Pakistan’s economy grew by 100% — to become $ 160 billion
Revenue grew by 100% — to become $ 11.4 billion
Per Capita income grew by 100% — to become $ 925
Foreign Reserves grew by 500% — to become $ 17 billion
Exports grew by 100% — to become $ 18.5 billion
Textile exports grew by 100% — to become $ 11.2 billion
Karachi Stock Exchange grew by 500% — to become $ 75 billion
Foreign Direct Investment grew by 500% — to become $ 8.4 billion
Annual Debt servicing decreased by 35% — to become 26%
Poverty decreased by 10% — to become 24%
Literacy ratio grew by 10% — to become 54%
Public development Funds grew by 100% — to become Rs 520 billion

The vision and policies helped Pakistan come out of the list of Highly Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) while setting it on path of prosperity, growth and economic reforms. The world financial institutions like the World Bank and IMF and ADB have been praising Pakistan for its reforms, fiscal policies and macro-economic achievements.

Poverty alleviation

Pakistan show tremendous reduction in poverty during the period 2000 - 2007. According official figures, the poverty level dropped from 34% to 24% and the overall living standard improves dramatically.


Under Musharraf's tenure, Pakistan saw exceptional setup of 47 universities, including Virtual University, under the supervision of Higher Education Commission.

Most of the universities were of international standards.

Pakistan now has a total of 245,682 educational institutions in all categories, including 164,579 (i.e. 67 percent) in the public sector and 81,103 (i.e. 100 percent) in the private sector, reports the National Education Census (NEC-2005).

The census — jointly conducted by the Ministry of Education, the Academy of Educational Planning and Management (AEPAM) and the Federal Bureau of Statistics (FBS) — reveals that the number of private-sector institutions has increased from 36,096 in 1999-2000 to 81,103 in 2005, i.e. by 100 percent. 45,007 Educational Institutions have increased in Musharraf Era.

I am not intervening in the internal affairs of Pakistan, I feel Pakistan need Musharraf Soon as Possible.

Musharraf and his government were the best thing to have happened to Pakistan since Jinnah - I do hope that he returns to Pakistan, because Pakistan needs his leadership.

However, a great many hurdles are ahead, Pakistan's political elite (Kleptos are us) along with their cronies in the judiciary are not going to make it easy.

Pakistan needs not just Musharraf but an new constitution for a new system -- but one thing at a time.

Well this american drumming of democracy only means a government which works for their intrest.
well sorry but musharraf was good until he did 2 things!


by doing lal masjid he made the mullah sympathizers hate army thinking it is american! since then the sucide bombings have increased 1000 folds!!

2) killing bugtti sparked a freedom struggle in Baluchistan! you don't kill bad leaders you humiliate them!!!

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