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Poverty in Iran reaches new heights

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Mar 17, 2015
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Saudi Arabia
United States

(A line for bread in Iran)

Poverty in Iran reaches new heights

This is signified by the statistics that show that the purchasing power of workers fell by 73% this year while the minimum monthly salary is 170 US Dollars; however surviving in Iran requires roughly twice the amount of that nearing 400 US Dollars for a family of four. The lack of funds eventually causes hunger and starvation amongst the populace and Iranian Minister of Labor and Social Welfare, Ali Rabi’i recently stated that twelve million people are suffering from “food poverty” in Iran.

Lack of food leads to malnutrition amongst children and eventually increases the disease and illness amongst the population. Not to mention the situation as a whole where there is a huge gaping difference between the poor and the rich of Iran, almost twelve million people lie hungry in bed at night while the smaller part of the statistic the rich upper class are well fed and obese.

Deputy Health Minister Mr Ali-Akbar Sayari has said that he regretted that seventy eight percent of Iranians lack fresh fruit and vegetables and do not have a good diet. This is a situation of the utmost importance that needs to be resolved as quickly as possible because the lives of so many are involved and a great injustice is being done.

A hard working man cannot even feed his wife and children because he is not being paid enough or because the prices of fruit and vegetables has gone too high and he cannot purchase it, Let alone get his children educated and run the whole house hold. This economic crisis that has descended on Iran is a result of the faulty governing of the country, corruption and use of the tax money on ulterior motives and agendas instead of tackling and fulfilling the basic needs of the citizens.

Mrs Maryam Rajavi, the elected president of the Iranian Resistance, said on February the eight in Paris, “Iranian households suffer from hunger due to poverty and destitution. Twelve million sleep hungry each night.” She also said that, “If the Mullahs ignore the economic implosion it would lead to the eruption of popular protests.”
well they haven't reached Venezuela tier yet.

Iran can and will bounce back IMO.
They have been under heavy sanctions, give them a freaking break will you. 10 years of sanction free trade and they will become incredibly wealthy. Its just a matter of time.
@azzo can you tell me which bakery this picture is from ?
Why you are not getting tired of lying .that picture look more like a voting line rather than bakery line . If that's a bakery line then the end of the line had to wait for several day before they can buy their bread .

As soon as I went home I'll find out what's the source of the picture and show your real face to everybody here.
They have been under heavy sanctions, give them a freaking break will you. 10 years of sanction free trade and they will become incredibly wealthy. Its just a matter of time.
It was not because of sanction it was because of a plan executed badly .
And that plan was something that happened 2 years ago .And they decided to make a news of it right now .
And it had nothing to do with being poor the government decided to give those goods to more than 70% of Iranians.
This is not surprising. Everyone knows that Iran is a poor country and a poor people. Nothing wrong with that though as not everyone can be rich.

List of countries by GDP (PPP) per capita - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

List of countries by GDP (nominal) per capita - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Meanwhile in the real world Saudi Arabians have the 11th highest GDP (PPP) per capita and the 33th highest GDP (nominal) per capita in the world.

KSA is also the 19th biggest economy in the world and a G-20 Major Economies Member State.

List of countries by GDP (nominal) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

G-20 major economies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Iran on the other hand has a GDP (nominal) per capita that is 5 times lower than that of KSA and lower than that of Jamaica ( :lol: ) of all countries! A smaller economy than 9 million big UAE too.:lol:

List of countries by GDP (nominal) per capita - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yet Farsis here on PDF are making threads about "poverty in KSA" while posting photos of illegal African and Asian migrants. You could not have made this up.



Less than 100 years ago almost 50% of their population died due to a famine.

"At least 8–10 million Iranians out of a population of 18–20 million died of starvation and disease during the famine of 1917–1919. The Iranian holocaust was the biggest calamity of World War I and one of the worst genocides of the 20th century, yet it remained concealed for nearly a century. The 2003 edition of this book relied primarily on US diplomatic records and memoirs of British officers who served in Iran in World War I, but in this edition these documents have been supplemented with US military records, British official sources, memoirs, diaries of notable Iranians, and a wide array of Iranian newspaper reports. In addition, the demographic data has been expanded to include newly discovered US State Department documents on Iran’s pre-1914 population. This book also includes a new chapter with a detailed military and political history of Iran in World War I. A work of enduring value, Majd provides a comprehensive account of Iran’s greatest calamity."

Amazon.com: The Great Famine & Genocide in Iran: 1917-1919 (9780761861676): Mohammad Gholi Majd: Books

That author is an Iranian himself.

Mighty "superpower" Iran STRONK. "Mighty" Iran will invade the entire Arab world tomorrow morning and submit all 450 million Arabs as well! Just like they invaded Iraq (1 out of 22 Arab countries that is/was 3 times smaller and had/have a population that is 2.5 times smaller) and which faced rebellions in the North and South during the war.:lol:

Thank God that they are kissing the butt of the "Great Satan". That might give them so long-awaited relief.

Unless they decide to do this below.
Well at least go and educate your uneducated self about the reason of that famine .

And can you tell me when was the last time we invaded iraq . At least for the people like you we made sure that the invader in that war be as clear as it can be.in that war it was all middle east Arabs minus Syria and Oman against iran .
iran is a poor country , hopefully when people of iran reject the current regime they reject islam too :)
It's about priorities, they have the money, they just spend it on Assad regime and Iraqi militias.

They actually can and do. Especially in the countryside. Even in cities they do it but they risk getting caught and be fined, lol. It's a silly "law" and nobody denies it.
Most are driven around by relatives or chauffeurs. Royals never drive themselves either. Women are horrible drivers anyway and that "ban" (not even formally a ban) is less than 30 years old and will change in a not so distant future.

Nor has it anything to do with poverty.

Iran also has the highest number of drug addicts on the planet along with their neighbors in Afghanistan. Random fact that has nothing to do with poverty either.
Iranfocus...related to MEK terrorists (saddams puppets).

Critics state that the website is one of the web outlets of the MKO, a group identified as a terrorist organization by USA, Canada and European Union. Some say that the MKO uses Iranfocus.com, Iranterror.com and other websites to advocate its position, rather than present objective and accurate news reports.[2][3]
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