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Pov. Developing rising countries that does well


Dec 10, 2019
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United Kingdom
United Kingdom
As I have mentioned due to side tracking, there's been a few times where I nearly lost life under similar circumstances like aftab ali or stephan lawerence.

From when I was small boy. Much deeper has happened, sprinkled with alot of gas lighting and deep mind games.

I am gonna say this out loud. Most of the 99% of dictators that are/were bad have been were bad were put there by the master race west.

The leaders that do perfom well, all asudden become despots. Ever wondered? All asudden when master race west get insecure about it, they look to destroy it. Its easy for them, if you control the flow of everything and anything in the world, from paper, coffee bean, sugar, salt and all to higher value essential and non-essential to crucial medical equipment then it is very easy indeed.

Then all asudden these once highly performing leaders become warped crazed leaders.

Then the flood gates open for ppl like: the sequence below unfolds.

After turning the master race western countries turned the country in despot country by any means. This includes turning its own ppl against them, genocide, or illegal reasons for war.
Ppl come here into to this country that end up enriching it, but also treated like disposable trash. Some people obviously end up being born here. They go on to enrich it economically or socially through music or "culture". Have you pondered the culture aspect?

Some these bad things these master race westerners normalised just before I was born and even when before and during my father came here. Also before both world wars would shock you.

One way to culturally enrich them is some unlucky dog becomes the whipping dogs, abused & their life chewed out, specifically targeted for phenotype and origin. Through doing bad things to whipping dogs these ppl have almost become mildly civilised. Some very bad things happen in the underbelly of life. Some of these ppl had promise and potential, that go on to be famously despondent with life and make it in the papers.

So some aristocrate can fantasise about sending the "bad ones" back, also they use to up to very recently get royalty payments from the unpaid/ near salverey like conditions. Directly from the top est as they had to give up this business model ( well not them, their grandad from hundreds of years ago) We are talking about 10' s millions of sterling a Yr.

It makes it very bitter, knowing that Muslims and South Asians done alot for western Europe, especially the UK. The amount of wealth they have stolen from my homeland. Also as a direct consequence our forefathers came here to rebuild this country.

If ones tries to find a voice that is not amicable to the ova Lords, alot are met with the stick from life of why don't you go back. With out being able to obtain any wealth or even being fulfilled with their life here that has brought many hardships and suffering. On so many levels, this makes my blood boil, knowing our blood has been juiced like you do to an orange.

They also lorde over with their superiority complex, and sometimes become abusive just for that. It makes it bitter knowing that they only progressed so much through suffering of others and profiting off our forefathers as if we were cannon fodder.

A white apologist, would say Arabs slaved Africans too, are they gonna tell the truth NOT just 1/2 truth? They enslaved white euro ppl as well.

Alot of African ppl went on to be highly decorated ppl in the muslim world and poc world. Alot held very good positions in life as well. ALSO THERE QUR'ANIC CONDITIONS OF SLAVES WHICH A SLAVE MASTER MUST MEET. - BEFORE BRIT COLONIASATION ALOT OF MUSLIMS HAD AR LEAST SOME HONOUR IN THE WORD AND FAITH. WE CANT EXACTLY DESTROY IT AND READ EDIT IT.

When you see a famously despondent asian or poc and possibly making it in the papers. DON'T jump on their racist sugar hateful bandwagon. Which I saw alot of people DO.

I have written something like this before, ppl were not ready to hear it. May be they are now?

It's not even lower, developing counties, Europe pulled the strings On Turkey as they did not like the country becoming more attached and refinding their Islamic roots. It been some never ending loop of free fall since around 2015.
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It makes it very bitter, knowing that Muslims and South Asians done alot for western Europe, especially the UK. The amount of wealth they have stolen from my homeland. Also as a direct consequence our forefathers came here to rebuild this country.

Brits ruled Pakistan for less than 100 years. Given your post-independence track record without British rule Pakistan might resemble Afghanistan

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