@Ocean finally somebody who understands how sihr black magic, pirs, faqeers and babas work. These people are indeed very evil. They ask for undergarments, mothers name, date of birth, eatables, sacrifices to ghair allah and are truly evil.
But u r wrong at one thing a dead human cannot possess anything.
You know why all of this works? I have attended some classes to understand the whole thing and thought to share the knowledge I gained.. It is a very complex process and one needs to understand some basic things:
1 - 99% of the black magicians aren't even the magicians. They are fraudsters. 1% are genuine magicians.
2 - In order to do something for a third party through magic, they want help of evil jinns. These jinns are in control of Shaitaan. So in order to get the services of evil jinns, the head jinn (Shaitaan) has to be convinced. He acts as a dalal (outsource services of the jinns to the magicians)
3 - To get the services, Shaitaan needs to be pleased. Now here is a trick.. The more you make your rabb (Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala) angry, the more happier you will find shaitaan.
4 - So some of them invent many ways to make shaitaan happy (and eventually making Allah very angry on you). Some of them I am listing here:
- Praying at the time of sunset, sunrise and considering Shaitaan as god (this is the most easiest way)
- Drinking/ eating excretions of humans/ animals (you know which culture promotes it and has the largest number of magicians.. and the poor people think them as priests.. lolz).
- Writing Qurani Ayat with excretions (that's why we shouldn't take even Qurani ayaats written on a piece of papers as a form of cure/ taweez, because we never know what kind of ink has been used in that)
- Throwing Quran in sewage (people find Quranic papers every few years in sewage)
- Involving in homosexuality (specially with children)
- Killing innocent children and drinking their blood (there are many kidnappings happening all over the world and the children are not found. Those who are found, their bodies are mutilated, these acts are mostly done by black magicians)
There are many more ways other than the above which magicians apply. Once they do these filthy things, Shaitaan becomes very happy.. Then there are some spells to contact Shaitaan in the dream, where they talk and present there demand of the workforce the require.. Shaitaan transfers the workforce temporarily.. Now one things that Shaitaan wants is the continuation and spread of above practices.. So they ask the subject to do the same.. Like one poster said something about it in an earlier post.. these magicians ask them to join him in such practices.. This keeps the evil jinns continue with the work with great determination.
Then the magician asks the jinns to do what the subject requires.. Now jinn needs to find that person.. to do this, jinns ask magicians to provide some kind of identification.. the best way is to provide some kind of cloths which has the subject smell (that's why these magicians ask for used cloths or some hair, together with mother's name .. two factor authentication.. in case cloth has been used by someone else as well).
These jinns remain with the subject for the rest of his life.. Some times, these jinns hypnotize the subject (to love or hate someone, just like the poster narrated.. but it is fake love/ hate), sometimes, they temporarily or permanently damage the health of the subject (if the health deterioration was requested), sometimes, the subject is hypnotize to work poorly at his office place (this is also achieved through jinns hypnotizing him).
A powerful magician sends multiple layers of jinns (because he has so many jinns awarded due to his extremely bad deeds) to harm the subject.. so that if in case a true Quranic treatment is done and the first layer of jinns is removed, a second layer takes over after sometime.. that's why a true Aalim sometimes asks the person to recite Quranic verses all his life.. because as soon as he leaves those, and indulges in habbits forbidden by Allah, or leaves the Fard ibadaat, the second layer takes over. Each layers sometimes consists of 100s of jinns.. People of the household, who have regular contacts with the evil magicians, experience paranormal activities.. and that's natural for obvious reasons.. even the poor subject (or his close relatives) also experiences paranormal activities.. because he is left at the mercy of evil jinns.
@Ocean @IFB