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Post Afghan War scenario for Pakistan


Dec 10, 2009
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Irrespective of the outcome of the present war in afghanistan led by US, following questions bother me alot while contemplating the time when US leave the Afghanistan in 2012-2014.
1. What will be the shape of US Pak Relationship. i)If Afghan war ends as US hope, ii) if it ends as Pakistan hopes, or iii) is there remains the mess.
To these my minds provide me following awnsers;
as per i), I think US will start to focus more on india to achieve its regional objectives and help India to become a regional Policeman for ther region. for ii), i think US will continue is present state of relationship with Pak to keep Al Qaida and Taliban tamed via Pakistan and use occaional outbursts to force Pakistan to follow its line. for iii) I have no Idea what will be course.

Pak-China realationship, once US out of Afghan china will be relieved to great extent, thus necessity to keep relation with Pakistan will be less, so China may explore other options for region hegemony.

Pak -India relation could have various shapes, what I can guess, if the Hawks in India continue to dominate Dehli, then Pak India relation will be worse as US will not be pushing India for good realations. and if Doves moves in Dehli, then the status Quo will continue which too will have a bad effects on Pak.

PS: I am no expert in Foreign Affairs my intentions here are simply to start a healthy discussion on Post Affghan War sceneraio in Pakistani Perspective.
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