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No,I am a crossdresser:mad:

I think its a little over 5'10 (I checked again) - I'm only 5'8 or 174 cm ! :ashamed:

height means squat....i've boxed with a guy who stood barely 5'7 and his arm reach was enough to put 100% of the guys on this forum on the ground and knocked the fck out.

It's not about the size of the dog in the fight, it's about the size of the fight in the dog.

Wife ? :o:

Do you really want to be a human ATM Machine ? :unsure:

No I'm not sure i'm man enough for that honour and responsibility just yet.
Maybe the Commanders were thinking - 'the kid jumped two feet backwards with a G3's recoil maybe giving him an Ak-47 would be an overkill' ? :whistle:

Ak-47 recoil is lighter than G3.

I think nato standard ammunition was the reason for replacements.
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