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ports deal collapse could hurt U.S. in Mideast


Feb 12, 2006
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Bush says ports deal collapse could hurt U.S. in Mideast

uploaded 14 Mar 2006

By The Associated Press

President George W. Bush said Friday that the collapse of the Dubai ports deal could hurt U.S. efforts to recruit Mideast governments as partners in the worldwide war on terror.

Separately, in what may have been an aftershock to the failed transaction, a new round of trade talks between the U.S. and the United Arab Emirates was postponed Friday.

On Thursday, Dubai-based DP World backed away in the face of unrelenting criticism and announced it would transfer its management of port terminals in major U.S. cities to an American entity.

Bush struck a defiant tone Friday with the Republican-led Congress whose new willingness to buck him has taken its most dramatic form with the ports controversy.

The president said he was open to improving the government's method of reviewing such transactions, but he insisted his administration's approval of the deal had posed no security risk - and that the reversal could have the opposite effect.

"I'm concerned about a broader message this issue could send to our friends and allies around the world, particularly in the Middle East," said Bush during an appearance before a conference of the National Newspaper

Association. "In order to win the war on terror, we have got to strengthen our friendships and relationships with moderate Arab countries in the Middle East."

The United Arab Emirates, of which Dubai is a part, is just such a country, Bush said.

Dubai services more U.S. military ships than any other country, shares useful intelligence about terrorists and helped shut down a global black-market nuclear network run by Pakistani nuclear scientist A.Q. Khan, the administration says. This week, though, the State Department's annual human rights report called the UAE's performance "problematic," citing floggings as punishment for adultery or drug abuse.

The president said he would now have to work to shore up the U.S. relationship with the UAE and explain to Congress and the public why it is a valuable one.

"UAE is a committed ally in the war on terror," he said.

En route Friday to a presidential inauguration in Chile, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice echoed Bush. The failed ports deal "means that we are going to have to work and double our efforts to send a strong message that we value our allies, our moderate allies, in the Middle East," she said.

Thursday's action spared Bush an embarrassing showdown, which he seemed likely to lose, over the veto he had threatened of any attempt by Congress to block the transaction.

After weeks of questions from lawmakers of both parties about whether giving a state-owned company from an Arab country control of significant port operations could increase terrorist dangers, the silence from Republicans on Friday was telling. The only statements came from Democrats who sought to keep the issue alive.

And the Democratic Party planned a mobile billboard in Memphis, Tennessee, where Republican activists were gathering for a weekend conference, accusing Republicans of standing in the way of providing enough funding for port security. "Republicans owe the American people answers as to where they really stand," said party spokesman Luis Miranda.

Republicans, too, have said the deal's end does nothing to address continuing U.S. vulnerability at its ports, where the vast majority of shipping containers are not inspected. In fact, work continued on Capitol Hill on two fronts: reworking the process under which the government approves foreign investment and boosting port security.

Senate Homeland Security Chairwoman Susan Collins, a Maine Republican, promised a committee vote by the end of April on legislation to strengthen cargo inspections and port security. Rep. Dan Lungren, a California Republican, was readying a nearly identical measure for the House. Both bills have Democratic co-sponsors.

House Homeland Security Chairman Peter King, a New York Republican, said the secretive process in which a U.S. committee considers security risks of foreign companies seeking to buy or invest in American industry should be changed to make security as important as the now-dominant financial considerations.

Without getting into specifics, the White House said Bush would be open to such reforms as well as to giving Congress additional oversight.

There were some signs the president's worries about the impact abroad were warranted.

Analysts said the developments could make cash-rich investors in the Persian Gulf, where there is the widespread belief that the furor was rooted in anti-Arab bias, wary of high-profile investments in the United States.

And the latest round of negotiations on a new free-trade arrangement between the U.S. and the UAE, scheduled for Monday in the United Arab Emirates, was postponed.

Both sides hastened to dispel speculation that the delay was the result of the ports controversy.

Neena Moorjani, spokeswoman for U.S. Trade Representative Rob Portman, would not directly address that question, but said it's not unusual for delegations to need more time to prepare. A UAE official said there was no connection, and that working groups would continue discussions by phone.

Source: The Associated Press
I heard that UAE can start using Euro instead of USD, can this effect Pakistan in anyway?
A.Rahman said:
I heard that UAE can start using Euro instead of USD, can this effect Pakistan in anyway?

i think racism was the cause of this . the american people thought the arabs were coming to take over theyr ports so they got scared but they are to blame for the scare because the media paints the arabians in a very bad light and never shows anything good about the middel east.
Comanche said:
i think racism was the cause of this . the american people thought the arabs were coming to take over theyr ports so they got scared but they are to blame for the scare because the media paints the arabians in a very bad light and never shows anything good about the middel east.

Americans have so many base in arab countries, Woudlnt they also have a fear of US invasion, It all depends on media on how it show arabs.And I blame media for spreading negavite image of Arabs in Western world.
A.Rahman said:
Americans have so many base in arab countries, Woudlnt they also have a fear of US invasion, It all depends on media on how it show arabs.And I blame media for spreading negavite image of Arabs in Western world.

yes agreed 100% the media wants to show arabs with a camel and a date palm in a desert. that is the standard image with anything arab and the jewish lobby is behind it. the indian lobby in the media shows pakistans as talibans with beards and guns. and indians as fair and well dressed which couldnt be further from the truth becasue the indians try to push that ashawai rye as the worlds most beautiful woman and yet every other woman in pakistan and elswhere looks like that. once you wipe off all that makeup off an indian their ugliness and dark skin shows thats why they are having such an inferiority complex towards pakistan and keep using that fair & lovely cream.and india is 80% HINDU and yet everything they show in india on tv are muslim mounumnets like the taj mahal and the grand masjids of old dehli which are all islamic. they never show anything hindu because it is so filthy and nasty. although i saw the erotic temples in sounth india on national geographic showing orgy scenes and i thought that was neat.and oh yeah i also think some of the statues are interesting too .
Its true what you said about American and Indian media.
American media makes every muslim look like either:
  • was a terrorist at one point
  • is a terrorist right now
  • supports terrorism
  • preaches terrorism
  • hides terrorist in their house
  • likes to see people dieing
  • hides terrorist in a mosque
  • lives in stone age
  • carries a gun
  • has a big beard
  • is illiterate
  • lives in a desert
etc, etc. How pathetic of the American media. They wonder why the world hates them espacially the muslim world. As soon as something negative happens, they are the quickest to jump and start reporting. But do they report anything positive? Not to what I have seen so far. There are a lot of positive things to report about but they simply never do it. Again, I never said the American media actually says these things about muslims, they make muslims look to be so.

Same with the Indian media. 3 people injured in Pakistan and that is their TOP news in their International News ticker. I am not joking here, this is exactly what I saw on two Indian news channels I get.

But economy growth rate 7%+, GDP growth rate high, poverty reduced by 6 - 7%, KSE-100 index breaking records, and a lot more positive things to look at. Will you ever see that in their news ticker, doesn't matter even if its the last news? Not in your life.
Ahsan_R said:
Its true what you said about American and Indian media.
American media makes every muslim look like either:
  • was a terrorist at one point
  • is a terrorist right now
  • supports terrorism
  • preaches terrorism
  • hides terrorist in their house
  • likes to see people dieing
  • hides terrorist in a mosque
  • lives in stone age
  • carries a gun
  • has a big beard
  • is illiterate
  • lives in a desert
etc, etc. How pathetic of the American media. They wonder why the world hates them espacially the muslim world. As soon as something negative happens, they are the quickest to jump and start reporting. But do they report anything positive? Not to what I have seen so far. There are a lot of positive things to report about but they simply never do it. Again, I never said the American media actually says these things about muslims, they make muslims look to be so.

Same with the Indian media. 3 people injured in Pakistan and that is their TOP news in their International News ticker. I am not joking here, this is exactly what I saw on two Indian news channels I get.

But economy growth rate 7%+, GDP growth rate high, poverty reduced by 6 - 7%, KSE-100 index breaking records, and a lot more positive things to look at. Will you ever see that in their news ticker, doesn't matter even if its the last news? Not in your life.

very true! but i just dont get it. why are these indians so jealous of pakistan. is it because indians are short dark skinned and dirty compared to Pakistanians? all they do is spread lies and propaganda 247.
That is the problem with today's media. They mostly focus on negative points of other countries and hardly ever or never focus on the positive points.

My point here is that if you're going to report a negative thing happening somewhere, at least report something that happens positive. Don't tell me that nothing positive is happening, cause most of the time, there is more positive happening than negative.
Ahsan_R said:
That is the problem with today's media. They mostly focus on negative points of other countries and hardly ever or never focus on the positive points.

My point here is that if you're going to report a negative thing happening somewhere, at least report something that happens positive. Don't tell me that nothing positive is happening, cause most of the time, there is more positive happening than negative.

indeed, thank Rupert Murdoch for that.
A.Rahman said:
I heard that UAE can start using Euro instead of USD, can this effect Pakistan in anyway?
Central banks around the world have shifted the currencies in which they hold their reserves,like China and japan.

Its effect on other countries will depend on what currencies they are keeping their reserves.

All these years the central banks across the world used to keep their reserves in USD as it used to be the most stongest currency around.But after the introduction of euro, USD has lost a lot of its shine.And Euro has been more stronger and steadier ,which has lead to most of the central banks to shift a part of their reserves to euro currencies.

And when this shift happens in UAE,it will be selling dollars and buying euro which will make euro more costlier and dollar cheaper.IF a country has its reserves in dollar during this periods they will see the value of the reserves dwindling.
Comanche said:
i think racism was the cause of this . the american people thought the arabs were coming to take over theyr ports so they got scared but they are to blame for the scare because the media paints the arabians in a very bad light and never shows anything good about the middel east.

Comanche this is not politica but economics.pls ...
A.Rahman said:
I heard that UAE can start using Euro instead of USD, can this effect Pakistan in anyway?

The UAE will do no such thing becz the port deal was just a bizness deel and it didnt go through becuz of obvious reasons. UAE is the biggest port for american warships in the gulf region and is buying 80 f16s from usa.

and the same thing is being done to mutthal the steel guy Who's an indian wanting to buy allecor steel of europe and the eropeans are not letting him buy it and calling him a dirty indian rat and bloody brown bastard etc which is very racist. so its a white world and the rest have to abide by their rules . same thing goes for UAE , they have to live with it.
Comanche said:
The UAE will do no such thing becz the port deal was just a bizness deel and it didnt go through becuz of obvious reasons. UAE is the biggest port for american warships in the gulf region and is buying 80 f16s from usa.

and the same thing is being done to mutthal the steel guy Who's an indian wanting to buy allecor steel of europe and the eropeans are not letting him buy it and calling him a dirty indian rat and bloody brown bastard etc which is very racist. so its a white world and the rest have to abide by their rules . same thing goes for UAE , they have to live with it.

its not europe but french who opposed it and as of late the luxemborg govt has agreed to support the deal.

and also can u prove that dubai is the biggest port for US warships in the region?

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