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Pope's comments on Islam

The pope's remarks have made his own credibility doubtfull. He is representative of Vatican his irresponsible attitude and biased remarks speak volume for his inability to be on such a responsible seat.
He didnt said anything about muslims, he talked about our Prophet(PBUH), who we respect a lot.

he said that he was "an evil man"

means that Islam is evil.... indirectly

Well said Brother A Rehman.
It is not the pope,s attack on muslims which may have been justified that is at the core of the issue. When you attack our Prophet(PBUH), it is right for every muslims blood ot boil. There are limits, and this is one limit you dont cross!!!!. He should have known better after the illfamed and letcherous cartoon slander against the Prophet(PBUH). Jana is absolutely right in observing that he has cast his own credibility in doubt by such slander. Members may remember that at the time of his appointment, there had been serious concerns raised by various news papers and even clerics about his hard line beliefs. I say that as muslims we should respect clerics of other faiths, but he has undone all the work of John Paul II with one irresponsible speech. This will make this unruly and divided world an even more fragmented place.
Wa Salam
He didnt said anything about muslims, he talked about our Prophet(PBUH), who we respect a lot.

he said that he was "an evil man"

means that Islam is evil.... indirectly
So he said it. Big deal. Violence is evil. Muslims respond by evil, so he is correct right?

Can't they respond by calling him evil in return and that's that?
So he said it. Big deal. Violence is evil. Muslims respond by evil, so he is correct right?

Can't they respond by calling him evil in return and that's that?

No we do not. This is the point that others have to understand. As Muslims we are not allowed to bad mouth other religions (some may but its against Islam). In return we expect a similar respect for our great Prophet. There is plenty of blood on the hands of the followers of all great religion. Its just that in this day and age, its become vogue to point out everything Muslim or Islamic as violent (even though for the greater part of our 1400 years of existance, Muslims have lived at peace with others).

Muslims respond by evil

Rather idiotic generalization mind you.
So he said it. Big deal. Violence is evil. Muslims respond by evil, so he is correct right?

Can't they respond by calling him evil in return and that's that?

Aray meray Bhai.
You are obviously spoiling for a fight. I will totally agree with you that it is a big deal for a muslim, if somebody slanders the Prophet(PBUH). I cannot epxlain to you why, but it is. The reason you will never understand it is because you will never comprehend the reverance and love that even a sinner like me has for the Prophet(PBUH). An attack on his personality is an attack on the very core of a muslims being. It is so because, the Prophet was an embodiment of Islam, an ordinary human being who lived like a muslim should. Let me give you an example that you will never understand and I am telling you now will frown upon and ridicule. But my friend it is absolutely true. When the prophet used to perform Wadhu(ablution prior to prayer), the Ashab- e Karaam(his companions) would drink the water that came out of his mouth( Kulli- if you understand Hindsi/Urdu) or even touched his body. would you do that to anybody, including your parents!! And yet I will bet all that I have that any muslim even now would be honoured to do it even today. See I told you-- you will never understand!
Violence is evil___ there is no doubt about it, Especially indiscriminate violence, which is not targeted against anybody is evil in the extreme. No Muslim in their right mind can condone that. What you are seeing today, is a nationalistic interpretation of religion by people who have no hope and no future left in their lives. Now the question I ask you is who has brought them to this threshold where they are willing to sacrifice their life just to gain attention to their cause?. Can I have an answer here? You know very well who these powers are.
Muslims respond by violence--- Idisagree. We have expressed extreme anger but not resorted to violence against the Pope.
Can we respond by calling him evil-----No! For the simple reason that it is not the Pope we are against but his views about Islam and Muslims. He has generalized an issue without any consideration for the hundreds of millions of muslims who are honest law abiding citizens. His seat of authority demands that he issues sensible statements , which he has clearly not done. Abusing his person does not take away the hurt that muslims feel when somebody says nasty things about the Prophet(PBUH) for reasons explained above.
Lastly If you want to ask any further questions and clear your misconceptions I would be very glad to help, but if you are here to stir trouble, then there is no sense talking to you.
Keep smiling
No we do not. This is the point that others have to understand. As Muslims we are not allowed to bad mouth other religions (some may but its against Islam). In return we expect a similar respect for our great Prophet. There is plenty of blood on the hands of the followers of all great religion. Its just that in this day and age, its become vogue to point out everything Muslim or Islamic as violent (even though for the greater part of our 1400 years of existance, Muslims have lived at peace with others).

Brother Blain 2. AsSalam o Alaikum.
You are so right. The reason we do not badmouth their religion is because they are the people of the book. Which muslim does not have love in his heart for the Prophets Abraham, Isaac, Moses and Jesus(PBUH)! To bad mouth-- even thinking about it would be a grave sin.
Wadhu(ablution prior to prayer), the Ashab- e Karaam(his companions) would drink the water that came out of his mouth( Kulli- if you understand Hindsi/Urdu) or even touched his body. would you do that to anybody, including your parents!
Bro this is not valid. The companions did no such a thing and the Prophet (pbuh) never allowed it either. Please correct me by posting valid references to this incident.

This is the first that I have ever heard of it. Tahara (bodily as well as ritual purity) is a very essential part of Islam and this story above runs absolutely contrary to it.

Brother Blain 2. AsSalam o Alaikum.
You are so right. The reason we do not badmouth their religion is because they are the people of the book. Which muslim does not have love in his heart for the Prophets Abraham, Isaac, Moses and Jesus(PBUH)! To bad mouth-- even thinking about it would be a grave sin.

Walalikum Assalam.

I also believe that bad mouthing has nothing to do with some being people of the book. The Prophet of God (SAW) commanded us to not bad-mouth *anyone's* dieties because they only result in insults being invoked back at you and your religion. We must respect others (even though we disagree with their beliefs as in the end, its not up to us but for God to decide who is right and who is wrong.)
Musharraf for banning 'defamation of Islam'

UNITED NATIONS (updated on: September 19, 2006, 23:07 PST): President Pervez Musharraf on Tuesday called for a ban on the 'defamation of Islam' in a speech to the UN General Assembly in which he took a veiled swipe at Pope Benedict XVI for his remarks linking the Muslim faith to violence.

'We also need to bridge, through dialogue and understanding, the growing divide between the Islamic and Western worlds,' Musharraf told the 192-member assembly. 'It is imperative to end racial and religious discrimination against Muslims and to prohibit the defamation of Islam.'

And in an indirect reference to Pope Benedict XVI, he added: "It is most disappointing to see personalities of high standing oblivious of Muslim sensitivities at these critical moments."

President Musharraf also addressed the vexing issue of global terrorism, noting that Pakistan's co-operation with many countries, including the United States and Britain, had "pre-empted several terrorist plots, such as the one uncovered recently to blow up airliners flying from London."

"While we confront terrorism, our strategy must seek to eliminate this phenomenon comprehensively," he said, proposing a two-pronged strategy combining the anti-terror fight with efforts to resolve conflicts afflicting the Islamic world.

"Across the Muslim world, old conflicts and new campaigns of military intervention have spawned a deep sense of desperation and injustice," the president said.

"Each new battleground involving an Islamic state has served as a new breeding ground for extremists and terrorists. Indiscriminate bombings, civilian casualties, torture, human rights abuses, racial slurs and discrimination only add to the challenge of defeating terrorism."

"Unless we end foreign occupation and suppression of Muslim peoples, terrorism and extremism will continue to find recruits among alienated Muslims in various parts of the world," he warned.

Musharraf for banning 'defamation of Islam'
Musharraf for banning 'defamation of Islam'

Then that'd be a ban on freedom of speech. If someone wants to defame Islam, they should be allowed to!

Nobody is preventing the Muslims to promote Islam.
Then that'd be a ban on freedom of speech. If someone wants to defame Islam, they should be allowed to!

Nobody is preventing the Muslims to promote Islam.

There is a certain thing called civility in discourse. This is all that is being asked for. Majority of Muslims have not made bad mouthing other religious personalities a hobby.

In the end, as a Muslim, I really am not too worried about someone's statements as I am not the one on the street going nuts over it. However, all these statements do nothing to further a positive discourse, rather they cause bigger splits inbetween peoples of different faiths. It goes without saying that when something preposterous and untrue is stated about one's beliefs and religion, it hurts.
All I say is, that if you say f you to me, you'd get to hear F YOU louder back.

But I agree there should be no violence. Moonh se bolo haathon se nahi
Bro this is not valid. The companions did no such a thing and the Prophet (pbuh) never allowed it either. Please correct me by posting valid references to this incident.

This is the first that I have ever heard of it. Tahara (bodily as well as ritual purity) is a very essential part of Islam and this story above runs absolutely contrary to it.

Brother Blain2. AsSalam o Alaikum.
Iwill certainly check and let you know. JazakAllah ofr reminding me and I will look it up and if necessary correcdt it myself. I certainly remember accounts of above and also of Hazrat Mua wia(RA) asking for the cut nails of the Prophet(PBUH) to be crushed and put on his eyes prior to burial.The problem is that we take certain accounts which may be of dubious origins to be c0orrect if we read them in a book. There are instances where the Prophet has placed his Luaab e mubarak on peoples wounds, for them to heal(If I am not mistaken Hazrat Abubakr During Hijrat was bitten by various vermin trying to protect the prophet(PBUH) from them when they were hiding in the cave and this account arose on that occasion. But I will confirm and let you know or correct myself

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