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Poorest Poor In US Hits New Record: 1 In 15 People

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Poorest Poor In US Hits New Record: 1 In 15 People
WASHINGTON (AP) — The ranks of America's poorest poor have climbed to a record high — 1 in 15 people — spread widely across metropolitan areas as the housing bust pushed many inner-city poor into suburbs and other outlying places and shriveled jobs and income.
New census data paint a stark portrait of the nation's haves and have-nots at a time when unemployment remains persistently high. It comes a week before the government plans to release first-ever economic data that will show more Hispanics, elderly and working-age poor have fallen into poverty.
In all, the numbers underscore the breadth and scope by which the downturn has reached further into mainstream America.
"There now really is no unaffected group, except maybe the very top income earners," said Robert Moffitt, a professor of economics at Johns Hopkins University. "Recessions are supposed to be temporary, and when it's over, everything returns to where it was before. But the worry now is that the downturn — which will end eventually — will have long-lasting effects on families who lose jobs, become worse off and can't recover."
Traditional inner-city black ghettos are thinning out and changing, drawing in impoverished Hispanics who have low-wage jobs or are unemployed. Neighborhoods with poverty rates of at least 40 percent are stretching over broader areas, increasing in suburbs at twice the rate of cities.
Once-booming Sun Belt metro areas are now seeing some of the biggest jumps in concentrated poverty.
Signs of a growing divide between rich and poor can be seen in places such as the upscale Miami suburb of Miami Shores, where nannies gather with their charges at a playground nestled between the township's sprawling golf course and soccer fields. The locale is a far cry from where many of the nannies live.
One is Mariana Gripaldi, 36, an Argentine who came to the U.S. about 10 years ago to escape her own country's economic crisis. She and her husband rent a two-bedroom apartment near Biscayne Bay in a middle-class neighborhood at the north end of Miami Beach, far from the chic hotels and stores.
But Gripaldi said in the past two years, the neighborhood has seen an increase in crime.
"The police come sometimes once or twice a night," she said in Spanish. "We are looking for a new place, but it's so expensive. My husband went to look at a place (to rent), and it was $1,500 for a two-bedroom, one bath. I don't like the changes, but I don't know if we can move."
About 20.5 million Americans, or 6.7 percent of the U.S. population, make up the poorest poor, defined as those at 50 percent or less of the official poverty level. Those living in deep poverty represent nearly half of the 46.2 million people scraping by below the poverty line. In 2010, the poorest poor meant an income of $5,570 or less for an individual and $11,157 for a family of four.
That 6.7 percent share is the highest in the 35 years that the Census Bureau has maintained such records, surpassing previous highs in 2009 and 1993 of just over 6 percent.
Broken down by states, 40 states and the District of Columbia had increases in the poorest poor since 2007, and none saw decreases. The District of Columbia ranked highest at 10.7 percent, followed by Mississippi and New Mexico. Nevada had the biggest jump, rising from 4.6 percent to 7 percent.
Concentrated poverty also spread wider.
After declining during the 1990s economic boom, the proportion of poor people in large metropolitan areas who lived in high-poverty neighborhoods jumped from 11.2 percent in 2000 to 15.1 percent last year, according to a Brookings Institution analysis released Thursday. Such geographically concentrated poverty in the U.S. is now at the highest level since 1990, following a decade of high unemployment and rising energy costs.
Extreme poverty today continues to be prevalent in the industrial Midwest, including Detroit and Grand Rapids, both in Michigan, and Akron, Ohio, due to a renewed decline in manufacturing. But the biggest growth in high-poverty areas is occurring in newer Sun Belt metro areas such as Las Vegas, Nevada; Riverside, California; and Cape Coral, Florida, after the plummeting housing market wiped out home values and dried up construction jobs.
As a whole, the number of poor in the suburbs who lived in high-poverty neighborhoods rose by 41 percent since 2000, more than double the growth of such city neighborhoods.
Elizabeth Kneebone, a senior research associate at Brookings, described a demographic shift in people living in high-poverty neighborhoods, which have less access to good schools, hospitals and government services. As concentrated poverty spreads to new areas, including suburbs, the residents are now more likely to be white, native-born and high school or college graduates, not the conventional image of high-school dropouts or single mothers in inner-city ghettos.
The more recent broader migration of the U.S. population, including working- and middle-class blacks, to the South and to suburbs helps explain some of the shifts in poverty.
A study by the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies found that the population of 133 historically black ghettos had dropped 36 percent since 1970, as the U.S. black population growth slowed and many blacks moved to new areas. The newest residents in these ghettos are now more likely to be Hispanic, who have more than tripled their share in the neighborhoods, to 21 percent.
Just over 7 percent of all African-Americans nationwide now live in traditional ghettos, down from 33 percent in 1970.
"As extreme-poverty neighborhoods emerge in more places, that is shifting the general makeup of those populations," said Kneebone, the lead author of the Brookings analysis.
New 2010 poverty data to be released next week by the Census Bureau will show additional demographic changes.
The new supplemental poverty measure for the first time will take into account noncash aid such as tax credits and food stamps, but also additional everyday costs such as commuting and medical care. Official poverty figures released in September took into account only income before tax deductions.
Based on newly released estimates for 2009, the new measure will show a significant jump in overall poverty. Poverty for Americans 65 and older is on track to nearly double after factoring in rising out-of-pocket medical expenses, from 9 percent to over 15 percent. Poverty increases also are anticipated for the working-age population because of commuting and child-care costs, while child poverty will dip partly due to the positive effect of food stamps, a government program that supplies coupons that the poor can exchange for food.
For the first time, the share of Hispanics living in poverty is expected to surpass that of African-Americans based on the new measure, reflecting in part the lower participation of immigrants and non-English speakers in government aid programs such as housing and food stamps. The 2009 census estimates show 27.6 percent of all Hispanics living in poverty, compared with 23.4 percent for blacks.
Alba Alvarez, 52, a nanny who chatted recently in Miami, said she is lucky because her employer rents an apartment to her and her husband at a low rate in a comfortable neighborhood on the bay. But her adult children, who followed her to the U.S. from Honduras, are having a harder time.
They initially found work in a regional wholesale fruit and vegetable market that supplies many local supermarkets. But her youngest son recently lost his job, and since he has no legal status, he cannot get any help from the government.
"As a mother, I feel so horrible. There's this sense of powerlessness. I wanted things to be better for them in this country," Alvarez said. "I (recently) suggested my youngest go back to Honduras. It's easier for me to help him there than here, where rent and everything is so expensive."
news brewing these days is the coming years will be the US's lost decade.

things may worsen.

An American who lost his job begs for his family on a street corner in Miami, Florida. The ranks of America's poor have climbed to a record high, according to new census data. (AP)

First signs of a defeated empire..remember similar situations of the Soviet Union? Americans wanted to build the Great American Century much like the Reich which shall last a 1000 years and instead they got this!

News like these coupled with headlines like that above clearly points to where this might lead. The Saudis with the wealth and an appetite of giving will not be left behind to capitalize on poorest Hispanic and Latinos with some Islamic message of conservatism.

The infidel plans and do does Allah but Allah's plan is the best plan
What made the US the most prosperous country in the World was its ever expanding Middle class. Since the seventies, this trend has reversed and now we have the incredibly shrinking middle class. The difference between the haves and have nots is increasing by the day and that is going to be the cause of the demise of this great society.
These are the very reasons why another war in the middle east is becoming a necessity even if that happens by lies and propoganda once again. Invading Afghanistan and Iraq has not paid off in term of investment value.
One is Mariana Gripaldi, 36, an Argentine who came to the U.S. about 10 years ago to escape her own country's economic crisis. She and her husband rent a two-bedroom apartment near Biscayne Bay in a middle-class neighborhood at the north end of Miami Beach..."We are looking for a new place, but it's so expensive. My husband went to look at a place (to rent), and it was $1,500 for a two-bedroom, one bath.
Not a good example of poverty. They live on Miami Beach! If they want to live cheaper they can move to Broward County where they can rent (or even buy) a superior apartment in a good neighborhood for half the price and commute by bus. But no, they want to have the beach close by...

---------- Post added at 08:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:24 PM ----------

somebozo and Vcheng, thank you for your examples. These illustrations are better journalism than the example in the AP article above!
Food Stamps is now doubled than previous.

Report: 15 Percent of U.S. Population Receives Food Stamps
Nov 3 2011


Exemplifying the state of the United States' dismal economy is the news that emerged Thursday that 15 percent of the nation's population now receives food stamps.

The number of poor applying for food stamps has also increased by 8.1 percent over the past year for a total of 45.8 million. Under the assumption that there are about 190 million Americans of working age, that would mean that one out of every four of working age are now receiving food stamp benefits.

The state of Mississippi was found to be one of the worst hit areas, with more than 21 percent of the population being food stamp recipients. One in five residents in Louisiana, New Mexico, Oregon and Tennessee were also dependent on food stamps to eat.

Officials fear that the number of Americans on food stamps will swell even more in the coming months as the nation battles record unemployment and continued financial hardship.

The Wall Street Journal points out that increase in the number of recipients could be partially due to the fact that many states have waived the requirements limiting the assets that food stamp applicants could own.

Researchers at the Carsey Institute at the University of New Hampshire estimate that the percentage of Americans receiving food stamps increased by 61.2 percent between 2007 and 2010.

Single parents were found to rely heavily upon the food stamps, and a 10 percent increase over last year was seen. Last year, 42 percent of single mothers and 25 percent of single fathers relied on food stamps. In rural areas, the figures were even worse, with one in two mothers receiving the benefits.


Food stamp use up 62 percent in recession

DURHAM, N.H., Nov. 2 (UPI) -- The percentage of Americans receiving food stamps increased 61.2 percent between 2007, when the recession began, and 2010, U.S. researchers say.

Jessica Bean, vulnerable families research associate at the Carsey Institute at the University of New Hampshire, said nearly 12 percent of U.S. households reported getting food stamps, an increase of 4 percentage points since 2007.

The number of Americans turning to the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program, rose to 44 million in 2010, compared with 35.9 million in July 2009 and 27.3 million in November 2007, Bean said.

From 2007 to 2010, the percentage of urban households receiving SNAP benefits increased from 9.8 percent to 14.8 percent, and rural households saw an increase from 10.6 percent to 14.6 percent. Suburban households receiving SNAP benefits increased from 5.4 percent to 9 percent during the period.

Reliance on food stamps was very high among single parents in 2010, rising 10 percentage points nationally among single mothers and fathers since the recession began, Bean said.

In 2010, 42 percent of single mothers and 25 percent of single fathers relied on food stamps and in rural places, the rate was as high as one in two single mothers, the analysis said.

"These findings suggest that not only did SNAP receipt continue to rise in 2010, but it rose at an accelerated pace among households struggling the most, providing critical support to families in a tough economy," Bean said in a statement.
Most moving sign I've seen: "I'm fifteen with no home no mom and Daddy in jail." Charity can provide him with food and shelter and tax dollars his schooling, but what substitute is there for a healthy family life?

An American who lost his job begs for his family on a street corner in Miami, Florida. The ranks of America's poor have climbed to a record high, according to new census data. (AP)
Wall st keep robing his money instead of help :cool:
Freddie Mac to Seek $6 Billion More from Taxpayers
Published: Thursday, 3 Nov 2011 | 9:54 AM ET Text Size

Mortgage finance giant Freddie Mac said on Wednesday it will seek an additional $6 billion from U.S. taxpayers following its worst quarterly loss this year.
News Headlines
Things are getting expensive by the day in the US. Groceries, gas, clothes, cars, toys, house hold items. Things are not looking good.
Things are getting expensive by the day in the US. Groceries, gas, clothes, cars, toys, house hold items. Things are not looking good.
Yes, but the point is these people don't have jobs. The "poorest poor" are getting priced out of their former niches in unskilled and semi-skilled factory work by a currency-suppressing China, which U.S. policymakers see as suppressing living standards in order to build up dollar surpluses.

Don't mistake me; Chinese currency decisions are a minor factor. The major one is that we have to get our social spending under control; we are spending money on the wrong things. We should move retirement age forward twelve years, move to control medical costs better, and make it easier for new businesses to start up without government interference.
Yes, but the point is these people don't have jobs. The "poorest poor" are getting priced out of their former niches in unskilled and semi-skilled factory work by a currency-suppressing China, which U.S. policymakers see as suppressing living standards in order to build up dollar surpluses.

Don't mistake me; Chinese currency decisions are a minor factor. The major one is that we have to get our social spending under control; we are spending money on the wrong things. We should move retirement age forward twelve years, move to control medical costs better, and make it easier for new businesses to start up without government interference.

Part of the house of cards economic problems is overly inflated usury based economy. I pay a $1 for a pack of medicine, the same in USA cost $10. See the differences..fix your own cards based economy rather than blaming china.
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